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Last Posted September 4, 2024 at 2:14 AM
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#64 RainofLight has passed away in TF2 General Discussion
AimTechHey TheVillageIdiot.

I wanted to say thank you for coming here and talking about her. I was never fortunate enough to meet Lain in this lifetime, but I hope to in the next. I am so sorry for your loss and the way some of this community treated your sister.

I have one request from you: If you have access to your sister's Steam account, could you change her nickname? She set it to "worthless dead human" before she passed, and I don't think she was worthless, and I know a lot of people here don't. She was worth a lot, and I think her username should reflect that. Just RainOfLight or Lain or anything else would be lovely.

Again, im so sorry for your loss. I hope she can rest in peace now. </3.

I'm not sure if I will be able to access the account, but we're still sorting through things. I was able to gain access to her laptop, but couldn't spend much time in there. I do think it would be proper if I can.

posted 6 months ago
#59 RainofLight has passed away in TF2 General Discussion
capnnofapnTheVillageIdiotHi all, Lain's brother Sam here. I apologize if this post seems disjointed, I'm a little all over the place tonight...
It says a lot about the strength of your character that you are able to look at the situation with Lain and this community from such a rational perspective despite what you are going through now. I was never close with Lain, but we've known each other for a long time as long term members of the community, so the news of their passing made me feel sad, nostalgic, and reflective. I have a childhood friend who was diagnosed with schizophrenia a few years ago who recently went through an extremely traumatic event just as they seemed to be getting their life back under control again, so Lain's passing has me thinking about what I can do to support them. I wish the best to you and your family.

Thank you. I have been through a lot in my personal life prior to this, and have tried hard not to become bitter.

Obviously, I kept a keen eye on Lain's twitter / X account, but following it closely was difficult as I could not directly follow. I used to check it almost daily and there were a couple of times in which I contacted my parents, but sans a miracle, I don't think there was anything I could have done this time.

I wish the best for your childhood friend. These things are more common than some of us tend to believe, and mental illness is no joke. I know there are some people who have either said things out of frustration, or don't understand the gravity of a situation like Lain's, or make assumptions about the lack of attention or care, or simply don't care, but the reality is that some of the people who were unnecessarily cruel to Lain are probably struggling too. To all of them, I hope for the best in their life's journey. It is not too late to reach out for help, nor is it ever too late to be kind.

I hope that your friend is doing okay. Please remind them that the event is temporary, and that they will learn to be okay again. Sometimes, just spending time with them and lending an ear or a hand is more than enough. I am lucky to have a couple of close friends who checked up on me and spent lots of time with me over the last couple of weeks.

Thank you all.
The passing of Lain has has me harder then expected. I have a sister who suffered similar conditions like Lain, suffering from schizophrenia and Borderline disorder. Though she managed to recover through treatment and support and is now the joy and the glue in our family, but I wish the situation panned out differently and is still here today with your family by her side. My condolences to your family.

My mother's side of the family is Korean - unfortunately, the US healthcare system is not well equipped to handle severe mental illness. Every hospitalization stay seemed like a money grab, with Lain being released from the hospital before we believed she was ready, and doctors keeping her on new medication combinations which seemed to be making her condition worse, or at least, not helping. We heard "I have no reason to keep her here" many times, and eventually, Lain stopped signing medical release forms, so we had no information at all about her care, even when she was transferred between facilities. She would go away for up to week, then call my parents to pick her up, and resume the usual chaos at home, with my parents receiving large medical bills in return for seemingly nothing.

I'm glad your sister has recovered, and I wish your family and your sister the best in the future.

posted 7 months ago
#55 RainofLight has passed away in TF2 General Discussion
fygHey Sammy, I don’t know if this is something you’d feel comfortable with but I’d be happy to donate the little I can to help out your family.

Thank you. A few people have reached out about this and I and my parents are grateful to those wanting to help.

It has been both heartbreaking yet extremely touching to read the positive comments from all of those who knew Lain.

Because of the outreach from Lain's friends and my own, I have started a GoFundMe page for anyone wishing to donate to assist my family.

Please do not feel obligated to donate if you do not have money to give - we absolutely do not want to shift our burdens onto others.

Thank you all.

posted 7 months ago
#51 RainofLight has passed away in TF2 General Discussion

Hi all, Lain's brother Sam here. I apologize if this post seems disjointed, I'm a little all over the place tonight.

Not a TF2 player myself, but I used to play a lot of Counter-Strike: Source, GO, and CS:2. I struggle with symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome (with chronic pain), so I'm not online gaming as much as I used to be as I ration my energy and struggle with taking care of day to day activities sometimes (lots of naps after work). Like many other people, I also struggle with depression and anxiety, though I try to manage the best that I can.

I got in touch with Aeryn through Steam (thank you to her for the kind words on Lain's obituary page) tonight, and I wanted to say thank you to those who shared experiences and kind words here.

Mental illness is a tough, sometimes invisible battle, that comes in many forms, both permanent and temporary. Whether it's depression, anxiety, body dysmorphia, an eating disorder, sleeping disorder, addiction of any type, or anything else, even the grief after a breakup or loss of a loved one - it's something that many of us human beings struggle with at some point in our lives.

I understand that some people online many not have been exactly kind to Lain, and in some way I will say this is understandable as Lain may not have been kind to everyone she met either. She wasn't always kind to me either, but that doesn't mean I didn't love her.

Lain began struggling with schizophrenia symptoms around a decade ago, and had since fought a long battle with it. Schizophrenia can manifest in several forms and of varying severity, but the TL;DR version of Lain's symptoms were auditory hallucinations and paranoid and grandiose delusions (delusions of being persecuted, belief that the person experiencing symptoms is famous or respected by people who don't know them, etc.) This can sometimes include a belief that a person or group is harming or harassing the person experiencing this, or that a person or group have negative (or sometimes positive) ideas about them that don't reflect reality. Lain was also affected by borderline personality disorder, which often caused large mood swings and impulsive behavior (money spending, risky decision making).

Lain lived with my parents and was cared for by them. I live not too far away, and would try to visit when I could, but I work in a stressful IT job and had distanced from my own family some in recent months, because I was facing my own financial burdens and extreme stress. Lain would sometimes get into arguments with my parents with words said that weren't very nice, and I was often pulled in to mediate. With my own stress / medical problems, I just couldn't handle it anymore - it didn't mean I didn't care, I just couldn't take care of myself.

For a while, multiple years, actually, Lain's symptoms were relatively in control - but within the last 12-24 months or so did we see a regression, which came after some medication switch ups due to dyskinesia, which Lain thought was being caused by her medication. I also suffer from dyskinesia (mostly tics and muscle tremors in my limbs/hands/feet), and thought this might be hereditary, but was unable to convince her to try the old medication again. I am aware that she told some people about the dyskinesia, and may have referred to it as parkinsons online - not quite the situation, but similar.

I am aware of some stories and accusations that have been spread from/about Lain and for some of these, if unwarranted, I apologize. I am not going to get into it in detail, but sometimes she would have bad interactions between substances and her medications / mental illness, and sometimes bad days with the mental illness itself - ... regardless, I will say - if Lain ever hurt or wronged anyone who didn't feel they deserved it, please know that she was mightily struggling. It is hard to imagine almost every hour of your life being bombarded with overlapping voices in your ear, saying the craziest things imaginable, believing that you are being spied on or conspired against by people who love you, and etc.

...I hope this information can help some of those who misunderstood Lain, or help those who may be struggling as well, with themselves, a friend, or a family member. Please treat them with care and try your best to remember their good moments.

People can be mean to each other. My own life motto is to always be nice to others and never try to take my pain out on someone else. Everyone is fighting their own battles, big or small, and none can really be compared to someone else's.

My parents and I are doing the best we can right now. I wish that I could help my parents financially, as they are struggling with medical debt from multiple ambulance / hospital stays, past impulse spending (on their credit cards) and paying for arrangements. I am doing my best to be there for them emotionally, even if I am unable to help with their expenses, and we are all taking things a day, an hour, or a minute at a time right now.

In closing, I hope this message found you all well, and thank you to those who shared kind words, stories, and memories. In case any of you are struggling as well, please reach out to someone. I know personally what it is like to close off from people, be it friends, or family, or feel like you aren't doing well enough.

And most of all, please be excellent to each other and party on.

posted 7 months ago