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Last Posted June 3, 2024 at 10:36 AM
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#6 (ETF2L) The offseason is 4 months long. Thoughts? in TF2 General Discussion

In our last discussion with the admins, I was one of the strongest advocates for not having a summer season going forward. I still believe this is the best approach, since summer seasons tend to be shit due to alot of players going on holidays and there not being a major Lan like Insomnia anymore. I, however also thought that there would be at least 1-2 6s cups organized in cooperation with EssentialsTF or other orgs. For example (as Yak already pointed out), a 1-2 week long lan qualifier cup would've been great. Even a paid entry cup could work fine imo, if there are funds missing on the org side.

Overall, I believe the EU comp scene would benefit from having just two main seasons (spring and autumn) while focusing more on cups during the summer. However, it's crucial for the admins and orgs to really try and have direct and consistent communication to make this happen...

posted 9 months ago
#2 ETF2L 6v6 Winter 2023 W2: /for fence vs. Nati Noot in Matches

our offi will be postponed to next week

posted about 2 years ago
#9103 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


Recovered this a while ago from my old pc, sorry for no game sounds!

posted about 2 years ago
#65 i69: Day 3 - Finals in Events

What? Imo even snake was a very interesting game, because froyo had some interesting attempts in breaking the stalemates and eventhough the execution failed multiple times I still find it interesting how froyo tries to tackles this kind of playstyle in General. I can't even count the times i've watched the insomnia i63 froyo vs se7en Games, just because how interesting the NA vs EU playstyle is.

So yeah I think this kind of playstyle will always be a part of tf2, but imo its only lame for the spectator if both teams just sit and do nothing, which was not the case. Its also not like froyo only went sniper vs these holds (which is the lamest strat to watch imo). The only thing we can do to disincentivize this playstyle is to ban the banner(s), because banning pyro or replacing/fixing granary, snakewater, sunshine seems unreasonable or not doable. I'm still very interested to see if banners will now be used more in NA and how they tackle this ingame.

This GF was far from optimal viewer wise, but also definitely not 'some of the worst gameplay' that there could've been. Also I don't think this prevented the game from 'growing' cause as stated in comments above, wG's playstyle was far from optimal even to an untrained eye.

posted about 2 years ago
#13 Why is Badlands not in any big league map pools? in TF2 General Discussion

I actually think that badlands (especially the "Australian" version without a closed off ring on last and a 2 second cap time) has a very interesting flow. In my opinion the reason why its not played is because it is not a good pug map, as pushing out of last with an uncoordinated team is really aids.
Another factor is that contrary to something like process, the positioning for most classes/roles is not very intuitive, thus making it not easy to pick up for newer players.

I'm pretty sure the map would be fun to try out in a league setting. Even the 1 second cap standard version would be interesting to try out now that the quickie bomber is banned.

Also banning pyro would probably fix this map and make last stalemates way less aids, but this can be probably said about every small last :P.

posted about 3 years ago
#28 ETF2L Season 38 and Preseason Cup announced in News

Please keep either Metal or Gran in! I don't think its very beneficial to switch out 2 maps which have an unique flow and interesting class imbalances for another scout centered map like reckoner...
I get if we want to have two koth maps in order to add more importance to this gamemode, but pls only removing one of these maps for one new map!

Also would be very cool if etf2l could release the data from the survey they took, I'd be really interested on what they base their decisions on when it comes to maps and unlocks :).

posted about 4 years ago
#8 post your ideal whitelist in TF2 General Discussion

These r like the only unlocks that add more to the game than they take away, and even then some of them are contentious. Iron Bomber should probably straight out be banned now that it's confirmed straight upgrade (I'll forever hold the L for telling people it was just placebo for the past 2/3 years lmfao).

I think from the current whitelist, only these should be banned for being a straight upgrade to their stock counterpart

Hmh, I think the winger should also be banned... not directly a straight upgrade, but I still don't get why letting scouts have free highground in fights is beneficial. It's basically a straight upgrade 90% of the time, because better positioning in fights is often more important than the pistol dmg.
I'm pretty sure it being unlocked makes map creation/balancing harder aswell, since highground that can't be reached by the winger is more difficult to implement properly.

posted about 4 years ago
#10360 stream highlights in Videos


posted about 4 years ago
#10038 stream highlights in Videos

All bait.. We got demo and soldier off of this ;D

posted about 5 years ago
#2 ETF2L S35 W2: 6ix vs. wer das liest ist doof in Matches

thanks for reminding me junnu, nubbi and me forgot to do the whole propose/accept stuff ^^

posted about 5 years ago
#22 cyanic edit democall in TF2 General Discussion


34000 - 5k
87000 - 5k, also killing med on 99

Pugchamp demo, might lag sry :/

posted about 5 years ago
#1371 PugChamp in Projects
ShooshFurthermore, if someone gets outpicked - they're gonna kill the pug in order to not lose elo.

Tbh I would rather have the pug killed than play a 5:0 on either side, so this is really not a downside imo.

Also, removing elo has not really reduced toxicity. Yes there is less toxic behaviour when loosing a game, but now (among other problems) there are more people who will just say "go next" and give up making the pug instantly cringe for anybody who wants to try, resulting in more toxic behaviour towards these individuals.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 ETF2L S34 W4: Ascent.EU vs. wer das liest ist doof in Matches

Sadly we are defaulting this match because we are missing 3 main players for a week.
Sorry :/

posted about 5 years ago
#2 ETF2L S34 W3: karnax : ok donc nice calmonie vs. wer das liest ist doof in Matches

This match was moved to today :)

posted about 5 years ago
#22 Granary in Map Discussion
BuffMcStrongHuge "stuff"
TLDR: people don't want to learn how to play maps, yet vote against them. granary is fine just learn how to play it.

This just goes to show why we should give higher level players more voting power regarding map pools and whitelisting imo...

posted about 5 years ago
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