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Signed Up May 30, 2017
Last Posted March 18, 2023 at 9:52 PM
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#10 give me something to watch on netflix in Off Topic


posted about 5 years ago
#9 I require game suggestions in Other Games

I'll second Deus Ex: Human Revolution based on what you've said, its sequel Mankind Divided isn't quite as good, but the gameplay is slightly better and taken for what it is it's still a great game if you can get past a mediocre ending and only one hub world (a damn good one though) as opposed to Human Revolution's 2.5 hubs and more varied locations.

I don't know about an emulated version, but Breath of the Wild was pretty great too.

posted about 6 years ago
#35 What's your favourite frag video? in Off Topic

Cyanic's i63 fragvideo
Clean enough that all the frags are easy to follow, but with some really nice editing that never gets in the way of the clips.

I realise it was already mentioned by Opti_, but it's so good.

posted about 6 years ago
#73 bad habits in Off Topic

I just finished an internship working under / with a woman called Ally. Twice in one day I misspelled her name as Alle and twice had to consciously refrain from explaining why I might spell her name that way.

posted about 6 years ago
#110 Most underrated prem/invite players of all time. in TF2 General Discussion
cromendeadbolt, paragon, and grape

Fuck me, I miss 20b

posted about 6 years ago
#91 best videogame soundtrack? in Other Games

I'm a big fan of the OSTs for Half-Life, Deus Ex, Metal Gear Solid, Hotline Miami, Transistor, Undertale and any of the LoZ titles.

Honorable mentions go to Portal 2 for how well the music works and changes with the gameplay, The Music Machine for having tracks I loved that were just a bit too far between to make it into the above list and Life is Strange because it fits the mood of the game perfectly, even if a few of the tracks aren't my thing when I'm not hearing them in game.

posted about 6 years ago
#14 what will you be doing for christmas in Off Topic

Alternating between playing games and wishing I was spending time with friends and relatives and spending time with friends and relatives wishing I was playing games.

posted about 7 years ago
#44 Top 3 favorite cartoons in Music, Movies, TV

Avatar: The Last Airbender, Daria and Rick and Morty.

posted about 7 years ago
#24 Good/decent free horror games?! in Off Topic
discotribbleFingerbones. It's short, and it's free on steam. Low quality graphics but it'll fuck you up!!

I'll second this, I don't personally think it's as good as Szymanski's other work, particularly The Music Machine which I'd recommend to anyone and everyone but as far as free games go it's definitely a solid little game.

posted about 7 years ago
#64 Who is the best tf2 caster of all time and why in TF2 General Discussion

Marxist - as an analyst he knows how to leave most of the talking to the main caster before coming in with some great commentary after the fact. Never says more than he should, never (from memory) steps on the toes of a co-caster and manages to make stalemates fun to watch. He'd be my pick for the best caster, even if I'm not sure his style would work for a solo cast.

Admirable - is wonderful in general. Just a really solid all round caster.

Sideshow - a hell of a lot of fun to watch, but also with really solid casting beyond just a stream of jokes.

eXtine - probably my first introduction into watching competitive TF2 alongside Sal. With a Yyaaoww my years of watching comp TF2 began, I would be remiss not to mention him.

Sal - see above, also just for being really enjoyable and easy to watch, especially as a newcomer.

Kip - the only caster I really miss, while Sal's style has been imitated fairly well by a bunch of new casters Kip's casts were insanely fun to watch, even especially when they were low level highlander matches, she'd be my pick for most underrated caster.

While I'm here I'd just like to thank anyone who's casted or handled production of TF2 matches. It's really appreciated, and the people who put them on YouTube are bloody wonderful, going through archived streams is pretty frustrating, so thanks for that.

posted about 7 years ago
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