@Koncept: HudMatchStatus.res the BlueTeamPanel/RedTeamPanel sections where if_large is used for the big version in Casual
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561197990121837 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:29856109] |
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Country | Netherlands |
Signed Up | June 22, 2013 |
Last Posted | December 17, 2024 at 12:26 PM |
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In-game Sensitivity | 4 |
Windows Sensitivity | 5 |
Raw Input | 1 |
3200 |
Resolution |
2560*1080 |
Refresh Rate |
60 |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | Roccat Kone XTD |
Keyboard | Ducky Shine 2 (Yellow) + Brown Cherry Switches |
Mousepad | Roccat Taito |
Headphones | Roccat Kave |
Monitor | Dell U2711 |
It is easier to simply duplicate this file to /tf/custom/my_casual_maps/casual_criteria.vdf, after setting your map preferences once and not have to worry about read only things, and allows for convenient backup in your custom folder.
The hud in action in a casual cast I did on my channel:
Did a very casual cast on my channel of this game to show off hud things. VOD + logs in the description.
duck_ as mentioned before by me and by Medico you most likely messed up the image/border/colors for TFFatLineBorderBlueBG in clientscheme.res
Seeing a magenta color like this 99% indicates a missing texture, confirm with 'showschemevisualizer clientscheme' in console and check your borders.
The images for spectatortournament.res can be found in /materials/vgui/class_portraits
- The ones in tf2_texture_dir.vpk are the actual vtf images
- The tf2_mix_dir.vpk vmt files control how the vtf images look ingame
Shame there isn't a new version of this plugin for OBS Studio
Or is there a magical folder you need to move the plugin to or create locale strings to get it to work with the new BrowserSource?
Duplicate the TargetNameLabel element, zpos it over the original name with a custom fgcolor_override and it should work (mirror fonts and position/sizes so both effectively show the same, just the custom colored one is leading/visible)
A MM demo won't help you, it doesn't show the TeamStatus from HudMatchStatus on top, you can set mp_tournament_readymode 1/2 to possibly edit readymode stuff, but that still won't trigger the 'if_match' sections.
Going AFK in casual with a stack should prevent you from getting kicked, using vgui_cache_res_files 0 and just doing editing things ingame will work just fine.
And tf_competitive_mode 1 is broken/disabled for local servers to be able to edit the MM hud stuff locally.
Happy to help improvement this framework.
With the sticky keys at the bottom, also add -duck, possibly -use_action_slot_item and other minus aliases that can get stuck.
Line #315 you have fv_invslot5 instead of 6
You could provide a bunch more aliases for voice commands and possible taunt aliases (taunt_by_name "tauntname;" (mind the semi-colon after the name before the closing quote!))
I might have not been able to read properly, but is there a 'modifier' section, where for instance you hold down shift/ctrl/alt to trigger a +alias which rebinds/realiases a bunch of keys so you can have multiple actions bound to the same key by simply holding down a button (e = medic | E = help!)
@ duck_ Don't add extra elements to the koth timers, they won't load/be shown anyway, the only way is to add a bgcolor_override to the TimePanelValue as explained earlier
Also the 'purple' is a pink for missing texture, so you might have messed up the file path for the image in the clientscheme border definition for the Blue team
@ deetr: +togglescores; vgui_drawtree 1; in console, figure out which elements are causing issues, compare to the default hudfile if necessary and fix the elements accordingly
@ duck, check my earlier post about the bgcolor_override for the koth timer elements
You should also have a purple box behind your timer on CP maps, the file path for the image in your HudObjectiveTimepanel TimeBG is still without the h in thumbnails.
Check the default HudObjectiveKothTimepanel file and check which elements you added, I think you can remove a bunch of elements you added yourself and simply get away with giving the TimePanelValue a bgcolor_override to give them the color you want.
@anito226: HudMatchSummary.res
@duck: are you sure its 'tumbnails' and not 'thumbnails? ;)
duck_IDK why but when i tried to customize the capture point icons this happened http://puu.sh/qe2j7/781accfb27.jpg
Check the flags on the original vtf for the capture progress image, there is a 'loop' flag called Clamp S/T which need to be set so it doesn't start looping like that.
For the team colored time background you need to use a CTFImagePanel and teambg_1-3, check other huds who have it (mine in WietHUD), in your case the xpos might be wrong and move it out of the box and I would recommend using a proportionaltoparent 1 and/or a cs-0.5 for centering this element if you don't pin it.