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Last Posted November 12, 2020 at 7:18 AM
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#42 The Unbanning of the Solemn Vow in News

I love this!. I've never been a fan of the Ubersaw, I always say that this thing is only good for getting yourself killed.

A part of your mind is always thinking "if you had used the Amputator here instead you could have survived that chip damage" or "if you had the Solemn Vow you would have noticed that this Scout was at low enough health to 1v1 him", and eventually to prove that the Ubersaw is the correct choice you will attempt to hit someone with it, and 99% of the time you will get picked off and put your team in a massive disadvantage.

I've always favored swapping between the Solemn Vow and Amputator in Highlander depending on the gamemode and situation (Solemn Vow is better for attacking, Amputator for defending). Really glad to kno that I can FINALLY freely choose both in 6v6 in the same way instead of being locked into the Amputator just because some crybabies say it is "too boring".

That said I'd be totally in for a mod that changes it's dowside with "enemies can see your health an Ubercharge". This way the argument of "it forces the other Medic to run it or be at a disadvantage" gets mostly eliminated, you can see the whole enemy team's HP and Uber so you still have some advantage if you use it and the opponent doesn't, but they can at least retaliate and most importantly they will immediately know that you are using it.

kuhnockersArrayseven says its a joke so I wouldn’t use it.

ArraySeven itself is a joke. He didn't even consider the multiple things that regularly mess up damage numbers, most notably the Crossbow (wich I guess is understandable since that guy never uses anything other than the Blutsauger).

posted about 4 years ago