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Country Sweden
Signed Up January 22, 2016
Last Posted June 12, 2016 at 8:23 PM
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#23 Schedule & Poster for TF2 Invitational at DreamHack Summer by & Plantronics in News

Any1 know where at Elmia the action will be taking place?

posted about 8 years ago
#355 Giving out matchmaking passes in TF2 General Discussion

I have one, just add me and ill help you out!
Gone now

posted about 8 years ago
#11 How can I get more fps? in Q/A Help
rezgarHow do you overlock your cpu? Also to what should it be overlocked?

It's not the best advice for a computer newbie. It involves charging the CPU with more power which in the end gives you more power. Even though the process is quite simple you can actually end up damaging your equipment and in turn this voids your warranty. Google it, but procede with caution!

posted about 8 years ago