mustardoverlordDid you not actually read the rest of my post?
Did you? You take a stand against something by stating that talking about gun control now isn't logical and then advocate it two lines later without explaining why? The reason you state without substantiation is that it provokes a "huge emotional response", implying that it's actually not an optimal time and we might do something that we'll regret.
And I take issue with you saying that incidents such as this are an "unavoidable aspect of gun violence" - do you not think that there would be a substantially higher chance that fewer people would have been killed in this incident if getting access to guns was much more difficult? If the shooter had one handgun instead of two (or three), isn't the chance that fewer people would have lost their lives considerably higher? In a macabre coincidence, something very similar happened in China where an adult psycho went crazy in a school. Compare the body counts. You can not start discussing gun regulation by thinking that what you're doing would not have had an impact on what just happened. The twisted logic you'd need to be consistent escapes me.
mustardoverlordThe only appeal to fairness I was making is ON AN ISSUE TO ISSUE BASIS. There are bound to be shooting incidents where all the gun control in the world wouldn't have helped, but we should avoid that tainting the debate overall.
OMG CAPS. I shudder in my boots for the day you discover that you can actually make things bold, underline them etc. When reason fails resort to formatting. It is not possible to talk conclusively about events that have occurred and whether they would have either happened or not happened had the laws been in place - it's essentially a false dichotomy because you can not reduce events like this to a binary nature. This is the current argument - had access to guns and ammo been harder, there is a good chance that fewer people might have been killed. One can not hide the very motivation for what he or she is doing by claim that it would taint the debate - the debate shouldn't even exist if it doesn't play a role (and not necessarily an all-encompassing one as you imply)
mustardoverlord1) I said that the scenario for change you were describing was still possible. I just added another to solidify the argument for gun control further.
yes but you state that having fewer guns helps prevent gun violence because it changes our culture ("more realistic possibility") - not because of the intrinsic fact that fewer guns means fewer psychos get access to them. Talking about gun culture is a punditry distraction - why are you trying to create a level of abstraction when the factors affecting the debate (access to guns, enforcement of gun ownership responsibility etc) are all concrete?
If you're going to argue politics over the internet, at least have the decency to state your main point disclaimer-free in the first few lines.
Edit- quote formatting