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Last Posted November 29, 2012 at 8:41 PM
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#1 Uber Mechanism in Q/A Help

Hey yall,

For the last 6 months I've watched almost every cast of competitive TF2 posted on Youtube. I main as medic on pubs and just recently tried like 12 lobbies. Besides the occasional drop it went fairly alright. However now being at the controls instead of watching the pro's at work, the uber mechanism isn't so easy for me.

When I play lobbies (signing up for UGC HL EURO in December) I don't have a Harbleu bombing in to force an uber or a kaidus cabering in. So how does it work? On defense I kind of get. Counter pop, don't drop and uber can be used as free uber when enemy medic is down.

But how does it work on offense? When I push in and uber, they just counter. That renders my uber nearly useless.

Another question if you don't mind. Been watching a lot of Mix^ scrims/matches with comms and their uber prediction is quite spot on. Are there set times to build an uber? Cause you never know if they are building correctly, if the medic is even healing directly after respawn....Could you give some pointers?

Was watching the latest "Fully Charged", is Ruwin really a beast medic? Was/am already a huge fan of PYYYOUR and before him Harbleu.

I know tl;dr but appreciate the help.

posted about 12 years ago