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Last Posted October 24, 2017 at 5:41 PM
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#51 Jungle Inferno after action in TF2 General Discussion

Maybe this was a good update for pub players, but for me, aside from the airblast fix it was almost completely worthless. There was a huge potential in pyro and they missed it. An lg gun with a passive jetpack would have been awesome. Also, no mm changes, no sticky detonation fix, contracts don't work on community servers, etc.

And I have to say it triggers me that they spend their time on absolutely useless things like changing the fall damage sound to a worse one. But they still couldn't change the default unreadable little red damage numbers, in 7 YEARS. It would take 20 seconds.

posted about 7 years ago
#111 Are you happy with the pyro update changes? in TF2 General Discussion

I was hoping for a good skill based weapon for the pyro, but the Dragon's Fury is just a more annoying flamethrower. It should have been either a fireball or an lg gun. This cloud of fire looks like shit, can't even see where it's going or where it's coming from. Not to mention in first person view the gun is pointing nowhere near the crosshair, and the flames are coming from the center of the screen, with an annoying brief white flash whenever you fire. Absolute cancer visually.

posted about 7 years ago
#10 Matchmaking in TF2 General Discussion
AptSweetPeaMeanwhile people here are arguing whether or not to change the whitelist to make 6s more accessible for new players.What do you want from us? Dealing with cheaters in MM is literally out of our hands.

I don't want anything from you, just saying that it's funny how people here are having 20 pages long debates about how to change the whitelist to be more welcoming to new players while Valve still has a broken competitive mode in the game which instantly turns away anyone from 6s that tries it.

posted about 7 years ago
#4 Matchmaking in TF2 General Discussion
unskilledthe pyro update is going to have matchmaking improvements
but in all honesty you should just play mixchamp, tf2center, pugchamp, or faceit if you want actual good games of 6s right now

I'm aware of those options, but they take too much time when we just wanted to play a quick game.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Matchmaking in TF2 General Discussion

Today we wanted to play some matchmaking with friends.

We start searching for players. After a few minutes the first game starts and there's an aimbot cheater killing everyone.
Okay, we alt-tab out, wait for the match to end.

The second game finally starts after 5 minutes and there's another cheater.
Nevermind, alt-tab and wait.

Another 5 minutes of wasting our time, and the third game starts. There are two cheaters running around insta-capping points and headshotting everyone as spies.

LUL. How can something be this bad? I find no words for it. I've been playing TF2 since 2008. I've spent thousands of hours on community servers. During all those years, I've seen around two or three cheaters. Then since matchmaking came out probably almost a hundred. Meanwhile people here are arguing whether or not to change the whitelist to make 6s more accessible for new players. :D You know what would make competitive more accessible? If the officially implemented 6v6 game mode worked at all :D

And this is after 1.5 years of betatesting before release, which was almost a year ago.
(btw these are the google suggestions that just popped up when I checked the release date: http://puu.sh/w0c3C/8dcc0c40ec.png)

The TF2 team is a joke. Why haven't they still fixed this? Maybe they're too busy working on the pyro update (LUL)

posted about 7 years ago
#63 Manchester concert explosion in World Events
mustardoverlordit's not that Islam has nothing to do with these lunatics blowing themselves up, it's that the way we respond to these sorts of things is so fixed on religion above all else.

Well, what the hell else should we be fixed on when these lunatics are blowing people up because of their religion?

Watch this video and tell me if the guy says ANYTHING factually incorrect:

posted about 7 years ago
#60 Veganism in The Dumpster
dailyFair point. I don't agree that putting yourself into an unhealthy diet is justified for it, but I see where you're coming from. Kind of. Question. If you knew for a fact that a farm treated their livestock nicely, would you buy animal products off of them?

Sure. I don't really have a problem with killing animals for food if it's done cleanly and painlessly, and if they had an okay life previously (weren't crammed into tight cages, had food shoved down their troat, etc).

Tino_Alright that's all fine and dandy, but how does it make them any more moral or better then any other person? Especially with all of the other fucked up shit going on in this world. If the animal cruelty hill is the one you want to stand on go for it, but it doesn't make you any better or any worse then any of the other 7 billion people with their own moral hills.

That's the thing, I never said that, and I don't think that being a vegan suddenly makes a person better than others. You are twisting my words. All I'm saying is, I consider being a vegan a positive character trait. The same way that I consider smoking to be a bad trait. That doesn't mean I consider all vegans to be better than all smokers.

posted about 8 years ago
#52 Veganism in The Dumpster
dailyBeing a vegetarian is understandable, being vegan is not.

It's completely understandable. Most people do it because they are against animal cruelty. Buying milk and dairy products still supports animal farms where animals are often kept in bad conditions. How hard is that to understand?

posted about 8 years ago
#44 Veganism in The Dumpster
A omnivore diet is a lot more beneficial to a species as a whole than any other form of diet period. Even ignoring that if it wasn't for our ancestors eating meat we wouldn't be able to use our understanding on how to cook let alone understanding the impact of eating meat vs plants.

Again, that might be true, but humanity is beyond the point where evolution would noticably take place based on people's choice of diet (I'm talking about modern countries, obviously). Since even dumb people with the unhealthiest lifestyles live long enough to reproduce, evolution doesn't weed them out, and this point becomes kinda moot.

ComangliaLooking at what diets are the healthiest and which countries have the highest life expectancy you'll see that the healthiest diets tend to be ones that are mostly Grains + vegetables and a decent amount of fish and lean meats. If being vegan better than the standard american diet? yes it most certainly is but a well balanced diet typical of Japan? doubtful.

I agree with that. I don't think that vegan is the healthiest diet there is, I just don't like it when people think you can't be healthy without eating meat.

posted about 8 years ago
#37 Veganism in The Dumpster
Comangliammrarktebeing a vegan is objectively healthier than having a diet that contains meat
prove me wrong meatfags


That article is about evolutionary benefits, it has nothing to do with meat eating being healthier than veganism or not.

posted about 8 years ago
#28 Veganism in The Dumpster
cnsmIf you feel superior to someone else because of what you eat/don't eat compared to them ur a sad human being. This goes for both sides.

I'm not a vegan, but in this particular aspect, they are morally superior, no? Overall they might be a shitty person, but come on, how is not supporting the slaughter/torture of animals not more ethical?

posted about 8 years ago
#13 What's the logic behind unbanning unlocks in TF2 General Discussion
AmarokpendaPeople thought valve would be more likely to give this scene support if we had few/no weapon bans.I think it has been proven quite a few times that this is bs, no one is this delusional...

I can think of two well known players who are this delusional.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 My college dorm sucks what do I do in Off Topic

I'm in a similiar situation now. My dorm building is being expanded by another block, right outside my window about 10-20 meters away, and the workers start drilling and hammering shit at 7am. But at least I have a proper internet connection.

One thing I can say is, if you have a busy semester coming up, you might want to skip next season. Same thing happened to me last season. It sucked because my team had to constantly use a merc and even when I did play, I was bad without practicing and I kept worrying that I should be studying instead of playing right now. I also have a small ass desk, it's about 80cm across and it's uncomfortable to play like this. In the end I didn't enjoy the game at all.

posted about 8 years ago
#100 positive memes in Off Topic


posted about 8 years ago
#1083 Donald Trump in World Events

trump won

posted about 8 years ago
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