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Signed Up February 20, 2014
Last Posted January 1, 2015 at 4:32 PM
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#117 eXtv-Vlog: The Future in TF2 General Discussion

Valve told us before that they are not interested in comp TF2, I don't know what made people think that Valve would be interested in competitive AR or any other format that isn't 6s/hl.

Matchmaking could be implemented, but what many people don't seem to understand is that it would simply result in ranked pub games, with the higher rank games in matchmaking being doublemixes with strong DM players. The game mode that would be played in matchmaking is almost 100% guaranteed to not be a huge thing. It will not result in Valve sponsoring LANs and it will not create a huge inlfux of players in ETF2L/ESEA/UGC e.t.c

The other thing is that Valve aren't financially supporting the comp community, if they did then it would actually save the game, since the players who quit TF2 would return, just for the cash, but everyone realized already that it will not happen.

The decreasing amount of players in leagues is the primary concern, right? Advertising comp to pubbers will not save the game either, even if Valve do a popup in the TF2 client with a message that comp exists and with tips on how to join. Most of them are too bad to compete, are not interested in playing comp at all, or will lose the interest in it really soon. Remember HL Open? It had 256 teams, right? How many HLO teams decided to play in the next ETF2L HL season? 5? 7?? It's a perfect example.

We can't stop the slow death of TF2, there's simply nothing you can do when people simply lose the interest in the game. But TF2 is still alive, right? You can still play in those leagues like you always did, and there are no signs of those leagues dying soon, ETF2L has a long way till it becomes what Wireplay is today, and ESEA has a long way till CEVO (correct me on the last part though, I could be terribly wrong).

I'll end this by saying that people that want TF2 to be something more... are just egoists, want free cash or just aren't realistic with their dreams, like I said, you can still play your 6v6 and HL, but there's little help from shitposting on the forums and begging valve to support competitive which would simply be wasted money for them.

posted about 10 years ago
#49 TF2 Update - 10/30/14 in TF2 General Discussion
_In_SanitySpy is still busted. Spy checking teammates will cause the health above a disguised spy's head to go down.

Can someone confirm this?

posted about 10 years ago
#44 TF2 Update - 10/30/14 in TF2 General Discussion
smakersLosing your uber percentage when you back-spawn is intended. It's the punishment for having to back-spawn. I don't know about other leagues, but a round can be overturned in ESEA if a medic exploits that.

It's allowed in Europe though. Changing loadouts/classes to survive when you're nearly dead and just entered the spawn door is allowed as well.

posted about 10 years ago
#41 TF2 Update - 10/30/14 in TF2 General Discussion
MessyRecipeNoticed this too, will have to change class now to forward spawn :( It was sometimes buggy anyway though, I remember a number of times I'd have to hammer on it multiple times to get the respawn to happen.

Is it only for, say Loadout A -> Loadout A? I think I wasn't getting respawns even with swapping loadouts (for demo I usually just swap between paintrain and bottle loadouts to switch spawns).

The reason you couldn't "swap" from Loadout A to Loadout A and that you needed to spam your bind were slow steam servers.

And changing classes isn't a thing for Medic or Engi since all your uber percentage and buildings would be gone. I can imagine getting stuck with 100% in the Badlands forward spawn and being unable to teleport to your first spawn without losing your uber.

posted about 10 years ago
#81 PAYDAY 2 Giveaway in Off Topic

A generic thank you

posted about 10 years ago
#459 GXL LAN Fall 2014 in News

Don't know if it was said or not, but the timelimit for the golden caps has been removed in Europe.

posted about 10 years ago
#71 Saloon.tf in Projects
CHERRYNo one would be crazy enough to bet against Epsilon

Unless they are playing against Awsomniac or Americans.

CHERRYDraws are easy everyone gets their items returned, what else is there to do?

1) Add a third option for draws since it's a possible outcome? Betting for a draw would be a pretty smart and a popular choice for certain games.
2) If the game ends with a draw, the ones that were betting on the favorite get less items, while people that betted on the underdogs get more.

Edit: 1) and 2) are two different options, I just realized that it wasn't as obvious

posted about 10 years ago
#65 Saloon.tf in Projects

Who gets the dosh if Team A wins the game itself, but Team B gets the default? Georgia-Ukraine is a good example.
And you need an option for draws as well. (and remember that some games aren't even allowed to end with a draw at all)

posted about 10 years ago
#13 packet loss in Q/A Help
remedynot getting any packet loss in mumble, panic says that means it probably isnt my isp. helpXacherLots of people get the exact same thing after the TF2 update, I'm pretty sure that the problem is with TF2 and not on your ISP's side.

There is no known fix, sadly

posted about 10 years ago
#7 packet loss in Q/A Help

Lots of people get the exact same thing after the TF2 update, I'm pretty sure that the problem is with TF2 and not on your ISP's side.

posted about 10 years ago
#58 World Cup in Off Topic


That Ghana flag though

posted about 10 years ago