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Signed Up August 21, 2014
Last Posted December 16, 2016 at 9:50 PM
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#4 skate vids in Off Topic

Used to skate when I was younger. The stuff people do nowadays is insane to me, I was happy to finally land tre flips. I'm really liking that alexander kid's videos.

Nyjah huston has probably the cleanest style I've personally seen.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Lag Spikes? in Q/A Help

I've been getting a lot of loss lately, like 20+.

posted about 8 years ago
#2906 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
EoNhow do I move the health pickup animation

CHealthAccountPanel in hudlayout I think or in HudHealthAccount.res

posted about 8 years ago
#6 How to fix no round timers on custom huds in Q/A Help

You can go into tf2_misc_dir.vpk inside the tf2 tf folder and search for hudmatchstatus.res and use that or get it from rayshud or flamehud or another updated hud.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 How to fix no round timers on custom huds in Q/A Help

Get it working?

posted about 8 years ago
#2 How to fix no round timers on custom huds in Q/A Help

How I fixed mine.

Go here http://huds.tf/forum/showthread.php?tid=159

Show Content
Changes to Round Timers
Round Timers have been heavily changed in this update, and as a result, will not show up unless you update your files. resource/ui/hudobjectivestatus.res has been basically wiped as a file (which makes me wonder why it exists anymore), and has been replaced by resource/ui/hudmatchstatus.res.

It's not all bad, however. You can actually copy the entire "ObjectiveStatusTimePanel" element inside resource/ui/hudobjectivestatus.res and replace the element with the same name inside resource/ui/hudmatchstatus.res. However, you may have to adjust the timer accordingly to the new Matchmaking UI.

You also need to add hudmatchstatus to your hudlayout.res file

Show Content
"fieldName" "HudMatchStatus"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"xpos" "0"
"ypos" "0"
"zpos" "2"
"wide" "f0"
"tall" "f0"

Popped right back on after I added hudmatchstatus to my hudlayout so I think people are skipping that part.

posted about 8 years ago
#2896 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

For anyone still not able to get the round timer back do this.

Go here http://huds.tf/forum/showthread.php?tid=159

Show Content
Changes to Round Timers
Round Timers have been heavily changed in this update, and as a result, will not show up unless you update your files. resource/ui/hudobjectivestatus.res has been basically wiped as a file (which makes me wonder why it exists anymore), and has been replaced by resource/ui/hudmatchstatus.res.

It's not all bad, however. You can actually copy the entire "ObjectiveStatusTimePanel" element inside resource/ui/hudobjectivestatus.res and replace the element with the same name inside resource/ui/hudmatchstatus.res. However, you may have to adjust the timer accordingly to the new Matchmaking UI.

You also need to add hudmatchstatus to your hudlayout.res file

Show Content
"fieldName" "HudMatchStatus"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"xpos" "0"
"ypos" "0"
"zpos" "2"
"wide" "f0"
"tall" "f0"

If the timer doesn't pop back up after doing these two things, you'll have to ask a hud maker for help.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Svchost.exe taking up way too much memory??? in Q/A Help

Not sure if you've already fixed this but I went through this 4-5 days ago and it usually is a problem with the update service "wuauserv". Installing kb3102810 seemingly fixed the memory problem.

I either still had a problem installing the updates or I just wasn't patient enough because they were stuck at 0% for a while. I tried the microsoftfixit50202.msi fix and a troubleshooter. Finally got everything fixed and installed tons of updates. I'm not very smart so I installed nearly all of them, you probably don't need to, but I haven't had any problems so far and updates install right away now. Also tried the "delete everything in softwaredistribution" fix so not sure what ultimately fixed the installing of updates, but it's fixed as of right now.

posted about 9 years ago
#117 Rhapsody's Performance Config in Customization
rage1Walnut-rage1Got some minor glitches (which are actually annoying) after installing the cfg for some reason. They appear when you start TF2:
This is how the connect screen looks when you start TF2 by connecting to a server.
Trying to access inventory for the first time causes this.

What could cause these problems?
Not sure about the first one, but changing resolutions is usually what gives me the second glitch. You just have to go into the inventory, back out and go back in, it'll be fine after that. Same for viewing your class loadout, that might be blank as well.
Thought the same at first. This did happen before and was fine after a while. But this time, it happens every single time I start the game.
Also, I tried it with default HUD. The inventory opens at first try, but loading screen remains the same.

I installed rhapsody's config didn't get the errors. Then I installed rayshud and I am getting the inventory error on every startup. There's a conflict somewhere in rayshud I'm assuming. I'm not sure about the connect screen though. I'll keep rayshud installed for today and see if it comes up at all.

posted about 10 years ago
#115 Rhapsody's Performance Config in Customization
rage1Got some minor glitches (which are actually annoying) after installing the cfg for some reason. They appear when you start TF2:
This is how the connect screen looks when you start TF2 by connecting to a server.
Trying to access inventory for the first time causes this.

What could cause these problems?

Not sure about the first one, but changing resolutions is usually what gives me the second glitch. You just have to go into the inventory, back out and go back in, it'll be fine after that. Same for viewing your class loadout, that might be blank as well.

posted about 10 years ago