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Signed Up December 17, 2014
Last Posted May 2, 2016 at 7:10 PM
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#479 Overwatch, who got in? in Other Games

I have a question if i get the friend code do i own overwatch or is it just for the event?

posted about 8 years ago
#94 Paladins in Other Games

i think they are expired.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Recommended games? in Other Games

So I've been looking into getting more shooter games besides tf2 and wondering which ones are worth getting; they don't have to be free to play I just want good games that aren't dead or have turned to shit.

posted about 8 years ago
#220 Dirty Bomb Beta in Other Games

I love this game but it really is dumb sometimes, this current event is dumb I didn't get to play containment war but just reading about it makes me feel this events a rip. For starter they added some overpriced stuff you can buy and halved the price to make the dlc look like a good deal which is shady as all fuck, next they didn't give any mercs for free in the containment war update people could get phoenix for free and on black friday nader, and stoker were free I mean its christmas for fucks sake; nothing was on discount and the guaranteed event case stopped dropping on the 30th when the event doesn't even end until the 13th. Stuff like this makes my friends not wanna play and it just hurts this game, wtf is nexon doing.

posted about 8 years ago
#67 Paladins in Other Games

Thanks for the keys me and a friend used the first and last ones.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 ESEA Highlander or something like it in TF2 General Discussion

I play Iron highlander as a scout and my mentor says that most highlander scouts go to 6s because of bs weapons like the soda popper and such so my question is why not a "Serious" highlander league where most weapons are banned like in 6s? I really like highlander but my mentor says there's so much bullshit it that it makes scouts wanna quit.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Before going into comp in TF2 General Discussion

Hello. I've been interested in comp tf2 for about 6 months and have done some lobbies, but before I go full steam ahead with people like stabby quitting I wonder does going into comp affect your life too much? I.e Spending all day scriming, no time for anything else type stuff? While I do want to be in comp I don't wanna end up self destructing and burning my self out any tips to avoid this?

posted about 10 years ago
#176 New Perspective in TF2 General Discussion

Hello I'm new here I'd figure since this thread is about tf2 expanding and about the "toxicness" of the community I'd figure my first post here would be better than a generic hi I'm new thread.

In my opinion the things I see being the biggest turn offs for people is the 6s elitism and the phrase "play a real class" I think that quote is awful and undermines 4 out of the 9 classes and gives people the assumption that 6s is just Scout,Soldier,Medic,Demoman game featuring special guest Sniper (yes I know its not that but it gives the assumption it is). So when I see a play that involves say an Engineer or Heavy I get hyped cause those classes don't get used often outside of defensive play so seeing stuff like Engineer putting a sentry on the enemies last is really cool and makes me root for that team in a kind of underdog way, another thing that I see turning people off is when Mr.xXxAirsh0txXx soldier or xXxMeatSh0txXx scout show up and trash my team and my friend is like "we gotta stop him" so he uses mini sentry while they tunnel vision people to level up their stranges and rage in chat calling him a "nigger" or "faggot" or some combination of the 2 which just makes him mini more until they rage quit it gives us a laugh but it makes him think comp tf2 is "ban stuff I don't like" which its not and once I showed him highlander he got interested and maybe will join me in highlander if we get a team going, also a thing I noticed to kinda verify my elitism idea is I was helping one of my newer tf2 playing friends how to play so I joined the I think Mexico hosted DM server I found from this forum, he had fun but once he tried to go Pyro and Spy he wasn't able to pick them and it made him feel like those classes were not "real classes" so we got the fuck out and went to the MGE server instead. Now how do I feel about toxicity? I think it is a new buzzword but those situations do happen and negatively effect the image of comp tf2 so my solution is if you see those people do what I do and tell them to fuck off and then explain comp tf2 is nothing like those people make it out to be.

Sorry for any spelling errors and grammatical errors it's 4Am but I felt I had to post this let me know what you think (or how wrong I am).

posted about 10 years ago