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Last Posted November 30, 2014 at 6:27 AM
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#5 I Need HELP! Medhud overhead health issue. in Q/A Help
RigelDo you basically want to revert it back to the way it was before the update that added this? If so, just use:

tf_hud_target_id_disable_floating_health 1

What you are describing is a bug with Valve's new TargetID system. Whatever they changed, its a problem with TF2, not with HUDs that use the floating health numbers above targets.

So what I'm seeing above the scout's head is VALVe's fault?

As you can see the rage meter below is accurate.

Thanks alot by the way.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 I Need HELP! Medhud overhead health issue. in Q/A Help

If if anyone makes the time to help me with this send me a friend request and guide me through this... I have no clue how to edit a hud. All I know is how sounds work and that whole Notepad thing.

posted about 10 years ago
#557 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

How do I change the overhead health text of an ally back to the default cross? I don't know that to look for.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 I Need HELP! Medhud overhead health issue. in Q/A Help

I am using medhud and when using it there is one small bug that drives me insane. Where the cross over an ally's head should be there is %HEALTH% instead of the number of HP someone has. It only happens after looking at 2 or 3 people and looking back at them to have everyone have their health indicator above them show as "%HEA..."!

This issue happens with every HUD that changes the cross that floats above an ally's head when looking at (not healing) them into a number.

Could someone send me something that would remove the text above their head and change it to the default TF2 cross so it's not broken?! Please?

Also if there was a way to access Practice using this that would be great.

posted about 10 years ago