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Signed Up August 5, 2016
Last Posted February 10, 2025 at 5:30 PM
Posts 76 (0 per day)
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#2 Fat bitches Fighting over Food lfp in Recruitment (looking for players)

Honestly a good team name

posted about 2 years ago
#525 RGL S8 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Young_SanityUnconsciousYoung_SanityUnconsciousYoung_SanityI have the entire ybg team in my dm's.After looking over all the shit put in this thread about the ffw.
-If they did the thing where you have to get ringers approved before they can play an admin or mod would have informed them most likely that they couldn't use 3 ringers.
-If they also just use the big button to go to rules on the rgl website and ask themselves the question of how many ringers we are allowed to use before just playing a match with 3 ringers this wouldn't have happened.
-It is scummy to not tell them how ever they have all the available resources for this situation to not occur.
I had a very long talk with chell. It was scummy of me.

I think it’s important to understand that the level of scummy it was is like a 2/10 this ultimately comes down to the ybg team not using any resources available to them and something they should have done to get the ringers approved in the first place. It’s also insane that they had 3 players go missing the last match of the season in a perfect season run. The accountability here lies on there team alone ur only fault is not telling them intentionally. The only real take away from this little drama episode should be use the resources available to you more as teams and young sanity learned to be a little less snaky for a W
No 3 players did show up Dylan wanted to let his friends play.

If all 6 players where available and he just wanted to let his friends play this is not a real reason just pugscrim if you want ur friends not on ur team to play. If that shit is true this whole thing is stupid af

posted about 3 years ago
#522 RGL S8 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Young_SanityUnconsciousYoung_SanityI have the entire ybg team in my dm's.After looking over all the shit put in this thread about the ffw.
-If they did the thing where you have to get ringers approved before they can play an admin or mod would have informed them most likely that they couldn't use 3 ringers.
-If they also just use the big button to go to rules on the rgl website and ask themselves the question of how many ringers we are allowed to use before just playing a match with 3 ringers this wouldn't have happened.
-It is scummy to not tell them how ever they have all the available resources for this situation to not occur.
I had a very long talk with chell. It was scummy of me.

I think it’s important to understand that the level of scummy it was is like a 2/10 this ultimately comes down to the ybg team not using any resources available to them and something they should have done to get the ringers approved in the first place. It’s also insane that they had 3 players go missing the last match of the season in a perfect season run. The accountability here lies on there team alone ur only fault is not telling them intentionally. The only real take away from this little drama episode should be use the resources available to you more as teams and young sanity learned to be a little less snaky for a W. They also from the beginning should have used subbed players if that was possible anyway rather than ringers so little should change here if you inform the enemy team of the ruling or not.

posted about 3 years ago
#511 RGL S8 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Young_SanityI have the entire ybg team in my dm's.

After looking over all the shit put in this thread about the ffw.
-If they did the thing where you have to get ringers approved before they can play an admin or mod would have informed them most likely that they couldn't use 3 ringers.
-If they also just use the big button to go to rules on the rgl website and ask themselves the question of how many ringers we are allowed to use before just playing a match with 3 ringers this wouldn't have happened.
-It is scummy to not tell them how ever they have all the available resources for this situation to not occur.

posted about 3 years ago
#8680 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 3 years ago
#2 whsh lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

you left home 6 years ago whsh come back

posted about 3 years ago
#10 estrogen took my homie lfp in Recruitment (looking for players)

This really isn't what I wanted. I didn't want the game to lose a player. This was just supposed to be a retort to a post but I guess it got kinda carried away. I really hope you make a return. You're not any kind of bad guy at all and your attitude towards improving wasn't even bad. I sincerely believe that you can figure out a way to conquer your issues and be really amazing. Feels to me like you're already most of the way there. I'm sorry, Bumbo.

posted about 3 years ago
#8 estrogen took my homie lfp in Recruitment (looking for players)

Feel free to send me examples of what is archaic and bad because I'd love to hear your opinions. But you are perpetuating these classic paul myths. I have some sway with the team but I don't lead this team, I barely call, etc. So it's interesting how pointed this seems at me. Of course this is because I basically told you "you need to leave" so I understand how that will feel personal and there's salt involved.

The reality is that we're doing as bad as we are in no small part due to you. The moment we play with someone else on roamer we're going even or beating teams in scrims that otherwise beat us? You're 90% brawn 10% brain and almost no ability to speak while playing. With mechanics that good you could play at a really high level if you didn't play so god damn fucking stupid. I spent half the season watching you do the most abysmally dumb stuff after I was dead. (Yes you also had plenty of great shots and salvages of situations, many of which could have been going better if you just did smarter things). Your play is selfish, one dimensional pugbrain shit. You're literally a junkie for the dopamine hit you get from connecting a good shot. You put out a frag clip (you're a great editor) every couple weeks and your plays revolve around making sure you have enough footage. I'm not saying you're terrible by some wicked choice but it's like some kind of symptom of tons of pugging, ego, and airshot lust. If we're already winning you are riding high but if we're losing you're a feed machine that complains about scout class.

It's so rare that I cut people I cannot remember the last time I had to cut someone for performance. It's super rare and usually only for attitude/toxicity issues but I'm sure it must have happened in the past decade... I guess? I was asking some people on your behalf about mentorship and they said they weren't too keen because they didn't think you'd actually take feedback with your attitude. You might be roster riding on a higher level team and I'm sure that's validating but you're actually not good enough for this team. Seriously, no amount of dm is going to fix your problems and you know this. Please get a mentor. If you have enough time to play this many pugs a day then you have time to work on your gamesense at least a little.

Also validating will be when I get -fragged hard while you get +. But I don't play many pugs and mostly keep to myself while people like you perpetuate info like you wrote above in your salty state. Meanwhile you're 'networking' in pugs half the night so of course everyone loves Bumbo. Woah did you see that shot? Well if they didn't they'll see it in the frag clip.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 MILKIES arrive to Invite in News

Hope they have a great season

posted about 3 years ago
#30 best team name in TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

I'm glad I could leave a legacy in Gitomas memory from Estrogen Took My Homie. Brings tears to my old eyes

posted about 4 years ago
#15 tbd LFP in Recruitment (looking for players)

The anime profiles will carry

posted about 4 years ago
#3 need some POSITIVITY in TF2 General Discussion

Here you go large one

posted about 5 years ago
#7 prc37 scout lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

vroom vroom the racecar goes pew pew pick him up

posted about 5 years ago
#14 Pauly LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 5 years ago
#30 q lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Bumping this for the young blood, finna get cut cause boy billy has dementia

posted about 5 years ago
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