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Last Posted November 24, 2015 at 11:17 AM
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#13 Buying a copy of Win 7 Home premium in Hardware

from /r/buildapc -- where this discussion has been had how many times?

tl;dr for the Windows 7 vs. Windows 8 debate:

If you don't have an OS and are thinking of buying one, get Windows 8. If you already have Windows 7, then it is perfectly fine to continue using it for at least the next few years.

i was hesitant to go from win7 to win8 -- just grab a program like Start8 ($5 from Stardock), ClassicShell (free, check out WinAero's cool skinpack or StartW8 (like Start8, but not from stardock and freeware)

dyzI will be using an SSD for OS, so boot time should be pretty fast regardless

there is a significant boot difference, in general, from win7 to win8 -- SSD or normal HDD

posted about 11 years ago
#7 FPS Problems After TF2 Update in Q/A Help

yeah, how did you fix it -- i've had the same issues...

posted about 11 years ago
#81 A poll on 6v6 rules in TF2 General Discussion
LuckyLukeSpectators opinions may not have a huge impact, but they definitely should be heard. If we make it boring to watch we'll get less viewers, less new players and the community would just shrink (or not grow as much as it would otherwise).

this is what i was trying to say in a nutshell; ill leave it alone now.

posted about 11 years ago
#76 A poll on 6v6 rules in TF2 General Discussion
2sy_morphiendTheManWithNoNameup front: i do not play competitive tf2 at all
So please posit for me why your understanding of the game is on par with that of anyone that has ever played this game competitively. Please I want to hear why your opinion which you value so highly, is at all comparable to i49 MVP james "yuki" stanton.

post #27:

i am not saying it should be a huge consideration (if you totally ignore players you lose your player base) but ignoring the viewers/casual in these kinds of discussions (rule/map sets) are one of the things that keep TF2 from growing

post #33:

look, i am not saying that the viewers perspective should be considered as 51% over the players perspective; but i am saying that i think it should be considered if you want the game to grow...

post #35:

i do not think spectators perspective should be valued over players perspectives...nor do i think it is the only reason for tf2 not growing at the rate most would like to see it grow

post #55:

i do not think that maps or rules should be decided only on what spectators think.

i do not think that maps or rules should be decided only on what 6s players think.

i do think that maps or rules should take into consideration a blend of what both spectators and players think about the rules and maps (heavily slanted towards players opinions.)

i have never said that my understanding of the game is on par with anyone who has played it competitively.

i have never said that my opinion is as valuable as someone who plays the game

i have never said that my opinion is comparable to yuki's or should be viewed on the same level

in fact, i have said the opposite a number of times in this thread.


outatseait is also absurd to state that you have a good understanding of the game because there are countless mid im/top open players who have infinitely more experience than you whose understanding of the game could be classified as rudimentary at best. we say you don't have an understanding of the game because you don't.

i have never once said that i have a "good understanding" of the game; let me be perfectly clear: i do not have a "good understanding of the game.

however, i do have a "fundamental understanding" of how competitive tf2 works. do i evidently need to define "fundamental" so that people on TFTV are aware of what it actually means?

look, i understand the rules of the game. i understand the basic roles of each class. i understand the basic concepts of the meta for the different game types or maps.

i have an elementary understanding of how competitive tf2 works.

beyond that, why is it so hard for people to understand the HUGE difference between understanding how something works and executing on that understanding?


MunchNo matter how much you think you know, manwithnoname, if you actually went out and started playing scrims/matches/pugs, I think you'd be quite surprised when you find out how much more there is you don't know, simply because you haven't played 6s before.

hey, i agree totally here; i have never stated i know everything or have anything more than a fundamental (elementary) understanding of how competitive tf2 works. i do not think my opinion should be taken over the opinion of either top players (like yuki) or people who have played 7 seasons of open + 4 IM matches (like 2sy_morphiend)


i truly do not understand the concept of "in order to have a fundamental understanding of how X, Y or Z works, you have to do it" -- you do not have to play in the NFL to have a fundamental understanding of how it works. you do not have to be a pilot to have a fundamental understanding of how a plane works. you do not have to personally write a book to understand how a book is written.

now, playing in the NFL, earning your pilot's license and writing a book will give you a tremendous amount of information on each of the specific items; at that point you probably CAN say that you have a "good understanding" of the NFL, the process that goes into writing a book and flying a plane.

fundamental (elementary) understanding != good understanding.

fundamental (elementary) understanding != having the ability to execute on that understanding

good understanding != having the ability to execute on that understanding

...this is just not that difficult to understand.

posted about 11 years ago
#61 A poll on 6v6 rules in TF2 General Discussion
No, spectators should not get to have an opinion on rules or map rotations. I don't care if you think you understand what double gunboats means, because you never played the game without gunboats. By your own admission, you've never played them with gunboats. You can swear up and down that you have a functional understanding of the game because you can espouse the opinions of the casters that you watch, but it will never serve you as an actual understanding of how the game works.

You do not know how the changes in a rule set can impact the game because you have never played the game. You have no interest other than your own entertainment so as far as you're concerned anything that makes the game more entertaining to the detriment of the players is good. There are more than a dozen posters like you that think "the meta is stale" because robin walker told you so or think that the QF is good because it's fun to watch medics jump around. Your opinions are formed solely by what you have watched and your supposed understanding of it, but you have never given anybody proof that you do actually understand it because you do not play the game. You have no credibility here other than your own theorycrafting and for that you do not get to have a say in how other people actually get to play the game.

i have played with gunboats, as well as just about every other unlock in the game.

why is it insane to expect that there is a difference between understanding the game and executing on that understanding?

You have no interest other than your own entertainment so as far as you're concerned anything that makes the game more entertaining to the detriment of the players is good.

There are more than a dozen posters like you that think "the meta is stale" because robin walker told you so or think that the QF is good because it's fun to watch medics jump around

i am not sure where you think i have posted about the meta being stale or that the QF is good/fun. i do think it was stupid for ESEA to ban it in the way they did, but understand why it was banned.

but you have never given anybody proof that you do actually understand it because you do not play the game. You have no credibility here other than your own theorycrafting and for that you do not get to have a say in how other people actually get to play the game.

sick burn, bro! you got me good! /s

through this whole posting thread, you are content to put words in my mouth instead of just reading what i am saying at face value. read what i am saying at face value.


i would go out on a limb and say that members of the tf2 community that utilize your posting style is significantly more "detrimental" to the game than considering (to any extent) the views of spectators.
posted about 11 years ago
#57 A poll on 6v6 rules in TF2 General Discussion
Beyond that, if themanwithnoname was correct about spectators wanting to see maps that they understand, then can you please elaborate on what makes gpit easy to understand, but metalworks rocket science? You probably can't because there isn't any logic to be had there, it's inconsistent, it's uninformed, it's bad.

spectators (that generally play tf2) understand that map because almost everyone who has played tf2 has played gravelpit multiple times.

how many competitive players, world wide, have played metalworks? pledge, who has casted quite a few games in his time, stated that he has never casted metalworks before it was played at the ESEA lan. metalworks, as far as i can tell, was never played at i49 -- at any point in the tournament.

i guess that understanding a map you have played vs not understanding a map that you have not played is illogical, inconsistent, informed and bad?

posted about 11 years ago
#55 A poll on 6v6 rules in TF2 General Discussion
And yes, weighing an uneducated opinion the same as an educated one is detrimental to the game when the largest portion of posters apparently have never touched esea open despite "a functional understanding of the game being easy to achieve" according to illustrious tf2 spectator, themanwithnoname.

learn to read (or learn to comprehend what you read):

mei am not saying it should be a huge consideration (if you totally ignore players you lose your player base) but ignoring the viewers in these kinds of discussions (rule/map sets) are one of the things that keep TF2 from growing

having a functional understanding of how TF2 works is not that difficult.
...executing on that functional understanding is another thing entirely.

i understand the role of the pocket in 6v6. i understand the impact that tri_hards running double gunboats made on the pocket's traditional role.

does that mean i can fulfill the role of the pocket? no. does that mean i can suddenly jump onto a team and be a solid player? no.

acting like you have to play a game at a high level to have a functional understanding is stupid. i will say it again, it is like saying that you have to cast to critique casters -- that is just not the case.

have i played in an NFL game? no. do i have a functional understanding of how the NFL works? yes.

since it was evidently not made clear in my comments earlier in this thread:

i do not think that maps or rules should be decided only on what spectators think.

i do not think that maps or rules should be decided only on what 6s players think.

i do think that maps or rules should take into consideration a blend of what both spectators and players think about the rules and maps (heavily slanted towards players opinions.)

do i think that tf2 is suddenly going to have "20k viewers every night" if spectators views are taken into consideration -- not a chance. i do think that being more spectator friendly will result in some level of growth in spectator numbers and will also result in some level of growth in the number of teams/players in the game as new people watch discover tf2.


i would go out on a limb and say that members of the tf2 community that utilize your posting style is significantly more "detrimental" to the game than considering (to any extent) the views of spectators.

posted about 11 years ago
#41 A poll on 6v6 rules in TF2 General Discussion
2sy_morphiendAre you not getting that my point is that from a spectator's perspective you have come to a conclusion that is the complete opposite from what actual players have decided on being best for the game?

Does this or does this not make it clear how important actual experience with the game is for determining what does and does not make it function?

come on, gravelpit was voted out with 76 votes (vs 26 for metalworks, 10 for granery)

the next poll asked "Which map would you like to see in replacement of cp_gravelpit in the TF2 S15 map rotation?"

the vote was: 56 for coalplant (winner), 54 for keep gravelpit and 37 for warmerfront

so not, clearly it is not the "complete opposite" from what comp players want. otherwise gravelpit would have gotten the 3 votes edifice received instead of losing by 2 votes (~1%)

Does this or does this not make it clear how important actual experience with the game is for determining what does and does not make it function?

having a functional understanding of how tf2 works is. not. that. difficult. stop acting like you have to have played at the comp level to have an opinion or understand how the game works. you do not.

posted about 11 years ago
#38 A poll on 6v6 rules in TF2 General Discussion
LKincheloeThe main purpose of this particular poll is to find out player's opinions on the particulars of the rules, I haven't even attempted to take into consideration what spectators would want.

i would recommend you update your OP to say that you are looking for information from players only at this point in time...

posted about 11 years ago
#37 A poll on 6v6 rules in TF2 General Discussion
2sy_morphiendGpit is a shit map, gpit has always been a shit map, this isn't even the first time it has been voted out of rotation. Clockwork made a stellar post about why the map doesn't work in 6s, plenty of others have put forward explanations for why it is detrimental to the game and the majority of actual 6s players have been pretty vocal about it being one of, if not, the worst map in rotation.

Your example if pointless because in light of all of the evidence and testimony as to why gpit is bad, your point stands contrary in the face of people that have ACTUALLY PLAYED THE MAP IN A COMPETITIVE SETTING.

If I walked up to the organizers of quakecon and said, "Hey man, I don't really play this game at any level that would discern me from your average pub player, but I watch a lot of it. As a spectator I think if you gave everyone a rocket launcher when they spawned it would make it a lot more exciting to watch." They'd either laugh at me, eject me from the venue, or tell me to go back to my seat in the audience.

Putting on clown shoes and tap dancing will get you spectators, it doesn't mean it's what is best for the game.

gpit was just an example...

again, saying that you have to play the game to understand it/have an opinion is exactly the same as the idiots around here and elsewhere who say that in order to critique a caster you have to cast yourself because it is hard. it is stupid.

your point stands contrary in the face of people that have ACTUALLY PLAYED THE MAP IN A COMPETITIVE SETTING

not every comp player hates it...come on.

posted about 11 years ago
#35 A poll on 6v6 rules in TF2 General Discussion
yukiHow many games do you think take into mind what the spectator thinks, let alone values it higher over competitive players' opinions? Lets say I were bored of seeing Batrider, Dark Seer, Kotl, the usual suspects in Dota 2: If I messaged valve and were like "Hey, you should remove these heroes from the game because they make the game boring for me as a spectator", how do you think they (and the players) would respond? It's not the most ideal analogy, but it should clearly show why spectator's opinions should not be considered in games/sports/etc.

I daresay if there were something that were changed to a viewer's dismay, I'm sure they'd suck it up and keep watching/following the game, because they enjoy the game as a whole, and won't get upset over one minor change. I'm sure a few people were upset about T9 not being in official map pools in QL - doesn't mean it "hurt the games growth" or people QQ'ed and stopped following the game.

After all - I wouldn't be surprised if highlander players thought the same way when a 6s player that doesn't play highlander (but sometimes watches it) thinks said 6s player is a moron when they suggested that unlock x should be removed from highlander because they found it boring when spectating.

i do not think spectators perspective should be valued over players perspectives...nor do i think it is the only reason for tf2 not growing at the rate most would like to see it grow

me]i am not saying it should be a huge consideration (if you totally ignore players you lose your player base) but ignoring the viewers/casual in these kinds of discussions (rule/map sets) are one of the things that keep TF2 from growing

all i am saying is that it should be considered -- and currently it is not as far as i can tell.

the perspective of "fuck you, you dont play the game" is one of the huge problems that 6s players have currently that does not seem to either exist in HL or that is well hidden among HL players (although many HL players are vocal about 6s being dumb/stale/not worth watching/etc)

posted about 11 years ago
#33 A poll on 6v6 rules in TF2 General Discussion
You don't play the game, you don't have a functioning understanding of what makes the game work

assuming that you have to play the game to have a "functioning understanding" of what makes the game work/the meta is stupid.

i have a "functional understanding" of how the game works; being able to execute on that functional understanding at a high level is an entirely different situation.

look, i am not saying that the viewers perspective should be considered as 51% over the players perspective; but i am saying that i think it should be considered if you want the game to grow...

posted about 11 years ago
#29 A poll on 6v6 rules in TF2 General Discussion
2sy_morphiendIf you're not playing you shouldn't have an opinion.

...and 6s players wonder why viewers and players are streaming to HL

posted about 11 years ago
#27 A poll on 6v6 rules in TF2 General Discussion

up front: i do not play competitive tf2 at all -- either 6s or Highlander. if i found tf2 when i was in college or grad school, things would be different but i just do not have the time now. i do make time to watch as much TF2 content as possible -- from Fully Charged to TFTV casts to TFTV EU games to random HL games that are casted either on TFTV or POV (such as xalox's casts in the HL Nations cup)


i am not saying it should be a huge consideration (if you totally ignore players you lose your player base) but ignoring the viewers/casual in these kinds of discussions (rule/map sets) are one of the things that keep TF2 from growing

example: look, i understand many players do not like gravelpit...but if viewers love it and it is not difficult to cast -- can't that be considered? let's be honest, a casual viewer DOES NOT enjoy watching a match of cp_metalworks. they have not played it, they do not know the map and it not particularly enjoyable to watch.

am i saying that comp tf2 should stick to maps played in pubs? heck no! cp_process is a great example of a map that has been played in 6s that (thanks to becoming an official map) is now played in a ton of pubs and is not particularly difficult to understand.

i do think that the standardization of rulesets/mapsets would be beneficial for casual viewers (and would help bring more people into the game) -- but focusing only on the thoughts of only those currently in 6s when these kinds of discussions occur will do nothing to help the game grow.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Futurama finale in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
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