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Signed Up November 3, 2012
Last Posted April 2, 2024 at 2:16 AM
Posts 1110 (0.2 per day)
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1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 73
#17 RGL: Reiterating AC Policies in TF2 General Discussion
brodymaybe i don’t know what im talking about but i think its a bit disingenuous to compare a free jumping service to a paid competitive tf2 service and act like they’re the same thing.

You're right; Tempus has total server costs on the order of $8k/year, whereas the only infrastructure RGL runs is a single website. AFAIK RGL hasn't publicly released their financials, but presumably (hopefully) the majority of the "paid league" is getting paid back out in prize money given how little value-add they provide over a community spreadsheet (casts?). I would argue that the "operating budget" (rather than just the total amount of money passing through the organization) is what should be used to determine the amount of scrutiny applied to management, so if anything it's unfair to hold RGL to as high of a standard as Tempus.

Being terminally afraid of scandals and drama is why we have the eternal drama and scandal of "there are cheaters playing in my paid gaming league." In what other game do you have to choose between skipping scrims and playing "the cheater team," then go with the cheaters because you have a match with them next week? It is a matter of just ban the cheaters, because the alternative (having a glacial "process" for dealing with it) clearly isn't working.

If the Anti-cheat Admin™, Head Admin™, Division Admins™, Division Moderators™, and Floating Staff™ altogether cannot perform the basic function of removing players who are so disruptive that a majority of a division threatens to boycott playoffs, then it's certainly an organizational problem. Clearly nobody feels like they have the authority to take action without consensus, as shown by all the drama threads where something gets "escalated" in a circle between different RGL Officials.

Tempus (and jump in general) has had more than enough administrative drama in the past; you can dig through that on the jump forums if you want (and some of it spilled over to here as well). Most of that came from apathetic management, but also a fair amount from the same reasons here: failed attempts to impose formality and bureaucratic process on a niche gamemode in a 17 year old game. LARPing as the IRS has no place where people in playoffs for the second-highest division are crying about pyro+huntsman and we have leaderboards for jump_ultimatebuttfucker.

posted 11 months ago
#7 RGL: Reiterating AC Policies in TF2 General Discussion

This is pretty ridiculous to watch from the outside.

I've noticed that TF2 Community Organizations™ have a habit of forgetting what their objective is, and instead focus the vast majority of their efforts on playing student government. RGL is (supposedly) running an organization on minimal volunteer time for the primary purpose of enjoyment for the players (i.e. not moving large sums of money around). In spite of that, they seem to put quite a bit of effort into passing the blame to different named positions, or to writing up verbose rules and procedures, or funneling user commentary into some formal reports form (evidently /dev/null).

Recognize what resources you have. RGL is not a state government; you are managing a few hundred people and your operating revenue is somewhere around one fulltime cashier. You do not need to provide a bulletproof legal framework to justify every action or provide all of the supportive services of a DMV. You don't need to be 99.999% sure that someone is walling to ban them from your game, especially if that means a several-month delay on preventing them from disrupting legitimate players. Worst case, you unban them later: you're not a state, so you are allowed to be wrong and apologize. If the entire playerbase has decided someone is cheating before your AC Team™ has come to any such conclusion, your standards for proof are at odds with the people you claim to represent and should be changed.

On Tempus, we have a few hundred daily players and it's far easier to cheat in jump than it is to cheat in 6s: players don't pay for anything, you don't need any kind of dll injection, there's no required social interaction of being on a team, etc. It's the same game; VAC is just as useless. Somehow, there aren't long-running scandals in which known/blatant cheaters get away with it for months/years.

Yes, some obfuscation is needed to avoid making it easier for cheaters to go undetected. No, that doesn't mean that you should admonish players for doing your job for you. No matter how much student government you play, the reality is that the league only functions insofar as players are proactive and willing to help/cooperate with moderation.

Probably half of cheaters on Tempus are caught because someone tips off admins, the other half because they stand out statistically. If you guys haven't set up a system to find players with obvious red flags, do that (the APIs are all there). It's really not that hard, even when the schizo of the month decides to buy 20 accounts from 2005.

The reason it works? If someone cheats, I ban them from the servers. This is a very scary action, because it means that I am responsible if I make a mistake (this is known as "leadership"), and it also means that players are expected to not cheat (this is known as "integrity"). Some people get very upset when their friends are cheating, but after demonstrating very clearly that I don't care, this ceased to be a problem. If you let people cheat for months before banning them and then unban them in a year or two while failing to police alts, you are directly allowing cheaters to play in your league some substantial fraction of the time. This means you fail to deter them in the first place, and you have more work to do.

Also, I don't believe that you've done any thinking about hosting demos publicly. Tempus keeps a public archive of all demos that ever contained a record (41253 as of now), as well as a rolling bucket of all recent demos (133099 in the last 3 months from 57 servers). Jump STVs are a good deal smaller than 6s POVs, but that's under a TB, and costs a whopping $6/mo in B2. That's less per-year than sigafoo extorted from me to play in Main for one season with a bunch of friends who hadn't touched TF2 since 2013. I get that there's a development cost to integrating this into the website properly, but this is ridiculous; Tempus is running out-of-pocket. File upload required for each player after each match -> push to cloud -> link on match page, done. Empower the people who care more than you to help you.

11 months ago:

WaldoThe entire point of moderating the game is to make sure it's fun for the overwhelming majority of the playerbase that is just trying to play.

There's no inalienable human right to play tf2 in a league; if someone goes out of their way to ruin it for others by cheating (or doxing/ddosing/whatever), just permaban them and don't look back without a damn good reason. It's a videogame ban, not taking away their driver's license.
posted 11 months ago
#53 Cheater bans should be permanent in TF2 General Discussion

The entire point of moderating the game is to make sure it's fun for the overwhelming majority of the playerbase that is just trying to play.

There's no inalienable human right to play tf2 in a league; if someone goes out of their way to ruin it for others by cheating (or doxing/ddosing/whatever), just permaban them and don't look back without a damn good reason. It's a videogame ban, not taking away their driver's license.

posted about a year ago
#1 Tempus Jump Servers in Requests

It's been a few years since these got updated and there are quite a few more now (https://tempus2.xyz/servers). Here's all the relevant info, probably easier to start by removing all the current servers with `Tempus` in the name since a bunch of the older ones are dead/moved. Not sure how many or which you'd want to add, I'll leave that up to you guys.

NA (all US):
jump.tf (Chicago) | All Maps | Tempus Network -- chicago.tempus2.xyz:27015
jump.tf (Chicago) | Beginners | Tempus Network -- chicago.tempus2.xyz:27025
jump.tf (Chicago) | Rank 100 Only | Tempus Network -- chicago.tempus2.xyz:27035
jump.tf (Los Angeles) | All Maps #1 | Tempus Network -- la.tempus2.xyz:27015
jump.tf (Los Angeles) | Beginner | Tempus Network -- la.tempus2.xyz:27025
jump.tf (Los Angeles) | All Maps #2 | Tempus Network -- la.tempus2.xyz:27035
jump.tf (Los Angeles) | Rank 200 Only | Tempus Network -- la.tempus2.xyz:27045
jump.tf (Dallas) Jump | All Maps | Tempus Network -- dallas.tempus2.xyz:27015
jump.tf (Dallas) Jump | Rank 100 Only | Tempus Network -- dallas.tempus2.xyz:27025
Echo Jump (Seattle, US) | Rank 1000 Only | Tempus Network -- seattle.tempus2.xyz:27015
Echo Jump (Seattle, US) | Rank 400 Only | Tempus Network -- seattle.tempus2.xyz:27025
jump.tf (NY) | All Maps | Tempus Network -- ny.tempus2.xyz:27015
jump.tf (NY) | Rank 200 Only | Tempus Network -- ny.tempus2.xyz:27025
jump.tf (NY) | Rank 50 Only | Tempus Network -- ny.tempus2.xyz:27035

jump.tf (Frankfurt) | Beginners | Tempus Network -- frankfurt.tempus2.xyz:27015
jump.tf (Frankfurt) | All Maps #1 | Tempus Network -- frankfurt.tempus2.xyz:27025
jump.tf (Frankfurt) | All Maps #2 | Tempus Network -- frankfurt.tempus2.xyz:27035
jump.tf (Frankfurt) | Rank 500 Only | Tempus Network -- frankfurt.tempus2.xyz:27045
jump.tf (Frankfurt) | Rank 100 Only | Tempus Network -- frankfurt.tempus2.xyz:27055

jump.tf (London) | Beginners | Tempus Network -- london.tempus2.xyz:27015
jump.tf (London) | All Maps #1 | Tempus Network -- london.tempus2.xyz:27025
jump.tf (London) | All Maps #2 | Tempus Network -- london.tempus2.xyz:27035
jump.tf (London) | Rank 500 Only | Tempus Network -- london.tempus2.xyz:27045
jump.tf (London) | Rank 100 Only | Tempus Network -- london.tempus2.xyz:27055

jump.tf (Sweden) | All Maps #1 | Tempus Network -- sweden.tempus2.xyz:27015
jump.tf (Sweden) | All Maps #2 | Tempus Network -- sweden.tempus2.xyz:27020
jump.tf (Sweden) | Rank 200 Only | Tempus Network -- sweden.tempus2.xyz:27025

jump.tf (France) All Maps #1 | Tempus Network -- france.tempus2.xyz:27015
jump.tf (France) All Maps #2 | Tempus Network -- france.tempus2.xyz:27025
jump.tf (France) Rank 100 Only | Tempus Network -- france.tempus2.xyz:27035
jump.tf (France) Rank 50 Only | Tempus Network -- france.tempus2.xyz:27045

RG #15 - Jump (No rank limit) | Tempus Network -- ru.tempus2.xyz:27050
RG #16 - Jump (Rank 500 Only) | Tempus Network -- ru.tempus2.xyz:27055


jump.tf (Sydney) | Beginners | Tempus Network -- sydney.tempus2.xyz:27015
jump.tf (Sydney) | All Maps #1 | Tempus Network -- sydney.tempus2.xyz:27025
jump.tf (Sydney) | All Maps #2 | Tempus Network -- sydney.tempus2.xyz:27035
jump.tf (Sydney) | Rank 500 Only | Tempus Network -- sydney.tempus2.xyz:27045
jump.tf (Sydney) | Rank 50 Only | Tempus Network -- sydney.tempus2.xyz:27055
Jump (Adelaide) | All Maps | Tempus Network -- adelaide.tempus2.xyz:27015

Jump (NZ) All Maps | Tempus Network -- nz.tempus2.xyz:27015

Sakura (Tokyo) | All Maps #1 | Tempus Network -- jp.tempus2.xyz:27015
Himawari (Tokyo) | All Maps #2 | Tempus Network -- jp.tempus2.xyz:27025
Cosmos(Tokyo) | All Maps #3 | Tempus Network -- jp.tempus2.xyz:27035

AsiaFortress.com SG #09 | Jump Beginner #1 | Tempus Network -- sg.tempus2.xyz:26009
AsiaFortress.com SG #10 | Jump Advanced #1 | Tempus Network -- sg.tempus2.xyz:26010
AsiaFortress.com SG #11 | Jump All Maps #1 | Tempus Network -- sg.tempus2.xyz:26011
AsiaFortress.com SG #12 | Jump All Maps #2 | Tempus Network -- sg.tempus2.xyz:26012

South America
jump.tf (Brasil) | Initiantes | Tempus Network -- br.tempus2.xyz:27015
jump.tf (Brasil) | Todos Mapas | Tempus Network -- br.tempus2.xyz:27025
jump.tf (Brasil) | Apenas Rank 500 | Tempus Network -- br.tempus2.xyz:27035

South Africa:
TF2SA Jump (All Maps) | tempus2.xyz -- za.tempus2.xyz:27015

posted about a year ago
#17 Whys 6s demos should jump in Videos

Speedrunning easy old maps will always be by far the most useful for 6s/general movement. Moving around cp_gullywash quickly has basically nothing in common with really any of the maps in this video, but maps like excavation, competitive (even though most of the maps aren't in rotation anymore), seven, ayers, and bob are great practice. Newer jumper mains tend to hate those maps, but that's really just because good movement is hard and they'd rather play something easy to go fast on.

Harder stuff can be good for getting consistent, but stickies do a lot of damage and there aren't many 2 sticky jumps in T4+ maps. Better to do harder routes in easy content.

posted about 2 years ago
#2 TF2 update for 12/1/22 (12/2/22 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

this is a fun one

posted about 2 years ago
#8 speedometer in any hud in Customization

I did this about 6 months ago and have streamed with it + sent it around; I'm surprised someone else made one independently.

You don't need to have 10000 frames since you can do each digit individually with some arithmetic.

Here's the proof-of-concept which I've been using, no comically large textures needed:

The speed you get from the material proxy is an absolute speed, so there is no way to convert it into components and make an x/z-only speedometer like the speedo plugins in jump servers. There's a PlayerPosition material proxy which you can split into components, but it's ultimately not useful since there's no way to take the derivative using material proxy math.

posted about 2 years ago
#3 duel_ultimate MGE map? in Map Discussion


posted about 3 years ago
#4 Binding Issue in Q/A Help

You can't jump when unducking from full duck in tf2 if grounded, so it will just unduck if you're grounded and wait too long. This works for partial duck-> jump (e.g. ctapping) or for aerial unduck->jump (jumpbug).

posted about 3 years ago
#2 Binding Issue in Q/A Help
alias jumpbug "+duck; bind space +jumpbugjump"
alias +jumpbugjump "-duck; +jump"
alias -jumpbugjump "-jump; bind space +jump"
bind c "jumpbug"
posted about 3 years ago
#5 Youtube dislikes addon in Off Topic

the answer is literally just ad revenue. people watch videos less if they can infer low quality before clicking

the fact that anyone would believe The Official YouTube Blog about this is astounding

posted about 3 years ago
#8 looking for prehistoric sunshine version in Map Discussion

cp_sunshine_rc1a: https://mega.nz/file/kHBgFLCT#mwglQOJYgsPzTzNb5Jp5-9m0e3mk_VAMzWtHZMhR3ag

posted about 3 years ago
#2 tftv dm servers in TF2 General Discussion

see: https://www.teamfortress.tv/60313/server-list-a2s

posted about 3 years ago
#21 Windows 11 in Off Topic

shitty software developers will always manage to make exponentially better hardware feel like a 5% improvement

posted about 3 years ago
#28 Funding TF2 competetive with Crypto in Off Topic

proof of work systems should be outlawed by international treaty

posted about 3 years ago
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