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Last Posted June 16, 2021 at 6:15 PM
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#91 RGL Ringer Fees in TF2 General Discussion
GeneralNickpajaroAnyone romancing about moving to UGC probably hasn't heard of all of the shady shit that UGC has done in it's past.
The important distinction to make here is that almost all of these issues happened years ago. No one from UGC today, or in the community at large would lie and say that UGC is flawless, but all of the largest administrative flaws have been ironed out to the best of our ability. The admins that once made those egregious rulings are no longer working for UGC, and any admin who was to make rulings like that would swiftly be removed from their position. 4/5 of the points you brought up happened under an entirely different set of admins who have been out of their position of authority for 3-5 years depending on who it was. And to add to the final point, our ban archives are meticulous, however in your case, at the time I was not a head admin and did not have access to the archives and had to rely on someone else to play middle-man. Regardless, I on behalf of UGC and its administration team, wholeheartedly apologize to you pajaro and I hope your inability to play TF2C didn't cause you any additional and uncalled-for stress.

No league is perfect, but UGC wants to listen to the community and we want to hear from everybody so that we can continue to improve the league experience for everyone. UGC has had issues in the past, no question, and I am sorry for all of that, but that was several years ago under an entirely different set of admins. It would be unfair to criticize new Presidents for the actions of the previous administration, and that exists in this situation as well. If there are any other major concerns or comments about our league that needs to be addressed, feel free to reach out to me or any other head admin. All we want is to show the community we have improved since the years past, and we are excited to prove it to everyone!

I find this response really cute seeing as, at least for the issues with sexual harassment and Karl, the admins were incredibly helpful and understanding - it was Fornaught, the owner of the league, who veto'd any of their decisions on the matter, and you can't "swiftly remove him" from his position. Kumori wanted him banned off the bat, and she was not the only admin at the time who had knowledge of what was going on & had that opinion. My report on Karl to RGL stressed that it was a long, drawn-out case where the coverup had caused the issue to span over months/years. I even listed the admins by name who had interacted with me about it at the time because I knew their opinions about it. It was an incredibly stressful and embarrassing point that almost led me to quit the game in its entirety, and the fact that this is getting spun like this disgusts me and pisses me off in more ways than I can count.

Whatever Fornaught might've told you on that matter seems to have been absolute bullshit with the buck passed off onto his volunteers - who, while FAR from perfect, had the compassion and understanding enough to give a fuck when high-profile players are sexually harassing others. I don't like RGL that much, but I HATE your league, your apologies are just passive aggressive jabs at spu and ignore any actual accountability that your league should've taken, and I will never fucking play there again. I tell others this on a regular basis as well. Fuck you, Nick. Learn more about your league and why people hate it.

posted about 3 years ago
#38 RGL and Metal footsteps ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮ in TF2 General Discussion
stephlol i used metal footsteps when i was an rgl anticheat admin, fought to get it changed, was ignored, never got banned.

this is dumb and wholly unenforceable. do better, rgl.

I really wish you would exercise some self control in the future before you post about RGL on tftv - when you drop public drama bombs with little to no context and you present it as "insider" information, the handful of people who are in charge of fixing this mess have to stop what they're doing to assess whether they need to respond, think about what they have to say, and then write something up for the public. Proportionally, it burns up a ridiculous amount of time, and I don't know why you would want to intentionally piss off more people by saying shit like this anyway.

I definitely remember you fighting to get metal footsteps unbanned when I was a div admin (and no, you were not ignored, you were impossible to ignore), but you're also leaving out the fact that they gave you a pass at the time because they gave everybody a pass. You were not given special treatment. We all knew that many people didn't catch that metal footstep usage wasn't allowed, several players were told to turn it off, and at least in HL, team leaders were informed to tell their players that metal footsteps were bannable and that enforcement was going to start soon. This same thing happened with the rollout of the demo check system when enforcement for that picked up recently too.
While I think a one-time info campaign leaves a lot of people out, I know the current RGL admins acknowledge the lingering problem of players not understanding the complicated rulebook, and that's an issue that hasn't been solved yet.

Does RGL fuck up a lot? Yep. Does RGL have some explaining to do when they determine what happens next? Of course. Do RGL players have a right to debate over whether or not metal footsteps should be banned at all? Absolutely. But I genuinely don't know how you thought that typing that would add value to this conversation in any way.

posted about 3 years ago