So, someone actually messaged me about this a month back; thought it was only fair to give an update for all those who still are interested.
In a Post-Covid Odyssey, I'd still want to see this through. I'd probably go out & get people fancy stickers for attending lol.
The option of renting out a conference hall is still there; but I'd have to probably figure out the receptacle load & find out if I need to bring in some trip hazards &/or plug into other outlets from other receptacles outside the conference room. Then I would have to figure out the networking & setup the LAN Server; which is absolutely not my forte.
The best easy option would to rent out a gaming lounge or internet cafe. I'd have to figure out who survived the great small business depression. Most places I've been to have around 20-30 PCs? TF2 isn't as hard to run (unless it really dropped in optimization since I've played).
Any thoughts or tips just post & I'll try to get an answer for you or somebody smarter than me can chime in!