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Last Posted August 31, 2018 at 12:37 AM
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#23 Expectations on beginner medics in TF2 General Discussion

First and foremost, thank you all for answering!

I´ve read everything more than a few times and i´ll try to sum it up;

- Gamesence ( Positioning, what´s happening next)
- Uber-stats (Ad or not)
- Heal order at rollout ( Demo first, roamer next, tagg scouts on rollout to mid, latch on to pocket)
- Don´t over-use the bow
- Listen to better / more experienced players
- Movement (DMG-surfing etc)

I´m very thankful for all this information and that you all took time to answer me!

Just a quick thought; Isn´t beaming scouts more of a NA thing than EU? By looking at EFT2L matches it seems that they tend to beam the demo more than scouts, and in ESEA it´s the opposite.
Am i right in this assumption or is it a preference for the individual teams?

I´ll try to make time for trying out newbie mixes, but at my age and 2 kids time is a luxuary.

Once again, thank you!

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Expectations on beginner medics in TF2 General Discussion


None of you probably know me, but for some background, i main medic.
I might not be the best, but I always try my best to keep team members alive with beam / xbows.
Coming from a pub setting is of course not that good of a gauge, but it´s all I got atm.
I would like to know what you, more experienced players, want from your medic?
Why am i asking this? Well, because TF2PL launched with a beginner section and i am interested in trying competitive out.
I´m hesitant to try it out simply because i don´t want to be a burden to my team.
From what I have gathered from guides, youtube etc, there is nothing more to it than “Heal your team, make sure to uber” – kind of things.
I know rollouts matter, and heal order but there is no, atleast for me, “safe” place to practice this.

Can anyone help me, or atleast guide me in the right direction?

posted about 6 years ago
#37 Lowpander disbands in News

Merge Lowpander / arctic foxes plz

posted about 7 years ago