Avastkabum my god
rip my skins :(
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SteamID64 | 76561198030154958 |
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Signed Up | May 23, 2014 |
Last Posted | July 24, 2024 at 10:23 AM |
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Avastkabum my god
rip my skins :(
why does every thread asking about a hitsound have the exact same title
what the fuck how is that clip of mine in it
i made a post on reddit about this. Thanks for the karma, bro.
i mean, yeah this guy comes off as a lot of things. but honestly id let him ring for scrims on my open/gold team to see if hes all that. hed probably take it and use it to say that hes played in those divs, but sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the troof.
gasgara, if youre still hanging around, add me. we'll get you hooked up.
never forget the legend of chozo
kirbyYour smooth was for the most part fine, but you should try not having the "camera" clip into player models. The other potential change you could do, though is personal preference and just from general experience, having the smooth's camera come to a complete halt looks a bit awkward and typically flows better if you keep it moving, even if barely.
Keep up the good work, man! I'll be looking forward to your progress.
additionally, maybe go with a different angle. maybe something having to do with the player hitting the frag instead of the player getting killed, because it was really tough to tell what was happening in the video.
12:04 AM - [EVL] Dreamboat: http://teamfortress.tv/thread/22201/cole-was-on-to-something
12:04 AM - [EVL] Dreamboat: upvote that shit.
rofl somebody help them out
12:44 AM - THE BILLDOZER: have you tried making a thread on tftv
12:44 AM - Rage ♥ LFP Open Demo: yeah
12:44 AM - Rage ♥ LFP Open Demo: i did that earlier today
12:44 AM - THE BILLDOZER: oh
12:44 AM - Rage ♥ LFP Open Demo: it has like 8 upvotes but no comments in it
12:45 AM - THE BILLDOZER: hm
12:45 AM - THE BILLDOZER: ill bump it
cool guys and a good team. they deserve a good demo
SchweppesGeknaiiri dont get ithttp://www.hltv.org/forum/682962-flusha-hack-compiled-proof
"to be honest no wh in any of this simply sound plus game sens oh and btw if ur asking my rank in cs go is global elite with over 12k hours in cs go in master league and this is legit"
trying this again in an active thread:
which one looks more like showstopper?