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Last Posted April 24, 2013 at 10:43 PM
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#96 Yet another shooting in Off Topic
mustardoverlordDid you not actually read the rest of my post?

Did you? You take a stand against something by stating that talking about gun control now isn't logical and then advocate it two lines later without explaining why? The reason you state without substantiation is that it provokes a "huge emotional response", implying that it's actually not an optimal time and we might do something that we'll regret.

And I take issue with you saying that incidents such as this are an "unavoidable aspect of gun violence" - do you not think that there would be a substantially higher chance that fewer people would have been killed in this incident if getting access to guns was much more difficult? If the shooter had one handgun instead of two (or three), isn't the chance that fewer people would have lost their lives considerably higher? In a macabre coincidence, something very similar happened in China where an adult psycho went crazy in a school. Compare the body counts. You can not start discussing gun regulation by thinking that what you're doing would not have had an impact on what just happened. The twisted logic you'd need to be consistent escapes me.

mustardoverlordThe only appeal to fairness I was making is ON AN ISSUE TO ISSUE BASIS. There are bound to be shooting incidents where all the gun control in the world wouldn't have helped, but we should avoid that tainting the debate overall.

OMG CAPS. I shudder in my boots for the day you discover that you can actually make things bold, underline them etc. When reason fails resort to formatting. It is not possible to talk conclusively about events that have occurred and whether they would have either happened or not happened had the laws been in place - it's essentially a false dichotomy because you can not reduce events like this to a binary nature. This is the current argument - had access to guns and ammo been harder, there is a good chance that fewer people might have been killed. One can not hide the very motivation for what he or she is doing by claim that it would taint the debate - the debate shouldn't even exist if it doesn't play a role (and not necessarily an all-encompassing one as you imply)

mustardoverlord1) I said that the scenario for change you were describing was still possible. I just added another to solidify the argument for gun control further.

yes but you state that having fewer guns helps prevent gun violence because it changes our culture ("more realistic possibility") - not because of the intrinsic fact that fewer guns means fewer psychos get access to them. Talking about gun culture is a punditry distraction - why are you trying to create a level of abstraction when the factors affecting the debate (access to guns, enforcement of gun ownership responsibility etc) are all concrete?

If you're going to argue politics over the internet, at least have the decency to state your main point disclaimer-free in the first few lines.

Edit- quote formatting

posted about 12 years ago
#52 Yet another shooting in Off Topic
mustardoverlordhowever, whether or not it's logical to begin gun control conversations only after tragic events like this (it's not), I think it's still good to have those conversations in the first place.

Your post is a textbook example of the biased towards "fairness" mentality. In a week, no one will remember this tragedy; if any, this is the only time we'll get a chance to have a serious conversation about the direction gun ownership laws in this country will take. One can discuss and debate the issues all they'd like without getting anything done (as is often the case) and "agreeing to disagree".

The logical, rational thing to do is to identify what went wrong and take corrective action. For instance, in this case, the shooter stole his guns from his mother. In the spirit of getting things done, focus on getting legislation that puts the pressure on gun owners to make sure their weapons are safe, such as forcing guns to be locked when not in physical proximity of the permit holder, preventing others from handling their weapons etc. Enforce these with harsh financial penalties or the threat of revoking permit (such as points on a driver's license). There will not be a grand, over-arching conclusion to this saga, the best that can be done is to take small steps forward

mustardoverlordif anything though, aside from the possibility of more gun control -> less access to weapons -> no shooting, there's the more realistic possibility of more gun control -> less gun-obsessed culture over time -> less seeking out of firearms -> less gun violence

It's very tempting to pin the blame on abstract issues such as "gun-obsessed culture" to console ourselves with inaction. The simple fact is that the ease of procuring guns (and ammo), the complete lack of weapons training, no enforcement of gun-ownership responsibility and the sheer number of guns out there are explanation enough.

posted about 12 years ago
#41 Yet another shooting in Off Topic
defiance"he stole the guns"


To make sure we only sell guns to people who've demonstrated an understanding of the tremendous responsibility that comes with gun ownership. When it's harder to get a driver's license than a gun permit, something is definitely wrong.

posted about 12 years ago
#37 Yet another shooting in Off Topic
downpourthe thing is if someone wants to kill someone it doesnt matter what the gun regulations are, they'll find a way to get a gun.
gun regulations make it harder, yeah, but it wont effectively stop it.

Are you aware of the fact that a very substantial portion of gun related deaths aren't premeditated and can be considered spur of the moment based on arguments or disputes? (http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2010/crime-in-the-u.s.-2010/offenses-known-to-law-enforcement/expanded/expandhomicidemain).

This is such a bullshit argument, guns make it so much easier for people to kill each other. All you need is a twitch of a finger and a disturbed person to lose control of his/her emotions.

posted about 12 years ago
#34 Yet another shooting in Off Topic

Also duder, Beslan was a fucking terrorist attack by Chechen rebels. That's like saying that the guys behind 9/11 didn't have guns, ergo gun control won't help prevent unnecessary deaths!

posted about 12 years ago
#32 Yet another shooting in Off Topic
duderIt was not "easy" for him to obtain firearms.

How do you know that? Unless you have a source you're blatantly speculating.

duderIn fact, Connecticut and New Jersey have extremely strict gun control,

CT doesn't have "strict" gun control, you can walk in a store and buy a rifle/shotgun without a permit or waiting period. Maybe stricter compared to the rest of the country but definitely not strict. And if in doubt, hop next door to Rhode Island and grab one without a permit or Id. Plus, how did New Jersey get in the picture?

duderschools are a gun-free zone

Ya that dude broke the law and should be arrested. Oh wait.

duderand the shooter was below the legal age to lawfully own guns.

From NYTimes, "The gunman, who was believed to be in his 20s". Is there an update to this I don't know about.

posted about 12 years ago
#30 Demo Reviews by cyzer in Mentoring
Saltysally1i'm pretty shit but in this one i did especially shit so i can't wait for the brutal honesty :)

wasn't a team i play with alot so i don't really care about the team aspect just what i could do better.

AFTERWARD: was really fun, i'll probably rewatch that a few times to comprehend but he wasn't brutally honest like he said it was all constructive and helpful

I used to think that you were merely an annoying shitposter, but after the first 5 minutes of that demo I'm convinced that you're a comedic genius who built a reputation as one just to troll cyzer into reviewing a demo of someone playing completely blindfolded.

posted about 12 years ago
#48 spacewhales need a little help in TF2 General Discussion
mustardoverlordill donate if br0 players actually start contributing to the community in the slightest

Clockwork, who is a part of br0, shot and uploaded a fairly large number of videos over the last lan weekend which I'm sure quite a few people enjoyed. He and Shade were the only ones who did so, iirc.

posted about 12 years ago
#2 Chip-in Threads in TF2 General Discussion

Didn't you quit tf2?

posted about 12 years ago
#10 CRT refresh rate in TF2 General Discussion

1. Post monitor name + model number
2. Post graphics card make + model number
3. Post OS

Asking for help without any of the above is a waste of time.

If your CRT manual says it can do 160hz at a certain resolution and said resolution/refresh rate doesn't show up by default, create a custom setting in Nvidia/AMD control panel with said details.

posted about 12 years ago
#11 spacewhales need a little help in TF2 General Discussion

I feel anyone made to play dm13 should be paid at least $500 for the trouble.

posted about 12 years ago
#9 scout v scout tips? in Mentoring

If you need to preface your post with a "lol I'm bad" disclaimer, you probably shouldn't be giving advice.
Fastest way to improve scout v scout is to get a 120hz monitor, makes adadad scouts really easy to hit.
Don't jump or do anything silly that throws off your aim (don't let this become a habit or you'll get wrecked by soldiers).
Two more habits to avoid - waiting for them to strafe into your cursor and trying to move to their sides. Both work very well against people who don't mge often but you'll be butchered by decent players once they pick up on it.
Do the above and mge for about a hundred hours and you're all set.

posted about 12 years ago
#2 [Scout] LFT - Low IM / High Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

You forgot to mention that you were also on MDK- with the legendary demoman and tf2 personality silk.

posted about 12 years ago
#224 rip tf2 invite in TF2 General Discussion
ukmwisebrahIts not dieing but the skill level is DEFINITELY lowering, aside from the top 2-4 teams.
What are you basing this claim on, exactly?

The fact that he is in IM.

posted about 12 years ago
#32 OWL 8 in TF2 General Discussion

What team is rep on?

posted about 12 years ago
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