Max is a capable Soldier. As a Pocket he will likely be the rock of the combo, putting out the damage for his Scouts to cleanup on and having strong ubers. He also makes good calls and that will greatly help any (newer) Medics who may want to talk less or have a short-leash Pocket. As a leader, he's extremely focused on (the drive to) improvement. Demo reviews will be frequent (note: not excessive) as he looks for the opportunity to get better, and for his teammates to get better. As freakin and Max himself mentioned, he doesn't fuck around. He will be very vocal on what he wants and doesn't want, what he likes and doesn't like. I'm sure I've missed some stuff, so I'll probably come back to it if I ever remember, but I think Max knows what he wants to work on as far as his character is concerned, and that to me looks like an important step in the right direction from the MaxHax of S19
I don't have a proper gauge of his Demo or Scout, so I can't comment on those (pugs don't count). I'd like to see him play Roamer next season, or maybe Pocket but not captain. He's a capable Soldier, will make you laugh, and probably needs a new avatar but that's just my opinion. :P