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SteamID64 76561198000418437
SteamID3 [U:1:40152709]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:20076354
Country United States
Signed Up November 20, 2013
Last Posted February 8, 2021 at 11:39 PM
Posts 89 (0 per day)
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#10 rainy lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

student of the game type player. He enjoys cuddling up on the couch for some demo review and chill. good DM, good secondary caller, doesn't chase kills too hard, very dedicated, high ceiling with the right team and mentor.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 BINGO Night LFP Main S5 in Recruitment (looking for players)

Bingo is moving into main next season and needs to fill some roles. Primarily above all, we need a pocket scout with big dick DM and main calling experience. Zero tolerance regarding toxcicity. I'll literally boot you mid scrim without hesitation because I'm old and don't want to listen to it. This team is a very tight-knit group of friends above all else. That being said, if you like ponies or other forest creatures, you score extra points with denis and he would love to spend hours in mumble discussing the specifics of the my little pony universe with you. Thank you for your interest and reading this post.

Medic: Landscape
Pocket Scout: ???
Pocket Soldier: Puka
Demoman: Denisavich
Flank Scout: cube
Roamer: Tulkas

Any class subs

Steam/Discord/etc Here: https://rgl.gg/Public/PlayerProfile.aspx?p=76561198000418437&r=40

posted about 4 years ago
#51 SMH THESE OPEN PLAYERS [PSA] in TF2 General Discussion
THEBILLDOZERThe Destruction Of IRC Scrims And It's Consequences Have Been A Disaster For The Human Race

It was so much easier when you got 6 on server, did a map walkthrough, hopped into #tf2scrim and got a team to scrim immediately and played until one team got tired or raged out of the server. could last an hour, could be 4 or 5 hours.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 LFP Subs IM in Recruitment (looking for players)

Bingo Night eSports, LLC Looking for 1-2 subs for Medic and Scout - Preferred if you can fill both roles.

You will 100% get scrim time each week (you'll be informed well in advance) and very well might roll into a starting position in Season 5. Preferably looking for someone 18+ whose parents don't care if they waste their life away on PC Games.

Here is RGL Page:

Medic: Craig
Pocket Scout: Cube
Flank Scout: Tacocat
Pocket Soldier: Puka
Roamer: Tulkas
Demo: Denisavich

Holler at me on steam or discord: Tulkas#7355

Thanks for reading.

posted about 4 years ago
#5 LFP mid-high open s28 in Recruitment (looking for players)

These guys were kind enough to allow me to play with them a few weeks. I will second what boxcar said about them. They are great dudes with good personalities and willingness to improve.

I think they will be greatly improved already from where they were 3-4 weeks ago well before the next season even begins. a Good, communicative demoman and a strong maincaller will help this team improve instantly and easily push them into the upper half of the open playoffs.

Good luck guys!

posted about 6 years ago
#4 LFP high open s28 in Recruitment (looking for players)

Can't add you. said your friends list is full. Add me. I play pocket or roamer as well. Open to either one, but prefer not to main call if that is what you are looking for out of a pocket.


posted about 6 years ago
#2 Open Pocket/Roamer LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)


Looking for s28 - I would prefer roamer as that is where i am spending most my time in PUGs right now, which i am starting to grind pretty hard.

I'd like to think right now I am performing pretty average as a roamer, but with a high upside with spats of really good plays. Looking for a solid team to help me continue to shake off the rust from years in inactivity and help me to tweak the little things like positioning that I believe will help me to have a much larger impact.

Hope to see you all in game.

posted about 7 years ago
#53 Team Fortress 3 in TF2 General Discussion

Bunny hopping and grenades

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Open Pocket/Roamer LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

So I had a post up 3-ish weeks ago (http://www.teamfortress.tv/45981/super-bad-pocket-roamer-prob-xtra-low-open) and I put low open because I expected to be a lot worse than I was. Low Open was not enjoyable at all (go figure) so I am LFT to either finish off this season or for next season... I can do high open to, potentially, super low IM at this time.

-I only got to play 2 matches this season before i left the team I was on because we kept getting forfeit wins.
-Some people may have seen me in game for a while under the name "Hoss" - This was an alias because ESEA hated me. I have gotten that taken care of and I am now under Tulkas again for all of my accounts lol.
-I am available Sunday through Thursday from 9PM EST til as long as I am needed. (Do not recruit me, then get upset that I don't show up for 8-8:30 events)
-I'm old
-I do not main-call as pocket. I know this is a weakness of mine but I would prefer to play with a team whose medic main-calls... or scout.
-I'm pretty chill, but I don't take well to repeated mistakes by a team. I am devoted and put in a lot of work and research to try to make myself better and I expect the same out of my own team.

If you have any other questions, feel free to send me a message and we will discuss.


posted about 7 years ago
#442 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion

2639 frames 11.003 seconds 239.83 fps ( 4.17 ms/f) 18.886 fps variability -dxlevel 81

2639 frames 12.331 seconds 214.01 fps ( 4.67 ms/f) 15.882 fps variability -dxlevel 91

cowmanglia stability cfg
CPU: i7-7700K @ 4.2GHz
GPU: EVGA 1080Ti Stock
RAM: 16GB Corsair Predator DDR4 @ 2666MHz
MOBO: ASRock z70 Killer SLI/AC

Didn't have any OCs on for this or do any tweaking in Profile Inspector. If i'm feeling frisky later, I'll mess around with some stuff.

posted about 7 years ago
#9 Super Bad Pocket/Roamer - Prob Xtra Low Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

There is a lot of feels in here and my old ass can't handle it. Thanks for the kind words dudes. Hopefully I'll be seeing yall in a server soon. It's been too long.

Also, funny story Tery... I just found out that in season 17 i was using some stupid cosmetic that had balloons for all the explosions and thats why I could never see anything going on in fights lol. I thought it wasjust a TF2 update or something. haha

posted about 7 years ago
#4 Super Bad Pocket/Roamer - Prob Xtra Low Open in Recruitment (looking for team)
lucrativemad OG, only person i know who played this game way before me still around. much respect and welcome back. Dude was also a beast in his prime

thanks man. feels good to be back the rockets just feel so slow.

knsumeTulkasI don't even know what is considered good in this game now.being able to turn ur monitor on is considered good these days so if u can do that welcome to IM

haha sweet so if i have 2 monitors does that mean i'm Invite or do i need to buy more?

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Super Bad Pocket/Roamer - Prob Xtra Low Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

I'm Tulkas, very very few will know me. Was pretty decent a long time ago before a lot of the community had their driver's licenses. I'm 31 now. Reliable. Looking to find a team because I miss competing. I will get better over time, but I don't even know what is considered good in this game now.

I still play a lot of quake so my reflexes are still in shape
I am motivated.
I take criticism well.
I am willing to review demos as a team and scrimmage a lot(available 9EST-whenever my old ass passes out)

Ignorant to meta changes
May have some bad habits
Some simple parts of the game might be foreign to me
Have a job
No longer have my boyish good looks
crust... lots of it

Some past teams i played for:
1 Thousand MPH Ass (home of the oldest flank in the game)
Hostile Faction/NXZL Gaming
Apocalypse Gaming
Mug N Mouse Gaming
Potential Gaming
and plenty of others from 2007-2009.


posted about 7 years ago
#18 why tf2 needs more hot artsy asian girls in TF2 General Discussion

i would POTENTIALLY get back into medic for a good team. Haven't played medic since one of the first CEVO-P seasons and haven't hardly played at all since 2010... prob been since early 2008 since I medic'd seriously? Only played it because internet wasn't the greatest so once i moved I switched to pocket and the rest was history...

So there you have it. You have someone with experience (albeit a long time ago) that would be willing to come back to TF2 to play for a well established team willing to let me work out the growing pains.

Outside of that, good, well thought out post. I can agree to a certain extent. I don't think it's the end all, be all, but more medics would definitely be a good thing.

posted about 8 years ago
#13 lf gamers to play ow mm with in Other Games

I play a lot now with a few other TF2 players from back in the day. Your name seems familiar :o

posted about 8 years ago
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