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Signed Up September 22, 2016
Last Posted September 23, 2016 at 5:39 PM
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#4 Need help with a texture mod I'm making in Q/A Help
yttriumhow are you editing these vtfs? can you pass me the original file and your new one?

I'm editing the VTFs as PNGs in Paint.NET then using VTFEdit to convert them from PNGs back to VTFs.

If you need to take a look at the original VTFs, I have the three of them right here:

BLU version

RED version

"Normal" file

And my retextured version is right here (I made two versions, one with the "demo_kilt_color" name and the other with the "demo_kilt_blue_color" name, although they are exactly the same version. I did not touch the original "demo_kilt_normal")

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Need help with a texture mod I'm making in Q/A Help

So I'm trying to change the texture of a few items, and the first I started with was the Cool Breeze. Here's what I have for it in my custom foldier:

And here's what shows up in-game:

That boggy brown overlay is not supposed to be there, it should look like this:

Now if you look closely through the brown, you can still see the desired texture there. I just can't figure out how to get rid of the the brown. I don't think I'm missing any files in my custom directory. Please help?

posted about 8 years ago