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SteamID64 76561198159393871
SteamID3 [U:1:199128143]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:99564071
Country Greece
Signed Up October 5, 2019
Last Posted January 27, 2025 at 1:45 PM
Posts 30 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.1
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G305
1 2
#28 Unc Sanity in TF2 General Discussion

give him 9 months he come back

posted 1 month ago
#9 laptop freezes for 1 second every fight in Q/A Help
gambleI had the exact same problem and updating my nvidia graphics drivers seems to have fixed it. Maybe try that?

It seems to have fixed it for now, I will update you tn if I have problems

posted 1 month ago
#8 laptop freezes for 1 second every fight in Q/A Help
ArchaeologyCheck nvidia control panel, 3D settings, make sure Power management = "Prefer maximum performance"
In windows' control panel, check your Power settings to make sure its not cucking you
In TF2, just do fps_max 300

I just did that, will test later today. PM put on max performance, high performance was alr selected on control panel
I have the game capped at 400, is 300 going to make a big difference?

gambleI had the exact same problem and updating my nvidia graphics drivers seems to have fixed it. Maybe try that?

how to do that?

posted 1 month ago
#4 laptop freezes for 1 second every fight in Q/A Help

it doesnt seem so, it happens regardless of config

posted 1 month ago
#2 laptop freezes for 1 second every fight in Q/A Help

also, this happens ONLY with tf2

posted 1 month ago
#1 laptop freezes for 1 second every fight in Q/A Help

hey guys, I've been recently getting back into tf2. i am playing from Alienware M16
specs are some i9, 32GB ram, rtx4070, 240hz
but for some reason, the game stutters like crazy sometimes
especially when I take fights, but it also happens when im walking and (i.e.) the demo next to me sticky jumps

tried verifying game files, tried removing everything from my cfg but didnt work

I think it might be something involving the cooling or the CPU has aids
what im trying now is putting a book under the laptop so that it is lifted and the vents under can air out better
but idk what to do really

any suggestions? :(

posted 1 month ago
#7 To upgrade or not to upgrade in Customization
Lupusjust overclock the cpu to like 4.3-ish and it'll give you a nice average fps boost. I think those even go as high as 4.8 but 4.3 should be more than enough without stressing the system too much

I overclocked it using the BIOS but the like option won't allow me to go higher than 4.0
Do I need to alter the voltage as well to go higher?

posted about a year ago
#1 To upgrade or not to upgrade in Customization

I have had this PC since mid 2017.
i7 7700K 3.5GHz
GTX 1050Ti

I am thinking of replacing the GPU with an RTX 3050Ti in a few weeks to run TF2 better.
Is it worth it, or is something else in the PC going to slow the game down. If I do buy it, I am also replacing the thermal paste on my CPU, to maybe perform some overclocking and play at 1080p. If the CPU sucks, what's a good alternative?

posted about a year ago
#1 How can I achieve good visibility with high fps in Customization

I have trouble looking at the game (stickies, team player color) when im using dx81, mastercomfig medium low. anyone know graphics settings or comfigs that allow for good visibility but can run midfights at 144+fps with 4GB of graphics memory (gtx 1050ti)?

posted about a year ago
#29 Update maybe? in TF2 General Discussion

they should add these hats in the summer update

i agree

posted about 2 years ago
#2 New Mix server in TF2 General Discussion

hello, mix server is EU, everyone with mid/low/top open exp is welcome

posted about 2 years ago
#1 ETF2L S40 Low GF: Alles Door Oefening Den Haag vs. MED DIFF in Events


posted about 3 years ago
#1056 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization

does anyone know how I can get felik's gfx files?
I found gfx.cfg on arekk's config but i cant find the rest and i really like his work its very sad he left

im looking for the files he quotes in his gfx

// exec hud // Meant for (not ready).
// exec lossy_network // Only use if your network suffers from frequent connection drops.
// exec queued_packets // Improves networking performance (on Windows only, opposite for Mac and Linux).
// exec maximum_graphics // Maximizes visual fidelity, this DOES NOT turn on ragdolls, shadows, and gibs.

exec nvidia // Use if you have a Nvidia GTX 750 or above.
exec teamchange // Removes the prompt to ask for a team change on valve servers.
exec matchmaking // It is recommended to include this, if it causes issues with casual/competitive, exclude it.
exec textures // Non-jagged textures, not used by default due to a potential black texture bug. (Never occured on my end).

posted about 3 years ago
#37 whats the best scout crosshair and why (help me) in Customization
Wandumreal scout players change crosshairs twice a day just use all of them at once to get a leg up on the competition

im a scout main and this is true

posted about 3 years ago
#36 whats the best scout crosshair and why (help me) in Customization
AimIsADickAs a starting point, try to figure out what you prefer in a crosshair, such as "I like crosshairs that display my health" or "I like crosshairs that display my speed").

If you don't really like the premade crosshairs online, you can make your own. Here are some resources to get you started:
Side note: If you're looking for premade crosshairs, I made custom crosshairs for myself that you are free to try out.

yo I really liked the crosshair you have for your medigun, but do you know how I can make the green bar expand vertically from the bottom end of the cross toward its center? mb also how to make it colorable?

posted about 3 years ago
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