When playing whatever arena, if you actually want to improve, you have to focus on what you are doing and time everything better. I do not mean running around with the escape plan spamming rockets with 1 hp, I mean trying to aim when jumping, focusing on where to land, how to strafe later etc., instead of jumping in randomly, flicking and hope for the best. That being said, ammomod is not the only mode that you can play to improve. Every arena requires different way of aiming and moving, restricting yourself only to ammomod will not get you a lot further.
Ammomod itself has its own cheap strats as any other arena, and it's not all about aiming, even conversely, focusing more on the movement will help you much more.
MGE lords are not necessarily 'gay'. And you can never get a proper reason as to why someone is playing cheap and why he isn't. I, personally, have been accused of playing gay for the following reasons: (On Spire) Playing on shotgun, playing on gunboats, not going for airshots, not hitting anything, surfing, ammomoding, not strafing while jumping, shooting rockets while in the air. (For Ammomod) Holding S, holding W, holding A, surfing, not surfing, not going for airshots, not hitting anything (Getting repetitive, yes). Despite the prominent belief, there is not a good amount of DM gods on soldier anymore, with the best of them had already quit the game.
I'll mention nothing about the 6s part of your argument, it is not wrong but it is completely off-topic and irrelevant to what my point was.