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SteamID64 76561198065759056
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:52746664
Country United States
Signed Up March 31, 2013
Last Posted January 24, 2014 at 3:17 AM
Posts 15 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 3.75
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Keyboard CM Storm Quick Fire( Brown swtiches)
Mousepad Zowie G-TF
Headphones AiAiAi TMA-1
#2 CEVO Team LF Scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

Added. I from Maryland and your schedule works perfect for me.

posted about 11 years ago
#171 iT Servers Shutting Down in TF2 General Discussion

Thank you so much Klanana! There really isn't a comparable MGE server. I really love the fact that MGE points are not shown next to names. I feel like that gets rid of a lot of the epeen waving that goes on in other MGE servers. Ping is great and the server is well established and a lot of players go to it so it isn't empty like a lot of the other MGE servers. Most servers have updated to Version 8 so this is one of the few 'classic' MGE servers left. I don't like change! Kidding but still i kinda prefer v7 over v8.

posted about 11 years ago
#23 justin ama in TF2 General Discussion

If you had the chance to endorse a single product,whether it be gamer gear related or not, what would it be?

posted about 11 years ago
#53 Best Gif Contest in Off Topic




posted about 11 years ago
#10 is bfb viable in comp now in TF2 General Discussion
you move so, so ridiculously fast

Into a choke point where you die. There's no utility for the speed on 5cp because you should be playing with your team. Viaduct is too small for it to matter, so that leaves Coalplant. Besides, two shots is a lot to lose.

the bfb isn't about running forward slightly faster

it's about being like 20% better at dodging

which is HUGE as a scout

and yeah losing two shots is a big downside but i feel like the speed boost needs to be seen to be believed because it seems kinda underwhelming on paper but it's actually amazing

When you see other scouts actively dodging with the BFB it is really hard to track. First time i played against a scout with the new upgraded BFB i was not fast enough to get a decent meatshot on the scout. I guess with some practice you could get it down but it's certainly a lot trickier. The speed boost is amazing. I don't even think you need to double jump to be able to dodge well with the BFB and considering a lot of skilled scouts don't rely on double jumps to throw off their opponents i think the BFB is a straight upgrade in terms of mobility. As for the reduced ammo it is essentially a downgrade but when you can dodge and get away from the fight faster you certainly gain a bit more time to reload.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 Semi-Competetive Gameplay Server! in TF2 General Discussion

Very nice server. They seem to have a lot of admins which is good because on competitive pub servers like STAR_'s, which really lacks them, you will get the same aimbot hackers coming in. MyNameIsMud is willing to consider any suggestion and is very friendly and happy to help. I'm sure this server will do great, now it just needs players :). Added to favorites.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 Slim fit and trim fit v neck t shirts in Off Topic
panzerxiii chinos.

Oh man! I went to the store last weekend to get a new pair of jeans and i ended up buying some chinos from Levi's and man i think they are the most comfortable pair of pants i've ever worn. Most roomy pockets too!

posted about 11 years ago
#14 Slim fit and trim fit v neck t shirts in Off Topic

V-necks, short sleeved Henley shirts, regular plain T-shirts(i'd recommend American Apparel for their great fits and durable fabrics), and Polos. Decent and affordable stores: Urban Outfitters, H&M, Macy's, Target, Kohl's, Uniqlo, Jcrew, and as mentioned above American Apparel. If you want to pop some tags and only got twenty dollars in your pocket you should try thrift shopping. Just avoid graphic T-shirts as much as possible and you should be good.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 Boomer: GUNNARS Model in TF2 General Discussion
panzerxiiiI tried on GUNNAR® OPTIKS™ Gaming Eyeware at PAX a few years ago and I found it physically uncomfortable to wear. I don't like wearing glasses that have the little pinching things on the bridge of my nose (which is why I wear flatter sunglasses too), so that combined with the tint gave me a huge headache.

Sometimes you have to sacrifice comfort for fashion. These glasses make you look fab • ‿ •

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Boomer: GUNNARS Model in TF2 General Discussion

One twitch.tv user called them "Jarate vision glasses". You can achieve almost the same results by using F.Lux. If you are willing to sacrifice colour accuracy to reduce eye strain/fatigue then you should try F.Lux which is free. Only difference is that the Gunnars offer UVA and UVB ray protection but its not like you are getting UVA and UVB rays from your monitor so it doesn't seem worth spending the $80-$100 for these glasses.

Link to F.Lux:

posted about 11 years ago
#47 What is this montrosity in TF2 General Discussion
Derpusif tf2 is played competitively then why can't cod be??

Obviously no one is stopping competitive call of duty since they just streamed a 400k world wide tournament. No one stated that there shouldn't be competitive call of duty, most just said that it was a pretty terrible competitive scene.

posted about 11 years ago
#41 What is this montrosity in TF2 General Discussion
wafflebI enjoyed watching.

What a coincidence that all the shitty open players can't help but hate on another game.

Anyone hating on this, seriously, open your mind a little. If the game has such a "low skill cap" you should go enter the next tournament and win $400k.

Some of the reasons why i wouldn't personally enter a call of duty tournament is because it is a game i no longer enjoy, i barely even enjoyed it when i owned COD:MW2 and COD:BLOPS. Why would i subject myself to something i don't find pleasure in playing? Secondly to get into these tournaments it is very time consuming and as a college student time is valuable to me, i would never take a gamble such as a world wide tournament. Its just illogical thinking.

As far as low skill cap goes http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/03/13/call-of-duty-red-orchestra-2-interview/
this article explains it far better than i could. I'm sure the game is fun for many but it is just not the game for me n__n

posted about 11 years ago
#22 What is this montrosity in TF2 General Discussion

someone posts in the chat "Why call of duty sucks" just a split second the message gets deleted "<message deleted>". Guess they don't like any criticism.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 What is this montrosity in TF2 General Discussion


Where is the Mountain Dew™ Bunker®?

posted about 11 years ago
#5 What is this montrosity in TF2 General Discussion

It's amazing how low the skill cap for call of duty is. It really does seem like your average pub play. The casters don't talk about any strategy at all, just frags. I barely see any "team" elements here and even less strategy. If these are the world's best call of duty players then i am really unimpressed. Maybe it's just not my game.

posted about 11 years ago