Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198040951376 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:80685648] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:40342824 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | December 27, 2012 |
Last Posted | June 13, 2015 at 11:14 PM |
Posts | 28 (0 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | 0.75 |
Windows Sensitivity | 6/11 |
Raw Input | 1 |
3600 |
Resolution |
1600 x 900 |
Refresh Rate |
60 Hz |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | G400 |
Keyboard | Logitech Elite Keyboard LE |
Mousepad | X-Trac Ripper |
Headphones | Logitech H390 |
Monitor | Acer S200HL |
I have a few from one demo that you might be able to use.
16700: 2x airshot
35000: Spy play, med and demo kill
42500: Jump and trade airshots with their demo
When I saw this, I pictured:
- Each player picks 2-4 items, with stocks and staples (ETF2L whitelist?) off-limits
- Picks from all 18 players are pooled together, and any weapons appearing a certain number of times are banned for the match
The preset picks which have been mentioned are a great idea.
I would also want to see set hats banned (ever lobbied against a good Saharan Spy?)
Admiralleidk guys If anyone else is having this issue but I cant watch, or record any of my tf2 demos, only thing that I can see is the tick and map badwater :D I am pretty sure its not tool's problem, maybe its tf2's. Anyone?
I'm having this exact problem, and it's only occuring with the tool.
I have a palm grip with a big hand, and the G400 fits it almost perfectly. The FK seems to have more of a claw grip, which you would prefer.
Whoops, forgot to link the registry fix. http://www.esreality.com/?a=post&id=1846538
Follow the instructions there to remove any acceleration caused by software. If Movement Record is permanently green, but the EnPtPr column says "off", then your mouse simply has negative acceleration built into the sensor.
dflameI'm actually having a similar problem to what darkstar mentioned. I recently got a new g400 sent to me by Logitech because my old g400's right click stopped working and ever since I got this new mouse I feel like I have accel on when I clearly don't. I checked all my in game sens settings, checked my windows sens settings, checked my Logitech Sofrtware's settings and everything is good. I use 800 dpi @ 1.5 in game and I have tried 3 different mousepads and it all feels the same. I did have to buy new mouse feet for my old g400 (puretrak) which probably made a difference but the thing is before I got those mouse feet my mouse felt normal (no accel) so I have no idea what is the problem. (I've tried the steelseries qck+, puretrak talent, & Razer Goliathus Speed).
If you want to check whether you have mouse accel on, you can use this tool: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5dsmcwb1ofndoub/MouseMovementRecorder_1.8_20120923x.zip
Open the zip file and run MouseMovementRecorder.exe. It will show you mouse movement and pointer movement to check if it's on a 1:1 ratio, and the EnPtPr column will say "off" or "on", depending on the accel settings.
Pointer Movement column will turn red when there's positive accel, and green when there's negative accel (or you hit the edge of your screen)
By default, your autoexec should be: C:/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/ma3laa/team fortress 2/tf/cfg/autoexec.cfg. If it doesn't already exist, create one. If it's not a hardware issue, either putting mouse settings in your autoexec, disabling Steam Cloud, or doing a full format should fix everything.
If the in-game sensitivity is changing itself for some reason, you could try this in a config:
bind mouse1 "+attack;sensitivity #"
I'm only in 8th grade so I really have no idea about college, but I already have a 32 on the ACT. I'll probably go to the best engineering school willing to give me a full ride, because I can barely afford community college.
eulogy_not upsetting at all, if u want to deal with an OS for tablets and touch screens by all means have at it
I thought the same way about Windows 8 until I tried it - really isn't that all that bad. I wouldn't say it's worth upgrading to, but you can just use Classic Shell to make it a faster Windows 7.
alias +primary "slot1;r_drawviewmodel 0;+attack"
alias -primary "-attack"
alias +secondary "slot2;r_drawviewmodel 0;+attack"
alias -secondary "-attack"
alias +melee "slot3;r_drawviewmodel 1;+attack"
alias -melee "-attack"
bind mouse1 "+primary"
bind mouse2 "+secondary"
bind mouse3 "+melee"
bind mouse4 "+attack2"
bind mouse5 "+attack2"
Using this, you can also easily set sensitivity and change crosshairs per weapon.