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Signed Up April 23, 2015
Last Posted May 6, 2020 at 6:37 PM
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#5 What If Custom TF2 Weapons Were Added To The game? in Videos
sourceyou guys ever realize how fucking retarded some of the weapons in TF2 are? even in the wacky world of TF2, they literally make no sense. for example the pretty boy's pocket pistol, how does a pistol shot gain you 3hp??? what's the mechanism behind the 3hp gained.

another example would be the solemn's vow, how does a statue allow you to view an enemy's health, name and uber charge percentage.


posted about 4 years ago
#3 What If Custom TF2 Weapons Were Added To The game? in Videos

one day, one day.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 What If Custom TF2 Weapons Were Added To The game? in Videos


Basically as the title says. Scout has a lot of broken shit for custom weaponry. I haven't seen anyone do this kind of thing before, so I decided to do it myself cuz why the hell not.

posted about 4 years ago
#5 Weaver Open Demo LFT NA in Recruitment (looking for team)
kuhnockerssaw this guys junkrat... pick him up

I wonder if you have haha

posted about 4 years ago
#4 Weaver Open Demo LFT NA in Recruitment (looking for team)
dbkbro if ur gonna play open im not sure anyone cares about ur overwatch exp

Figured to put it in, cuz why the hell not

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Weaver Open Demo LFT NA in Recruitment (looking for team)

FT Open Div sixes demo
3,600k hours
700 on demo

Played Both Highlander and 6's in ugc 3 years ago as mostly demo, looking to get back into it

Overwatch Top OD (top 50 as team frostbite)
Overwatch GM
2 Seasons of Steel Highlander and Steel 6's.
One season of RGL highlander as Heavy

Schedule is Flexiable, Please dm or add me for more info or to speak about it

https://steamcommunity.com/id/weaver2345/ Steam
https://www.ugcleague.com/player_page.cfm?refreshed=yes UGC Profile.
Discord: Weaverstein#7479

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Looking For Demoman Mentor in Mentoring

First season of iron 6v6 for demoman (my main) and i want to know how i can improve.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Just Wondering if i can start. in Q/A Help

I've been playing tf2 for about 1,700 hours and i'm a 260 hour demo main. I pubstomb alot and i want to know if i should play competitive tf2. I mainly wanna play 6v6 Demoman, but tbh, my flaws are great. I'm not a great airshotter and soldiers are a big issue. I'm also not one to talk on the mic alot, my voice is kinda wonky i guess you could say. But i have play some 6v6 lobbies, but i got pretty crushed. So i just want to know if i'm good enough to start.

posted about 9 years ago