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Signed Up October 8, 2012
Last Posted May 8, 2023 at 8:07 AM
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#19 top 5 snipers in TF2 General Discussion

cant really count people who didnt play at the top level, a big fish in a small pond can look like a god

flippy, jukebox and sheep all dominated on LAN. i cant think of anyone else ive played against who had as much consistent impact as those 3

tviq and forsaken didnt do as well on LAN. clockwork, me and thalash werent good enough to warrant going sniper as much as the others. i didnt play against bo4r so i have no idea, apparently he didnt snipe much at rewind 2 but idk

posted about 6 years ago
#19 Tips for Rocket Jumping with the Original in Q/A Help

no that doesnt take you as far as a normal jump

posted about 6 years ago
#17 Tips for Rocket Jumping with the Original in Q/A Help
VisStarkieyou cant rocket jump as far with the originalYou can actually jump further with the original, as it shoots right beneath you, ctaps with it are a pleasure to do.
Someone from the jump community told me that if you are playing jump maps with the Original you are either a complete noob or insanely good

you can't ctap as far with the original
you can max-height ctap (691 units) with both the stock and original but its harder with stock as you need a precise strafe

posted about 6 years ago
#13 Tips for Rocket Jumping with the Original in Q/A Help

you cant rocket jump as far with the original

posted about 6 years ago
#52 2018 World Cup in World Events

posted about 6 years ago
#12 JumpBug in TF2 General Discussion

if you fall from certain heights you'll be able to consistently jumpbug so there could be some useful ones out there

posted about 6 years ago
#43 Florida High School Shooting in World Events

why do these threads get made
the comments are always the same arguments for/against gun control, edgy jokes or just thoughts and prayers

posted about 6 years ago
#93 ETF2L bans wall bugs in TF2 General Discussion
BloodisHey, before things here get even more out of control, we, as in the whole ETF2L admin team, have been reading through all the feedback from this thread and have come to the conclusion that the wallbug rule is very vague and doesn't explain the intention as to why it was even mentioned on the list with other banned spots.

First of all, we published a list like this in order to be more transparent towards our players regarding what exactly is allowed or not allowed in matches, with the aim to have teams and players report us any new spots in maps that can be exploited. An example of a map where this is the case is Gullywash, where a player is able to shoot through the shutter on last when it's closed or taunt with Equalizer/Escape Plan from elbow to the balcony without dying from it.

The part that caused a lot of controversy was this: "All maps: Sticking to angled walls", which is understandable, as it doesn't give any explanation to what instances it is applied to. Before anything, this has not been allowed on ETF2L for years now, as Muuki already said in post #6 in this thread. Regardless, we will be removing this part from the rules for now and I'll clarify it properly here.

We have decided that it's not fair to prohibit players from using simple game mechanics that can be done without the use of scripts or without the use of 3rd party plugins. With this in mind, due to popular demand, we will allow people to use the game mechanics as they see it fit. However, the use of map only mechanics, such as sticking yourself to an invisible wall, for example on Product, from where you can gain information about what's happening in the map without being able to be damaged by enemies is not allowed.
Any similar map exploit that is reported to us will be discussed within the admin team and we'll try to come to a conclusion about them as quickly as possible.

ETF2L's intention was to make people aware which spots in certain maps are allowed to be used and which are not. The post we published applies to old map spots that players in the past have been warned not to use. The only difference now is that they're of public knowledge now, instead of players having to come to us in order to know if a certain spot is allowed or not.

you didnt need to wallbug up there on product, is standing up there normally prohibited as well?
is it just the fact you cant get shot?
are other map exploits where you can hide really high up banned too?

posted about 6 years ago
#13 Should I be worried about my teammates? in Off Topic

ive had a teammate over the years who just loves ponies. i was worried at the start but honestly its harmless
make sure you set clear boundaries though i dont let that little dutch fuck send me fluttershy garbage on steam

posted about 6 years ago
#36 Jump Frustration in TF2 General Discussion
syphDepending on the jump i get dizzy, and i just can't after an hour tops on the same jump.
So this shit makes no sense to me:

the same guy used to have the slowest time on tempus
15 hour 40 min run on jump_edgebug iirc

posted about 6 years ago
#88 Greatest TF2 Airshots of All Time Part 2 in Videos
Blackhawk48 is the min of direct damage, which is logic at this distance where i don't think a splash would do 48 damage this one is the original and it seems to be a direct

its definitely a direct idk why everyone thinks its splash

posted about 6 years ago
#238 favorite b4nny tweet? in Off Topic

I Dont Understand. . . How Can Anything Be More Important Than TF2? MUst Be a LAN Dodger

posted about 6 years ago
#126 Eleague Boston Major in CS2 General Discussion
YeeHawStarkiei really doubt they can understand the calls from the crowd, you can hear noise but you cant pick out whats being said
olof confirmed he used the crowd in this clip in an interview after the game, but i can't find it right now

also this clip, where the crowd apparently shouts out 'window' in portugese:

yes i said they cant pick out whats being said but they can hear the crowd

posted about 6 years ago
#118 Eleague Boston Major in CS2 General Discussion

i really doubt they can understand the calls from the crowd, you can hear noise but you cant pick out whats being said

posted about 6 years ago
#104 Eleague Boston Major in CS2 General Discussion


posted about 6 years ago
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