Frequently Asked Questions (and answers)
Q: How will the 6v6 and Highlander tournaments be scheduled?
A: There will be 'blocks' of each gamemode; so if the day starts with 6v6 group stage the Highlander group stage games will not start until later. Each playoff stage is their own 'block' of games.
Q: Do I need to join a team after signing up on the Copenhagen Games website?
A: Yes, otherwise you can't book your LAN ticket. You can create or join a team created by your team leader.
Q: I want to play 6v6 and Highlander, but can only join 1 team after signing up?
A: The actual tournament sign-ups for teams will be announced later.
Q: I want to order pizza and bring my own bottle of coke to the venue, can I?
A: No, there is no outside food or beverages allowed in the new LAN venue, but with the new venue we will get proper food & drink stands with more reasonable pricing.
Q: Do I need to be at the venue on the Wednesday?
A: No. However it is recommended to set up your (rental) PC before 10AM on the Thursday!
Q: Where are the sleeping accommodations if they are not at the venue?
A: The sleeping halls will be close to the Copenhagen Central Station and will have shuttle buses going between them and the LAN venue around the clock.
Q: Can I sleep in a hostel/hotel/AirBnB somewhere else in Copenhagen and still use the shuttle buses?
A: Yes, how to access the buses will be announced later.
Q: I have more questions not in this FAQ, where do I ask them?
A: Here in this thread or on the Copenhagen Games TF2 Discord where you can also look for teams/players and coordinate travel and offer to share (info on) accommodation.