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Last Posted January 2, 2013 at 7:49 PM
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#35 Planned Series: ESEA-I Top 10 Plays of the Week in TF2 General Discussion
aimTuxedodflamesynchroI think top 10 is a bit much, mostly because there aren't even 10 teams - a top 5 will ensure there aren't any clips that are thrown in as filler. Good plan though, hope it doesn't diiiie.
I don't think it would be just for invite, I think it would include IM and possibly open as well?

It should definitely be from only invite, MAYBE the top of IM. The reason that the CommFT Top 10 got boring is because the players were low caliber. People want to see names they know in these top 10s.
You made an account just to say something foolish. @_@

Negative captain

posted about 12 years ago
#30 Planned Series: ESEA-I Top 10 Plays of the Week in TF2 General Discussion
dflamesynchroI think top 10 is a bit much, mostly because there aren't even 10 teams - a top 5 will ensure there aren't any clips that are thrown in as filler. Good plan though, hope it doesn't diiiie.
I don't think it would be just for invite, I think it would include IM and possibly open as well?

It should definitely be from only invite, MAYBE the top of IM. The reason that the CommFT Top 10 got boring is because the players were low caliber. People want to see names they know in these top 10s.

posted about 12 years ago