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Last Posted December 4, 2013 at 8:09 PM
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#27 Dear eXtv: Third Person Camera in TF2 General Discussion

Personally I like the third person/free camera predominantly because you get a wider view of the action as opposed to just the narrow field of view of one person. Even the big plays look better in third person/free camera with a larger view, at least that's how I feel. I just don't understand how you'd rather prefer one person's restricted FOV instead of a greater view of everything that's going on including team formations, strategy and team fights.

posted about 11 years ago
#251 Why do so many people bash 9v9? in TF2 General Discussion

You guys really know how to flog a dead horse into a fine paste.

Vish024If you like 6s, don't enjoy most unlocks and like a more organised style of play then so be it but there's no rational reason for this blatant elitism displayed by many 6s players. It's these sorts of people that are poisoning the TF2 community as a whole. HL is just as great as 6s, if you don't like it then by all means play 6s and enjoy yourselves but there's no need for this standoffish, petulant and ridiculous hatred directed towards HL.

Case closed. Move on.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 RIP custom HUDs in TF2 General Discussion

Can't launch the game, it crashes on the loading screen. I thought it was just me initially but seems that several people are having this issue.

posted about 11 years ago
#102 Most annoying thing in tf2? in Off Topic

My personal list:

-The degreaser: Has made the stock flamethrower redundant and makes pyro too easy at a very low cost.
-The Phlog
-Beggar's Bazooka
-People who main heavy and act like it's a huge accomplishment when they're good at it even though saying that you're good at heavy is like saying that you're toilet trained.

Minis never really bothered me, even as scout you can often tank them and 2 shot them to destroy them. They're easily taken down and useless at holding points, I find regular sentries easier and more useful than them.

Random crits are annoying but let's be honest we all love it when we get them but hate to receive them. Everyone gets their fair share of random crits, it goes both ways.

posted about 11 years ago
#28 Scout - movement/dodging help? in Mentoring

In scout v scout I find that jumping actually makes it easier to hit you so avoid jumping, just remain on your feet and continue strafing. It's the scout that lands the first shot that usually wins the battle, even if you miss 5 out of 6 shots as long as one hits you can finish him off with the pistol.

In scout v solly, personally I had a serious phobia of sollies when I started playing scout and I still do in inside spaces. The best advice I can give is to avoid moving in a predictable manner, when double jumping try changing direction as often as possible and as some posts above mentioned you should use height advantages and continuously change the distance between yourself and the solly. Also avoid approaching sollies directly, ideally try to approach them from the side or even from behind.

posted about 11 years ago
#204 Why do so many people bash 9v9? in TF2 General Discussion

ITT: 6s elitism

1. What's wrong with with maining pyro/spy/engie/heavy? Since when was it a crime to have fun and play your favourite class?

2. What's wrong with unlocks? They add new dimensions to the game, add diversity to each class and can be extremely fun to use. Some are unbalanced but then again many of these are banned in most HL communities.

2. HL is less organised, more spammy and more clustered than 6s but some people prefer that. Having more players on a map is more entertaining for some people.

4. HL features more maps, more game modes and more classes as opposed to 6s where you effectively only play one gamemode and even then only a select number of maps. HL offers greater diversity and that's why some people prefer it, there's no reason to criticise it.

If you like 6s, don't enjoy most unlocks and like a more organised style of play then so be it but there's no rational reason for this blatant elitism displayed by many 6s players. It's these sorts of people that are poisoning the TF2 community as a whole. HL is just as great as 6s, if you don't like it then by all means play 6s and enjoy yourselves but there's no need for this standoffish, petulant and ridiculous hatred directed towards HL.

posted about 11 years ago
#42 ETF2L S16 unlocks in TF2 General Discussion

I'm sure all of you will regret saying all this when you see just how strong the pyro can be with that combo. The degreaser+flare+ax combo can be more efficient at taking out enemy meds than even scouts and roamers.

Overall I think this update is aimed at bringing more people into 6v6 which I suppose is a good thing.

posted about 11 years ago
#76 Do you use viewmodels? in TF2 General Discussion

I only turn viewmodels off for solly and scout, except of course their melee. My rocket jumping is better without the viewmodel and ultimately I can see more of what's happening. With other classes I switch weapons more and the viewmodel doesn't seem to affect my performance.

posted about 11 years ago
#81 Things that remind you of the 90s in Off Topic

posted about 11 years ago
#50 Are you proud of being a (competitive) gamer? in Off Topic

I love playing videogames and I'll always be proud of it, it's one of my favourite pastimes and something I enjoy. Couldn't imagine feeling ashamed about it.

posted about 11 years ago
#23 Having fun with Yanks 2k13. in TF2 General Discussion

It's just a bit of banter, laugh it off guys.

posted about 11 years ago
#102 Can someone tell me why everyone hates pyro in TF2 General Discussion

I see what you mean but then again just about every class has a range disadvantage except obviously sniper. All the assault classes except demo to a lesser extent are more effective at closer range: heavy, soldier, scout. Even demos are more likely to do damage with their projectiles as closer range.

The pyro's so called ranged disadvantage can be mitigated with weapons like the shotgun and flare gun as secondary. Two well placed flare gun shots can easily take out most classes.

Also it annoys me when I continuously juggle a pyro as soldier and he just won't die.

posted about 11 years ago
#100 Can someone tell me why everyone hates pyro in TF2 General Discussion

They've taken away just about every weakness that the pyro originally had especially with the ability to reflect, quick weapon switch at a low cost and weapons that guarantee crits on enemies who are on fire. I think the best way to balance the class would be to reduce its health to 125 or 150 max. I don't quite understand why 175 health is justified for pyros seeing as they aren't supposed to be a tanky class and move just as fast as the spy, sniper and engie who all have 125 heath. If they move at the standard speed it isn't entirely fair to give them as much health as the demo.

I've put this idea forward to many users so far (mainly during my rants in servers) and the only people who disagree with me are those that main pyro.

posted about 11 years ago
#51 i49 Casters! in LAN Discussion

Martin Tyler and Andy Gray pls.

posted about 11 years ago