added :)
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Last Posted | December 8, 2023 at 1:09 PM |
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why can't valve just remove all unfair unlocks
TF2 General Discussion
bLaFzzyIt was more than that, he gave his team kritz and uber so they wouldn't get completely rolled by star_'s team iircwell, the match was all in good fun, and money was still going to charity
i don't think it was too bad to give his team massive buffs, since star_'s team still won
yeah, I mean I'm sure people don't doubt this but Robin never breaks out the valve RL unless people want him to
(and we really wanted him to)
posted about 7 years ago
Thank you all
TF2 General Discussion
thanks for always helping TotH out with servers tragic. thanks, as well, for the papa johns gift card from 2013 that I finally got around to using, hahaha :D
enjoy the family time :)
posted about 7 years ago