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Last Posted December 1, 2013 at 3:00 PM
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#10 Comp.tf 1st bball cup w/ NEW BBALL MAP in TF2 General Discussion
BenroadsI think being able to shoot rockets through a backboard is a somewhat important gameplay change. Not sure why you would add this but whatever. Map itself looks nice except for the random explosion area on the court that seems really out of place with the rest of the map. I also probably would have gone for regular paint overlays instead of caution tape as they're a bit distracting imo.

Thanks for the feedback

1st, i wouldn't really call that a game changer at all lol, i'd like to see some airshots throught the gap.
but if enough ppl complain, i'll fix that

2nd, the hole in the floor, was just to add some detail to the actual court, again, if enough ppl complain, i'll change it

3rd, i might agree with the stripes, but i guess that depends on your config, really.


posted about 11 years ago