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Signed Up January 29, 2013
Last Posted November 24, 2015 at 11:17 AM
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#70 Open (lower bracket) finals in TF2 General Discussion
seanbudSo you're admiting that my rocket aim was strangely off target, but I should still be having fun while we're getting destroyed and I biff 2 rocket jumps during ubers because who knows where the fuck my rocket went? I play this game competitively for fun. The same as everyone else in this godforsaken league. I pay to play in it, same as everyone else. I don't think what class I play in my matches makes me a good/bad person, it makes me a competitor. Please stop with all this bullshit. Yes the switch to scout is also in part because my team is just better with me on scout, but losing fights because of laggy rockets is more frustrating than just losing fights. Even with me on scout, Meat Market still took a round off of us and nearly won, with 1 or 2 backups. I don't think we're sandbagging, I think the competition warrants trying pretty fucking hard since it's ESEA playoffs and I paid to play in this league.


did people miss earlier in playoffs where you went full time heavy for a few rounds due to shitty ping?

SnowyWhat happened to you seanbud? You were everyone's favorite invite player. Is being forced to play in open so caustic?

why are you being such an asshole about this?

posted about 11 years ago
#68 Open (lower bracket) finals in TF2 General Discussion
hookyThe Budsquad are terrible people. They should have killed the team when ESEA forced them to play Open.

Playing ESEA only next season. Can't support anything associated with this team anymore

from the thread link above:

truktrukThe only way we can play in a different div at the moment is to hijack a dead team in a higher div. I don't think anyone on the team REALLY wants to play in Open. Hopefully ESEA will do something about it.

if people are going to be angry, be angry at the fact that ESEA's system allows this to happen...

posted about 11 years ago
#119 Players you wish came back to invite/their respect in TF2 General Discussion

really enjoyed watching fully torqued back in s13 (zBryan, A Seagull, Pyyyour, seanbud, etc)

TwinqePYYYOUR has always been my favorite player to watch. I hope this season he actually gets to play.

is he putting together a (real) team for CEVO this next season?

posted about 11 years ago
#28 TF2 Update January 23 2014 in TF2 General Discussion
WithADanceNumberI like the new feature, because I honestly prefer playing on valve servers. I'm sick of having to download random sounds, or deal with sourcemod plugins that aren't needed. I'm also sick of unavoidable advertisements at the beginning of every round. I understand there are some good pubs out there, but those are never active during my regular play hours. At least this way I can find a populated server.

i don't think anyone is saying that there should not be an option to only quickplay to valve servers...

the problem is that instead of actually working to fix the cancer (saigns,, premium benefits for servers, lots of ads, etc) -- valve just nuked all community servers from quickplay.

posted about 11 years ago
#25 TF2 Update January 23 2014 in TF2 General Discussion
SimYeah, kind of fucked over my community's servers too. Were full pretty much full-time in the weeks up to the update, now we just can't get players on it. Pretty shit considering we were running it completely stock, with way better connection than I get to any valve servers.

welcome to the club :(

one of the owners of firepowered posted this showing the daily connection percentage of their users

he said on friday they only had 4/15 of their servers busy...

just is going to totally kill servers that are basically vanilla

posted about 11 years ago
#89 iT Dead; b4nny to Join clockwork in News
nyaHildrethThe dream - 2 top US teams, best Australasian team at i52.

Also is it 2 seasons before i52, so lot of reformations could happen, TF2 is in a good place right now...just need to see more and more breakout players given chances on top teams and someone else to emerge to break the B4nny's team vs Platinum's team domination. Need another x6....

watch this could have been the next x6 but shit happened.

No Exceptions.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Funding competitive prizepools through items in TF2 General Discussion
synchroWhere's that guy that made the platinum shirts.

Make a platinum hat.

plat spy mask?


description: welcome to the game.

posted about 11 years ago
#19 invite happenings in TF2 General Discussion
Daggershwan ninjanick boulder milehigh team:
they will probably be playing in invite too I'm guessing

vector's return?

posted about 11 years ago
#223 mix^ in TF2 General Discussion
in what competition does shit talking not happen? chess? Chinese checkers?

idk about you but when I played chess there was a lot of shit talking at some competitions

only played against friends/seen people play -- assumed it was a bit laid back.

guess i was wrong lol

posted about 11 years ago
#216 mix^ in TF2 General Discussion
HallowIt doesn't happen in every kind of competition. It's absolutely frowned upon in countless of sports.

shit talking?

in what competition does shit talking not happen? chess? Chinese checkers? the (major and even minor) sports and in almost every video game shit talking happens.

please, give me a reasonably competitive team game where shit talking does not happen.

posted about 11 years ago
#206 mix^ in TF2 General Discussion
People are always talking about this image of tf2 but they always overlook things like this . I don't think anyone actually playing the lan was offended by the trash talk , possibly effected their play ( which shouldn't be made into a strategy .) but anyway what about the people watching ? If we have a choice to keep this on or off do we really want this to continue ?

do you honestly thing people saw the schedule, with TF2 being one of the longest running events of the day on day 3 of a 3 day weekend and said "hey, i have never seen tf2 before, let me go watch and maybe i will start playing"

if shit talking mattered when it comes to growing the community, the CoD and CS communities would be in negative numbers.

posted about 11 years ago
#153 mix^ in TF2 General Discussion
potI feel like all of these people referencing sports haven't actually played any themselves. I played on pretty much every team that my elementary, middle, and high schools had to offer and I never once got shit talked nor did I shit talk anyone myself. Just because you're being competitive doesn't mean you suddenly forget how to conduct yourself in public. Even in university now I've never experienced shit-talk.

lol ok. i saw shit talking in literally every single high school basketball game i played at every single level (freshman/JV/Varsity)

i even saw some serious shit talking at cross country meets that were not district/regional/state.

if you are going to post that you have played sports all through high school and have played any college sports (either for the school for intramural) and never once heard any shit talking you are either a liar or deaf.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 How do you think rosters are going to change? in TF2 General Discussion
Was it the shittalk?

the real question to ask: is squid trolling?

posted about 11 years ago
#85 mix^ in TF2 General Discussion
Mankovilejust don't confuse shit talking with being an asshole.I'm pretty sure that to shit talk you need to be kind of an asshole.

...i'm pretty sure that you do not understand shit talking.

posted about 11 years ago
#426 ESEA Season 15 LAN Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

what a final!

posted about 11 years ago
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