Account Details
SteamID64 76561198253202822
SteamID3 [U:1:292937094]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:146468547
Country United States
Signed Up February 14, 2020
Last Posted April 25, 2020 at 10:53 PM
Posts 3 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 3.06
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input  
1024 x 768
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Some crappy Logitech thing
Keyboard Dell L100 (clicky clicky)
Mousepad Generic thing from my bank
Headphones HyperX HX-HSCS-BK
Monitor Some old Dell monitor
#17 I'm buying a car for my brother in Off Topic

-Refer to these videos on inspecting a used car
-Don't buy a Chrysler product, just don't.
-Don't buy a luxury car with your budget or else you'll be paying through the nose to get the stupid thing running
-As mentioned above, check the fluids and change them prior. Also inspect the brakes and replace the pads if they're worn.
-Both you and your brother should look into basic maintenance (oil changes etc) as it'll save money and you'll know exactly what is done to the car, as well as what needs to be done
-Be prepared, but not afraid of having to fix up some stuff. Bear in mind parts vary by car model and year.
-For just getting from point A to point B, you can't go wrong with a Honda Civic or Toyota Corolla. Mid-2000s Fords are pretty good too.
-You might want to have a separate budget for body work and paint if possible, it can be pretty pricey depending on the circumstances.

posted about 4 years ago
#19 Model Removal Pack 2019 in Customization

Could we get a full list of what exactly is removed? Your old post was a bit vague.

posted about 5 years ago
#523 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization

I don't know if you're still updating this, but if you are I have a few requests for things I'd like to see included in this mod if possible:
-The ability to hide viewmodels per-weapon, rather than per-animation
-The old revolver reload
-No minigun viewmodel only when revved up
-Stabby's DR animation
(From what I understand, Stabby's DR mod is treated as a weapon skin rather than an animation, hence why it doesn't work as it is on sv_pure servers)

On another note, with the way Mastercomfig is set up, it includes the commands for preloading. All you have to do is create modules.cfg in the tf/cfg/user folder and put "dynamic_background=preload" in said file. The config will automatically execute it upon startup.

Thank you for your work, it is greatly appreciated.

posted about 5 years ago