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Last Posted April 18, 2022 at 1:51 PM
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#3 Allowing the TF2-Ultimate-Visual-Fix-Pack in ETF2L in TF2 General Discussion
AdjeReading through these I'm pretty sure most of these are fine but stuff like less obnoxious Pyro flame particles would be up for debate cause you could argue it's intended game design (although not great game design). Kinda similar like how you can't use that mod that hides props & bushes to remove clutter on ETF2L.

There is probably a middle ground to be had where stuff like that is not inside of the pack?

I suppose. But I think the highlight of that pack are the Flamethrower changes. I think most people can agree that the default flame particles are horrendous. Whereas removing props & bushes is something completely different.

Edit: And besides, orange flames have been in the game for a long time (pre-JI). So it isn't something completely different to Valve's intended design.

posted about 2 years ago
#6 Unifed Ruleset Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

From a specators view: I think the win limit and round timer are perfect. However, the continious overtime can get pretty fatiguing to watch. Games can last for so long, and I feel a team that is winning for the majority of the match should be rewarded for that.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 Allowing the TF2-Ultimate-Visual-Fix-Pack in ETF2L in TF2 General Discussion
This pack is currently not allowed in any competitive server. It would be fantastic if this pack was allowed in comp because it is generally an improvement of the gameplay experience.

-The Pyro's Flamethrower is a lot less bright and has a nicer orange colour compared to the white and bright vanilla particles.
-There have also been improvements to the explosion particles to make them less bright aswell.
-There is in general just a lot less visual clutter. Alongside making them look nicer.

Hopefully it is possible to allow this mod without any risks or anything. This mod is fantastic and just an improvement over vanilla TF2.

posted about 2 years ago
#54 tf2 pet peeves in TF2 General Discussion
411NaClIt also somehow counters the most powerful thing in the game: uber. Absolutely terrible. denying a well-earned advantage should definitely require something more difficult than spamming a button in the general direction of a chokepoint. pyro should be deleted or completely overhauled and i've been saying it for years.

The Dragon's Fury seems to be the closest thing to being a Pyro overhaul, but it is kind of buggy and a bit weak outside of pubs at the moment. They should increase the range; reduce the radius; increase the firing rate bonus a bit and increase the afterburn duration and it would probably be golden.
Plus of course, fixing the janky projectile that collides with invisible map elements on some maps like Gullywash and being so darn big that it can collide with a lot of surfaces easily and other projectiles.

The Dragon's Fury is my favourite Pyro weapon because it is just satisfying to melt people with it. However, it is sad that Valve probably will not do anything with it for the foreseeable future. A lot of changes I suggested you can make with simple console commands with cheats enabled.

posted about 3 years ago
#4 projectile jank in TF2 General Discussion
sunderkeeninVirtualSoda Add this one too
Is that still an active issue? I did some light wallway testing and it appears resolved. I had looked at that while initially building the playlist. I was also tempted to remove one of the sigseg videos because JI changed the airblast box, but I think the actual visualization is still beneficial.

It is still an issue unfortunately.

posted about 3 years ago
#2 projectile jank in TF2 General Discussion Add this one too

posted about 3 years ago
#107 ban iron bomber and market gardener for s39 in TF2 General Discussion
funhaver1998VirtualSodaGive medic a crossbow replacement that literally repells the enemy when hit. Or a market gardener razorback thing. Valve add this please. THIS is how we solve this issue....
id be pissed if my med used this shit instead of the bow any med that would do that is a pussy

Okay what about it replacing the medi-gun :)

posted about 3 years ago
#105 ban iron bomber and market gardener for s39 in TF2 General Discussion

Give medic a crossbow replacement that literally repells the enemy when hit. Or a market gardener razorback thing. Valve add this please. THIS is how we solve this issue....

posted about 3 years ago
#36 How would you buff the spy? in TF2 General Discussion

Spy does not need a buff in the essence of giving him more strengths. He can already be quite impactful, just not in every situation. He is a support class that is supposed to turns things in your favour. But in 6v6, it can be pretty difficult to land a backstab on somebody because the enemy team is not always distracted when a Spy pick could be helpful.

You could give him ways to distract the enemy team without relying on his team; decoys could be cool. However, people may find that unfun to play against. Still would be cool to see if it works or not though.
I think the easiest buff spy could have is to decrease the time it takes to cloak in and out. So escaping is easier, and timing your decloaks is more effecient. Added with a 'Silent Killer' stats being put on all knives.

A more ambitious idea I have is being able to actually 'mimic' other classes, instead of only looking like them. For example, you could disguise as a Soldier and actually do everything a Soldier can, without actually doing anything substantial like damage and frags.
To what point you can 'mimiç' is up for debate, would you be able to rocket jump too? Or only shoot out projectiles?

Anyway, I think Spy is in an okay spot right now. But the Spy could definitely have a couple of decent buffs that also do not make him into a very oppressive class.

posted about 3 years ago
#8 frag video music in Videos

These three would work well in a frag movie I think.

posted about 3 years ago
#67 Team Comtress 2 in Projects
mastercomsThe DF isn't implemented fully yet in TC2, so no.

Thanks for answering! Again, I'm super sorry for asking so much, you're already doing a ton and I feel like I'm being a bit of a snob asking you these things :c

posted about 4 years ago
#65 Team Comtress 2 in Projects
mastercomsVirtualSodaThe Wrap Assassin, Dragon's Fury, Pomson 6000 and the Righteous Bison all have the same problem of disappearing when hitting a solid map entity that's invisble to players. Shounic made an excellent video that explains what the problem is better than I could ever do: was already fixed in 0.0.7

Oh! Fantastic! Thanks for letting me know :>
Edit: Is the Dragon's Fury specific bug fixed aswell? My apologies for asking so much, this bug has annoyed me nearing 3 years, and still hasn't seen a fix :<

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Only Flamethrowers apply the reduced healing rate in TF2 General Discussion

Flare guns don't apply this reduced healing rate, which people seem to believe it does. This is not true and here is a video showing that. Notice that only the flamethrower gives the "glitched medi-gun" sound effect, and the detonator doesn't.
The sound effect indicates that the medic is healing at a reduced rate for a couple of seconds:

This goes for ALL flare guns and ALL flamethrowers; except the Dragon's Fury for unknown reasons.
Besides this, this stat is only shown on the flamethrowers, and is not shown on any flare gun. It's not even a hidden-stat.

Edit: Made another video showing the medic's POV. Notice that with the flamethrower, the hp kind of locks into place for a couple of seconds before it gradually heals up again. With the flare guns, it gradually goes up even with afterburn applied.

posted about 4 years ago
#63 Team Comtress 2 in Projects

The Wrap Assassin, Dragon's Fury, Pomson 6000 and the Righteous Bison all have the same problem of disappearing when hitting a solid map entity that's invisble to players. Shounic made an excellent video that explains what the problem is better than I could ever do:

The Dragon's Fury has it's own quirks aswell, whenever it hits flares, rockets, needles, Huntsman arrows, Rescue Ranger bolts and the fireball spell, the Dragon's Fury projectile becomes harmless.

These weapons might not be competitively viable, but I felt like posting this because these are bugs that just straight up make the weapons not work in some situations. And this seems like a good place for these bugs to be posted :)

posted about 4 years ago
#326 BTS TF2 insanity in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 5 years ago
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