Account Details
SteamID64 76561197995209440
SteamID3 [U:1:34943712]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:17471856
Country United States
Signed Up August 17, 2012
Last Posted December 18, 2019 at 9:59 PM
Posts 323 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 3.41
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Zowie ZA12
Keyboard SteelSeries 6GV2
Mousepad Puretrak Talent
Headphones ODAC > O2 > HE-500
Monitor Asus VG236H
1 ⋅⋅ 18 19 20 21 22
#3 New headset in TF2 General Discussion

Total around $45 + shipping, be better than pretty much every headset out there.

posted about 12 years ago
#6 what was esports come to in Off Topic
An apologetic and accepting tone, and one that only took getting punished nine separate times by the game’s governing body to elicit.

So the kid was warned 8 times previously that he needs to stop yet he chose not to. I don't see why you consider this the end of esports as we know it.

posted about 12 years ago
#23 Solemn Vow in TF2 General Discussion

I know this may be too much work, but in the future would it be possible for the voters to write up why they are unbanning previously banned weapons, rather than to scramble around at the last minute. Or maybe each voter has to play test an unbanned weapon just to make sure that their reasons for unbanning the weapon in the first place were correct.

posted about 12 years ago
#21 Fully charged tonight in TF2 General Discussion
Goati dont know who would make them more mad. twitchjohn or etf2l head admin canFo

b4nny was also up there, would have been great to see that reaction.

posted about 12 years ago
#34 Comfy Headphones? in Hardware
capnfapnStochast1ccapnfapnCould somebody reccomend some headphones or a headset that are good at not leaking sound? I don't want my parents to know that I like to listen to SNSD christmas songs : /
Nobody can give you recommendations until you first give a price range and either your preferred music genres or what you prefer to listen to in your music. I could link you $5,000 headphones that do what you want but I assume that is out of your budget.

Sorry for not being very descriptive. Rock/punk/alternative/metal sorts of stuff is generally my favorite. Im not super picky about the budget but im hoping for something less than 200 dollars, preferably around 150 maybe?

No need to apologize, the world of headphones is very complex. Considering you really want to stay around $150 I highly recommend the V-MODA M-80 or the Sennheiser HD 25-1 II. However, the list over at is a very nice reference of the best headphones for all categories broken down by price. Anything you see on there is a good headphone if you want to do your own research.

posted about 12 years ago
#26 Comfy Headphones? in Hardware
capnfapnCould somebody reccomend some headphones or a headset that are good at not leaking sound? I don't want my parents to know that I like to listen to SNSD christmas songs : /

Nobody can give you recommendations until you first give a price range and either your preferred music genres or what you prefer to listen to in your music. I could link you $5,000 headphones that do what you want but I assume that is out of your budget.

posted about 12 years ago
#44 ESEA Weapon Bans in TF2 General Discussion
DarkNecridI feel like allowing the Red Tape Recorder is kinda bad, especially since the Dead Ringer is allowed. While Engineer is not a popular off-class by any means, it is pretty integral to how Gravel Pit is typically played, and the RTR is a buggy overpowered unlock that with minimal skill involved wrecks an Engineer. Even if the Engineer reacts as fast as he possibly can, the RTR will always downlevel a sentry by 1 level, and if it downlevels a Dispenser it takes away all the metal inside of it. All you have to do is use the Dead Ringer to suicide sap buildings and you get easy downlevels on everything.

It is even banned in Highlander because of how broken it is, imo I wouldn't allow it just because it could really mess with GPit potentially. Even if the Engineer does basically everything right he gets punished unless he knows ahead of time where/when the Spy is coming.

I agree completely, it leads to some pretty stupid strategies on a map that a lot of people hate in the first place. Considering that only 2/7 voted to ban it, it seems like the majority of voters don't really know how overpowered the weapon is, unless the thought is that spies aren't drawn towards a sentry anyway, so why ban the weapon since now spies have an option to go for the buildings over players.

Maybe in invite this won't be a problem, but in open I can see teams running a spy to get that sentry out of the way, since oftentimes the sentry is the real problem, not uber, that teams have pushing into gravelpit B.

posted about 12 years ago
#23 Why is ESEA so fucking terrible? in TF2 General Discussion
potOdissiusTime to say fuck ESEA and make a TeamFortress.TV League and migrate all ESEA teams to it?I agree with this. Entry fees are used to fund a LAN final for the top 4 teams, including LAN expenses and flights.

And do you really think that the entry fees could really cover all this? Hell, I don't even think that entry fees could cover renting out a hall for the LAN to take place. You would need to get massive sponsor support before anything like this could happen. Face it, it is either ESEA or have no seasonal LAN. Besides, the problems with the stv/computers would happen anywhere and honestly they were fixed fairly quickly.

posted about 12 years ago
#6 keep getting hl2 errors in Q/A Help
rickmusAll but one crash are the same crash. Those crashes are not graphics related and I don't have a quick workaround. While this crash is in an area I'm not familiar with, I'll take a look to try and diagnose it. Otherwise, I have forwarded it onto the tf2 team.

So one of valves employees is looking at the problem right now. What I can say is try switching to -dxlevel 9* and see if that fixes the problem for you. Switching from -dxlevel 81 to -dxlevel 95 fixed my problems but it seems like some people still get crashes.

Regardless, it seems like the crash is a result of whenever anybody joins the game after you have joined. is the link to the spuf thread where a possible fix will go if switching dxlevels doesn't fix it for you.

posted about 12 years ago
#9 Prem / Invite mouse settings in TF2 General Discussion

Really stupid statistics time, yay!

Overall (in/360)
Avg = 9.8571428571
Std = 6.240647727
Min = 1.818
Max = 35.511

Avg = 15.0093333333
Std = 7.5183425113
Min = 5.682
Max = 35.511

Avg = 7.66025
Std = 3.5195940686
Min = 1.818
Max = 13.636

Avg = 7.6036
Std = 4.4032866311
Min = 2.406
Max = 15.734

Avg = 6.573875
Std = 2.9241496169
Min = 2.886
Max = 10.12

Take from this what you will, small sample size but maybe a decent starting recommendation when picking a new sens.

posted about 12 years ago
#12 Upvote this reddit thread, spread the word in TF2 General Discussion
frknlynafrknCompetitive things posted in r/tf2 used to get a lot more downvotes/negative comments. This is a welcome change.I've never really seen any negative commentsI dunno like 6 months ago or so it seemed to me that nearly every thread in r/tf2 had a bunch of comments complaining that it was there instead of r/truetf2 and sometimes even comments along the lines of competitive tf2 (sometimes 6v6 specific) blows. But maybe I am completely wrong and somehow these memories formulated themselves in my head, it wouldnt be the first time lol

Honestly, so what. If the posts about 6s get upvoted, then the majority obviously care. Just because there is a vocal negative minority doesn't mean we should stop trying to promote this event.

posted about 12 years ago
#53 Favorite Word in Off Topic

Apoptosis, it has the plus of having an awesome definition as well.

posted about 12 years ago
#4 $400 in upgrades in Hardware

Really depends on what you want out of the system.

An SSD will vastly improve your overall computer experience but can be a pain to set up initially (since it practically requires a reinstall of your OS).

A 120Hz monitor really only offers benefits for fast paced games because your current monitor has really good picture (as far as I can tell) and even a cheap 120Hz will take a huge chunk of money away from that pool.

I have no idea what your graphics card is, but if it is closing in on 3 years old that also might be something to look into, IF you want to play the newest games on max quality.

If you feel like your current mouse/mat is getting stale then you might want to get new ones, but that is all preference.

Other than this you might want to get a much better audio system than just a $10 headset. Consider getting some nice headphones in the ~$100 range (the ATH-AD700 and ATHM50 are usually considered the best in this range but there is a whole list over at For recording either buy one of those really cheap microphones zalman clip on mics or get something from Blue (such as the snowball)

posted about 12 years ago
#4 Items showing up as #Tf_Default_ItemDef? in TF2 General Discussion

Do you have a file called tf_english.txt in your resource folder? Whenever, new updates come out valve likes to change the names of weapons, so the old string that tf_english.txt was expecting for an item is now different and as a result the weapon doesn't get renamed. The fix is as simple to delete the tf_english file for the time being. The unequipping part I have no idea.

posted about 12 years ago
#2 Gorgeous gamers hl match in TF2 General Discussion

I think kbk did. Check his twitch channel.

posted about 12 years ago
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