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Last Posted June 10, 2016 at 1:16 AM
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#23 Sensitivity and wrist injury strawpoll in TF2 General Discussion

Not going to engage in a lot of this questionable strength training advice (Short answer: Don't get strength training advice from a computer forum)

But Wrist pain, like hearing damage and a lot of other things, is signs of a permanent and serious issue, it doesn't "toughen it up" or anything like that. Mild pain on occasion might not seem like an issue now but in 15 years... trust me, things can start to suck badly. What I use now, there are other options, too. Basically, it keeps your wrist in a much more natural position than completely pronated like most mice.

Gaming, the learning curve is steep and frustrating. Start with medic, after a few weeks it'll feel like second nature.

I wish I was around the scene more when that last guy quit due to wrist pain, bums me out.

posted about 8 years ago