I've recently got a good enough pc + internet connection to start stream and would like to stream my scrims and matches so I can watch them back myself, and maybe even so others can watch them and teach me/learn/feel good.
I play medic in Accurate Luck! and we're currently leading UGC EU HL Gold.
My stream is http://www.twitch.tv/tritonesubstitution
I have been streaming the last three days, and would like my channel added to the tf.tv list so more people will notice and it will be easier to find!
If these three days are not enough, I guess I'll bump it next week when I have more vods, seeing as I will mostly, if not only be streaming during the weekends about 19-21 CEST on good days.
I'd like to change my stream name on here to just "Tritone"
Any more ?