Wonder how the "abilities" will be handled....Still looking forward to more deets at quake con
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Signed Up | February 10, 2013 |
Last Posted | June 12, 2016 at 10:25 PM |
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ESEA S21 Playoffs: EVL Gaming vs. froyotech
Nice interview. Thanks Snivy.
posted about 8 years ago
TF2 update for 3/10/16 (3/11/16 UTC)
TF2 General Discussion
Haven't had a non uneven match and i have done 3 games. ALways 5v6 .
posted about 9 years ago
Highlight: sen & deathy vs. froyotech
truktrukbearodactylwhat about deathy's double airshoy on b4nny?
It was fun to watch on stream but after watching the demo it is very awkward to put in highlight-form. Deathy dies a few seconds before b4nny does without getting an assist.I believe b4nny also gets a frag before he dies.I mean I could have cut immediately after the airshots but I imagine it would be very jarring for the viewer.
Here's the timestamp for those wondering: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNkwukV_Q-0&feature=youtu.be&t=2248
Is it possible to also get a time stamp of deathies frags featured in the video? (against the 2 scouts)
posted about 9 years ago
Tip of the Hats 2015
Who won out of ascent and the team with b4nny ?
posted about 9 years ago
Insomnia55 General Discussion
TF2 General Discussion
martenThorndykevibhavpfound the sideshow song btw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0h4l3yojYo
Does anyone have the video of when slideshow gets airshotted as a scout on badlands spire (he thinks the soldier is afk) and this song plays? I cant seem to find it when i search on youtube
there ya go
edit: Thanks to all 3 of you!
posted about 9 years ago
Insomnia55 General Discussion
TF2 General Discussion
vibhavpfound the sideshow song btw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0h4l3yojYo
Does anyone have the video of when slideshow gets airshotted as a scout on badlands spire (he jumps on a taunting soldier) and this song plays? I cant seem to find it when i search on youtube
posted about 9 years ago
i55 URo6 – froyotech vs. Reason Gaming
Sideshow is very handsome.
posted about 9 years ago
ESEA S18 LAN - Day 1
The tf2 matches rarely start on time at Lan right? Like, instead of waking up at 3am here in NZ, maybe time it more for 430?
posted about 9 years ago