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#104 Biannual iseries idea feat. NA in TF2 General Discussion
DarkdwarfTwiiKuucapnfapnWhat if we all ask our moms if we can borrow 10 bucks
What about something like Patreon? Small charges every month for a lot of users probably could bring in a lot of money, and then rush it by advertising the heck out of it a month before the event so that outsiders would bring in money as well.
I'd probably stop my twitch subs and drop 10-20 bucks per month.

You could combine the patreon idea with Sideshows compendium idea.
SideshowCharge £10 or so for the item which contains: team profiles, artwork, interviews, etc. It would also make you eligible for giveaways during the tournament, allow you to play fantasytf2 for the event, vote for players for an MVP award, vote for the teams in an all-star match, vote in a fragmovie competition before the event like i46, and let you take part in a predictions competition for points/prizes.
Set up the patreon in a way like this:
  • If x dollars per month/week/whatever is reached, an interview with a potential attendee/production staffer/old school star will be conducted for that period.
  • If y dollars per blahblah is reached, a showmatch will be held that month between current top teams.
  • If z dollars per blahblah is reached, an all-star game will be held that month where the patrons vote on the teams.
  • If w dollars per blahblah is reached, a signed item will be raffled out among patrons.

You get the idea.

I feel like interviews would be something that would be done regardless. Who would pay to have a guy from Xenex talk about their lan hopes?

Also, if the donations are constantly up on the y-z tier (hypothetically), the twitch community would probably make fun of the twitch channel or the scene itself.

"TF.TV: Where every match is a Showmatch!"

posted about 8 years ago
#52 Biannual iseries idea feat. NA in TF2 General Discussion
Bleghfuricdid you even read the post
Show Content
As I said above, you really need about £17,000 of sponsorship per event, which is $22,000 and includes the travel costs for teams. It breaks down roughly to £5k prize, £4k production, and then £8k travel. There is a risk that teams won’t be able to afford the bit out of pocket if it’s twice per year which would add another few thousand, but if they were able to find organisations (which again no teams are hardcore searching for) then that cost could be mitigated.

So we’re looking at raising £34,000 per year for those two events. Is that worth it? I think so. We tried running standalone online events but people don’t engage in them since leagues and scrims are the norm, and pumping money like this into online cups/leagues would not generate anywhere near the same level of engagement. It’s not the money games that gets people hyped like in other games, it’s the personalities and players being there in person and competing between regions.

At the moment the teams rely on fundraising for travel support, with the rest covered by the range of sponsors you saw on display at i58. Relying on fundraising isn’t great long-term, and I think we’ll see it in a huge decline if we had two events per year. It’s speculation but none of the fundraisers met their goal this year; they raised about $10k, normally the amount is more like $15k, though this year they were announced fairly late and without much hype.

As the beginnings of a solution, I’d like to push the teams toward organisations that can afford to help with at least accommodation to reduce costs marginally as well as aiming to get more sponsorship than is required for the prize/production and using that for travel of top teams. This should reduce but not replace fundraising, which I think is still a powerful tool in TF2. I’d prefer to see the fundraising be event-specific rather than for each team, with an event compendium. More on that idea below as it’s a little tangential.

My idea for a compendium is to replace the “perks” for fundraising with a digital item that you buy once for the event and that money is assigned where needed. It gives people more of a motivation to buy it other than being truly generous and the name is easily identifiable due to its use in dota. Charge £10 or so for the item which contains: team profiles, artwork, interviews, etc. It would also make you eligible for giveaways during the tournament, allow you to play fantasytf2 for the event, vote for players for an MVP award, vote for the teams in an all-star match, vote in a fragmovie competition before the event like i46, and let you take part in a predictions competition for points/prizes. We could make the perks fairly easily and as it is event-specific rather than team specific you have access to many more people with skills. I think it’d work very well and it’s probably less work than actually fulfilling hundreds of weapon signing requests.

So we are basically hoping to that the community shells out 13 bucks on a stat book that is only good for a month and is a repeat purchaser of said stat books. And allows for you to win a lottery, play fantasy tf2 and allows for picks for a AS game.

I'm sorry but the baseline tf2 audience will not buy this. Not only are the majority of players not interested in comp and the LAN scene, they're not going to shell out 26 dollars a year, if it's a two LAN set up (not even including the campaign passes and keys).

I mean look at the trends of the passes that were sold over last year, its been decreasing every single campaign. Those were just 5 bucks. You think people will shell out 13 bucks for a book that's only good for a 3 day long event? Twice? The community would be furious regardless of how you explain it. The best case scenario is valve does a souvenir system like in CSGO, or at the very least a comp crate.

I mean some people will spend their money on it, but it's (hypothetically) going to shrink the prizepool every lan until it's EU V NA with 100 pounds on the line

posted about 8 years ago
#48 Biannual iseries idea feat. NA in TF2 General Discussion

Another thing I just noticed

Who the fuck would pay for these LANs? Marketplace? I know Geel is rich, but he's not rich enough for another lan for funding. We would need a few more sponsors/kickstarters in order to get this off the ground and keep it in the air, and I don't think that we have any of those that are interested for a real major TF2 LAN in NA. And that's not even counting a "MedRed" scenario where some one man sponsor/company cuts off a major part of a team's funding because a player says something he/she/it did not like the way a person spoke at a LAN event before (though Ash was a dumbass).

We would either need to crank up membership costs, or go to the community for fundraising, and to be brutally honest, the cash-giving part of the community only comes out for Charity events like ToTH, not comp streams.

posted about 8 years ago
#46 Biannual iseries idea feat. NA in TF2 General Discussion

Honestly I would be all for this, however there's two problems that I think might come up.

First problem is the hype bubble. The comp hype bubble always lasts like a week on reddit. After like 2 weeks, we're probably going to see them going back to shitposts and memes, and the occasional comp related twitch highlight. That's not even counting if Valve shits the bed with the next update (hopefully not, but it's a possibility nowadays).

Second problem is the ruleset. If this LAN thing gets traction, we need to unify the rules around the leagues. We have like 4 different white/blacklists going on right now, the rules are different for each league, and I'm pretty sure that the admins on each are both stubborn and hardheaded enough to not change the whitelists/rules for unified LAN playing.

posted about 8 years ago
#70 Insomnia58 memes and Twitch Spam Thread in LAN Discussion

posted about 8 years ago
#66 Insomnia58 memes and Twitch Spam Thread in LAN Discussion

posted about 8 years ago
#170 Sideshow's last stream (AKA Sideshow memorial) in TF2 General Discussion

sideshow's stream ends and so does my life FeelsBadMan ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\

posted about 8 years ago
#66 DREAMHACK STREAM ENDED in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 8 years ago
#39 S21 Newbie Mix Team Drive in TF2 General Discussion

When I did newbie mixes about a few weeks ago, Billdozer was our team's coach. I played a few mixes before and a few after, but Bill was honestly one of the best coaches I had when I was playing. Correcting when he had to (specifically on a rather bad uber I had on Snakewater), and praising guys when it was good to praise them. Regardless of his IM experience I felt like I learned after that game with him.

I don't know if what happened between him and Kevin, or why he doesn't come on here, but all I know is that without Bill, the newbie mixes lose a valuable coach, and honestly one of few cool dudes, I think, that can really help to encourage new players to come in.

posted about 9 years ago