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Last Posted September 10, 2023 at 11:54 PM
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#26 koth_clearcut in Map Discussion


Change log:

Minor Patch:

-Added back the crates on battlements.

-Made the props in previously mentioned windows also not solid for bullets and projectiles.

posted about a year ago
#25 koth_clearcut in Map Discussion


Change log:

Game Play:

-The glass pane in the window of bunker house has been removed, and will now allow players to fire through it.

-Roof now has 2 crouch jump paths, and can now be accessed by all nine classes.

-Engineer can now build on roof.

-Added a cubby on the left side near the new roof access

-Crates on the battlements have been removed.

-There are new crates on the point side of main house, this will allow all classes access to the top of the smaller shed.


-Lowered trigger on capture point to stop players from capping while on roof.

-Added clipping on Red crane house to stop rockets from being eaten when they hit window props.

-Fixed clipping on main house.

-Fixed clipping on Blu bunker house.

-Fixed clipping on Blu crane house.

posted about a year ago
#22 koth_clearcut in Map Discussion

Patch - B15d
Change log:

Minor Patch:

-Removed candle lighting from the map. It was reportedly causing framerate issues and has thus been removed. Thank you Swissolo for bringing this to my attention!

-Cameras have been added around the point and courtyards.

-Red garage has had its upper window changed.

-Blu garage has new props in its upper window.

-Fixed lighting on a crate at mid.

I lost the original files of the map when I transitioned to working in the military, so if you find any bugs let me know! This version was decompiled from B15c and may have issues I am not aware of. SOAP dm may not work with this version, I'm looking into getting to work with the maker on this.
Have fun!

posted about 4 years ago
#18 koth_clearcut in Map Discussion

Clean Up! - B15
We want smooth walls!

This update is focused on reducing even more brushes that can be seen from mid. The update also features the newly art passed buildings and balance changes. Scout now has more routes from his side of the field, but can no longer get on the enemy roof as easily as before from tower. The point and roofs have been lowered to give the high ground less power. I hope that these changes are in the correct direction, and as always my ear is to the ground for feedback. Happy Clear Cuttin'!

Steam Workshop Link:

posted about 4 years ago
#14 koth_clearcut in Map Discussion

Open Skies - B14
Smooth Sails

The biggest gripes from last season were tackled head on in this update. Be it a performance issue or game play, I hope you find this update fixes it to a degree.

The changes will make scout a little better ( even though he doesn't need it). It will give soldier more routes, let demo go insane in terms of long range travel, and punish medic for hiding in shed. Sniper has received tiny buffs in the form of having slightly more sighlines then before.

Have fun!

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Final feedback for Clearcut. in TF2 General Discussion

If you have any remaining feedback for the map I would be happy to hear it. I'm planning out the next update and have already made some changes, and I wanted to make sure my feedback was rounded out before I did anymore. I understand one of the major concerns, being the terrible performance on some peoples computers. However, if there is anything else I would love to here it.

posted about 5 years ago
#6 RGL Site Problems in TF2 General Discussion

Clearcut_B13 will be the one used during week 6. Any other version is vastly different.

In case you need a link:

posted about 5 years ago
#3 koth_clearcut in Map Discussion

Attack > Defend - B13

To better help attackers before competitive starts, I went ahead and made it easier to push the point. Scouts got more toys for the roofs. Soldiers got more refined clipping to help their rockets. Demo got an easier roll out as well. This will most likely be the last version till the season ends, and I hope it plays well.

Have fun!

posted about 5 years ago
#2 koth_clearcut in Map Discussion

Balancing Frames - B12
Flanks and Frames

The flanks are once again on the chopping block and this time it's personal. Most matches played out with scouts and soldiers getting behind for practically free. This became a issue of contention with how to resolve the fragmented team fights. I decided that smaller less powerful flanks would resolve in them being used for plays and less for constant usage. Overall I like the change already more then the old flank, but it's not up for me to fully decide. Optimization has also been looked into, and it has certainly showed some positive results. Whether or not it is enough is to be seen.

My idea of callouts can be found through the tf2maps link.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 koth_clearcut in Map Discussion

This is the mega thread and all updates will be added here along with what I am working on. If you have any questions or feedback I am the mapper so don't be afraid to post! I check the forum pretty often and will keep the page updated.

Current version: B16a


Change log:

Minor Patch:

-Added back the crates on battlements.

-Made the props in previously mentioned windows also not solid for bullets and projectiles.

Nine Classes! - B16

Why can't I help?!

This update is a return to map making with Clearcut, and as such its a bit of a shakeup for the gameplay. No longer will spy be forced to go through 2 sticky traps, and tight paths to get across point. Now all nine classes can pass through the point over the roofs. Flanking potential has increased while remaining easy to spot unlike past attempts at this. This does mean classes like sniper, spy, engineer, and heavy will have new places to stand, fight, build, etc. Additionally, I'm attempting to nerf the bunker meta that has stuck since the introduction of the strategy. Soldiers and demos will be able to throw projectiles into the room from roof, making the job of protecting it more stressful. I hope this makes bunker holds harder, but not impossible.

If this causes significant issues in terms of balance, then please speak your piece. I will have my ears open, and will be ready to change the map to accommodate.


Change log:

Game Play:

-The glass pane in the window of bunker house has been removed, and will now allow players to fire through it.

-Roof now has 2 crouch jump paths, and can now be accessed by all nine classes.

-Engineer can now build on roof.

-Added a cubby on the left side near the new roof access.

-Crates on the battlements have been removed.

-There are new crates on the point side of main house, this will allow all classes access to the top of the smaller shed.


-Lowered trigger on capture point to stop players from capping while on roof.

-Added clipping on Red crane house to stop rockets from being eaten when they hit window props.

-Fixed clipping on main house.

-Fixed clipping on Blu bunker house.

-Fixed clipping on Blu crane house.


posted about 5 years ago
#1 KoTH_Clearcut_B10 in Map Discussion

Change In Holds - B10
Let me out, LET ME OUT!

The forward holds have been looked over due to issue I saw in matches were they were held. It seemed impossible for teams to push out was the hold was in place and I didn't like it, nor did the players. Thus this version makes it easier for teams to bust out.

Change log:

-The respawn times for defenders have been increased by 1 second in the map logic which therefore means that instead of 8 seconds to 16 it will be 9 to 18. This is to make it more punishing for defenders to lose a player during team fights and holds.

-The left transition exit has been changed to move out farther to the left were the stairs are. The stairs on the left have been changed for this reason and now no longer have the box and is easier to walk up on.

-The left transition now also has a window in place of the old door where the team that owns it can see through, but the enemy can not. This is to provide vision for attackers without putting them at risk or giving info to defending teams.

-The wood pile in mid transition has been changed to a ledge that still requires a crouch jump, but is less likely to get hung up on.

-Right side transition has had its box jump replaced with a staircase to make breaking or rolling out that way faster.

-The house on point now has a see through wall that allows you to see into flank from valley, and vice versa.

-A fence was move closer to crane tower in order to block sniper sight lines created by the new transition exit.

-Texture changes and slight detail work has been added.

-Removed saw because of issues...


For downloads and pictures head over to:

posted about 5 years ago
#1 koth_waterfront_a1c_21 in Map Discussion

Want to fight for a point awkwardly built over a river? Well, I got you covered!

Waterfront is a fast paced single control point map, set in a lumber mill along the river. Pine trees and grass wave in the breeze as you riddle your adversaries with lead. Boats bob and water flows as people are gibed. It's the perfect contradiction of beauty.

The map is fully capable for a 24 player server. Health kits heal, spawns are functioning, and the point indeed caps.

Change Log: a1c_21
-The spawn now has its own detailed building. The interior is now proper and the outside looks like an actual building.
-The spawn has been slightly raised.
-All randomly placed lights have been replaced with prop lights and have been toned down for optimization.
-The medium health and ammo kit have been moved up against the fence, while a new set of mediums is now near the dock.
-The small health kits on the point have a small ammo kit too now.
-Water has been added where it belongs on the dock.
-The texture under the water has been changed.
-Trees have been added beyond the boundaries for atmosphere.
-Fences have begun to take the place of brush walls around the map.

If I missed anything I would be happy to add it to the log.

Main Issues:
-Getting it tested.

-This map need to be tested. I can't progress on the map until testing takes place.
-I will have a BSPZip for hosts ready in the near future


Screenshots can be found on the thread:

posted about 8 years ago