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Signed Up April 29, 2015
Last Posted July 27, 2018 at 4:02 PM
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#17 PSA No Heroes community protects cheaters in TF2 General Discussion

Really sad situation. NH was one of the last remaining decent community servers and it just lost a bunch of quality players. Quality players make the community. RIP CouchOnline. RIP IO. No one but Wizardry deserved to get banned due to reporting and discussing the cheating evidence. FYI, there has been evidence in the past (2 or more years ago) of Wizardry using cheats, but we didn't report it at the time because we thought it was a one and done thing (with Wiz being notorious for accusing everyone of cheating). Seems like it turned into something more than one and done, unfortunately.

posted about 6 years ago
#2495 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Is there any way to make damage indicators not so close to targets? Usually it's not a problem, but I'm finding playing heavy more that the damage numbers are super distracting (overlapping the target) at range. I suppose I could turn them off for just heavy, but I'd still like access to the total damage information, if possible.

posted about 9 years ago
#183 Overwatch, who got in? in Other Games

Nope, been playing TF games since 1997, probably in the top 10 longest duration fully-active TF players (next to SpaceCadet`HX, maybe). Been giving feedback to devs on TF going back to when flash grenades were (foolishly) replaced with caltrops in QWTF. Vooper#1773

posted about 9 years ago
#2 How to remove souls and halloween sound's effects? in Customization

Anyone figure this out (how to remove the souls and sound effects)? I'm pretty sure the flying souls are the cause of my system lag as of the halloween update.

posted about 9 years ago
#122 MAJOR TF2 update for 10/28/15 (Scream Fortress 7) in TF2 General Discussion
flamewhy are you using comanglias config and dx8 with a 970

Less clutter, less distractions. Simple, clean graphics are best for multiplayer FPS games - save the eye candy for single player.

posted about 9 years ago
#118 MAJOR TF2 update for 10/28/15 (Scream Fortress 7) in TF2 General Discussion
DrSqueaksDoes anyone know if their is a way to get rid of the whole soul absorbing graphic thing after you kill someone? I've talked to a few people having freezing issues with it.

Yes, if anyone has a way to disable the soul-sound and soul-graphic, that'd be appreciated. I use Comanglia's config, DX8, have a GTX 970, and was having mutl-second system lag yesterday and otherwise distracted by all the visual and sound nonsense they added.

posted about 9 years ago
#68 Bladehud in Customization
VooperBig fan of this hud despite lack of updates. Anyways, one error is that the player name appearing upon in-game character mouseover appears twice, with the second slightly off to the side of the first. Any suggestions to fix?

Found the fix for this:

A recent update hard-coded the color of target ID names. The previously invisble TargetNameLabel control is now visible. The simplest solution is to change the "tall" value of TargetNameLabel (found in targetid.res) to "0."

But, yes, I echo indecency, would love to see a full update of the Gunblade hud, which is perfect in its simplicity.

posted about 9 years ago
#66 Bladehud in Customization

Big fan of this hud despite lack of updates. Anyways, one error is that the player name appearing upon in-game character mouseover appears twice, with the second slightly off to the side of the first. Any suggestions to fix?

posted about 9 years ago
#48 No explosion smoke script in Customization

Love the new explosions.

posted about 9 years ago
#189 My FPS config in Customization
ComangliaVooperAs of the TF2 update yesterday, using DX81 causes a crash to desktop upon startup with no error message. DX9 works fine. Anyone with a similar issue find a resolution?
I play on DX 8.1 and I streamed yesterday


Aye, did a full reset of TF2 graphics using -autoconfig, inserted just your GFX config, and TF2 works again in DX8. Must have been something else in my config causing the crash.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 DX8 - crash to desktop no error in Q/A Help
VooperGibusVooperI've always had trouble with the washed out look under DX9. It's basically unplayable, too foggy to see everything you need to see.
Try Putting fog_enable 0 in your config

Cheat command requiring sv_cheats 1, per the console.

DX9 is unplayable with this haze. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/36370312389046270/BFCAF73311C7E7E732D75A5D5F222A79D4A185AC/

r_pixelfog 1 helped with the fogginess

posted about 9 years ago
#6 DX8 - crash to desktop no error in Q/A Help
GibusVooperI've always had trouble with the washed out look under DX9. It's basically unplayable, too foggy to see everything you need to see.
Try Putting fog_enable 0 in your config

Cheat command requiring sv_cheats 1, per the console.

DX9 is unplayable with this haze. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/36370312389046270/BFCAF73311C7E7E732D75A5D5F222A79D4A185AC/

posted about 9 years ago
#177 My FPS config in Customization

As of the TF2 update yesterday, using DX81 causes a crash to desktop upon startup with no error message. DX9 works fine. Anyone with a similar issue find a resolution?

posted about 9 years ago
#4 DX8 - crash to desktop no error in Q/A Help
RainmanI had the same thing: I crashed to desktop with no dialog. It turns out that there was something in cowmanglia's config that was doing it. I use dx81 and after I removed a jumble of stuff that isn't in the original config, it was fixed.

Good to know I'm not the only one, please let me know if you figure out how you fixed it.

GibusYou have a gtx 970 why are you running dx8

I've always had trouble with the washed out look under DX9. It's basically unplayable, too foggy to see everything you need to see.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 DX8 - crash to desktop no error in Q/A Help

Today's TF2 update is causing me to crash to desktop with no error under DX81. Same result with DX80.

DX9 works, but the in-game graphics are very washed out, making it difficult to see players far away, as they blend into the fog. For example: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/36370312386103616/6136FAD38766CCF735EEFC9BAB48EC24E85D0F69/

Any ideas as to making DX8 work? If not, any suggestions on settings to eliminate this fogginess and make the blue/red of the players easier to see? I have a GTX 970 and am using the latest driver (350.12). I've inserted Comanglia's full graphic config directly into the end of my autoexec.cfg.

posted about 9 years ago