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Signed Up November 25, 2012
Last Posted September 20, 2021 at 11:36 PM
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#297 IM News (and sometimes other things) in TF2 General Discussion

You think so? He is on my friends list, he could have asked me or corrected me there.

posted about 9 years ago
#295 IM News (and sometimes other things) in TF2 General Discussion
SleepingLifeWhat do you think Megawac plays on our team Xan?

What part of rushed in 1 hour because I have more important stuff to prepare for don't you fucking understand. If I had the time, I would have went and checked your logs instead of going off memory when I last played your shenanigan team. But of course this is the one to nitpick, I could have just left you guys off and kept Syops claiming it to be a fluke.

posted about 9 years ago
#282 IM News (and sometimes other things) in TF2 General Discussion

Well, that complicates things.

posted about 9 years ago
#280 IM News (and sometimes other things) in TF2 General Discussion

Thanks. 2 term exams, an exam pretending to be a quiz, and a paper led me to proofread this one less.

posted about 9 years ago
#278 IM News (and sometimes other things) in TF2 General Discussion

Viaduct week is out. Because I didn't have the same time to watch all of the games (I caught as many as I could as they happened which luckily was most), expect a more robust playoff preview

posted about 9 years ago
#519 ESEA-O S20 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

Wheelchair Jimmy the icon

posted about 9 years ago
#517 ESEA-O S20 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion
Deeraim-new team: down with the whites

EDIT: Waterboys: deer, indecency

Damn, why I gotta be a waterboy :(

Not even on the bench, I see how you darkies are going to act. I'mma start my own light skin anti-white team, with hookers. I'm going to recruit Louisville players.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 The True Hypest World Championship in Esports

I can't believe that TF.TV has gone without anyone mentioning the

2015 Big Buck World Championship

Big Buck Hunters from around the world are BACK to compete for the coveted title of 2015 Big Buck World Championship, $15,000 in cold hard cash, and the glorious Jugs of Destiny! Watch ESPN Personality, Sarah Spain, host the biggest arcade gaming event of the year at the Chicago Hard Rock Cafe!

posted about 9 years ago
#275 IM News (and sometimes other things) in TF2 General Discussion

I am now up to 3 song posts, and a song quote from a mysterious stranger.

5:25 AM - akm`: I popped a couple Xans, Now I feel like I'm the man
Xan Smoke Drink Lean
5:25 AM - akm` is now Offline.

Dude added me, said that then removed me.

posted about 9 years ago
#270 IM News (and sometimes other things) in TF2 General Discussion
flatlineIM writers have a history of going completely insane

Nah flatline I'm perfectly sane. Man I might actually be too sane, I may need to tone down the sanity.

posted about 9 years ago
#261 IM News (and sometimes other things) in TF2 General Discussion

Due to some issues taken up with my views. I have made an article about Exultance's status as a wildcard team. Working title is "The Exultance Enigma", the alternative was sit down child

I'd be glad for some notes.

posted about 9 years ago
#252 IM News (and sometimes other things) in TF2 General Discussion

I'm pretty sure I explicitly asked Exultance to stop being wildcards a couple of weeks ago. But also, why in the world was Botmode on medic.

posted about 9 years ago
#241 IM News (and sometimes other things) in TF2 General Discussion
saamwhen u acknowledge xan's power rankings when he thought sen+hi5 weren't the the best scout combo in IM


Don't have selective memory Saam. If you remember that, then you should have also read

"At the same time Sen is on the way to proving me to be WILDLY incorrect with his performance in the early games."

That was week two. Two weeks after those Pre-season player rankings, I have long since changed my mind.

Frankly I don't know why I continue to acknowledge you three when you post. I swear that you three are just incredible wastes of forum space. You always post one after another, and it's never as funny or clever as you think it is to anyone but you. Every single time you guys post it's like suffering acid to the eyes, but I have to at least see it. So maybe it's more like a train wreck. Or like I'm near the rails when a train wrecks, and its carrying acid for some reason and I just stand there and suffer acid to the face. I should've known better in the first place.

posted about 9 years ago
#239 IM News (and sometimes other things) in TF2 General Discussion

You got me on the SGO gullywash game, I remembered incorrectly, turns out it was Sunshine and Viaduct. For the second statement my response is as follows, are you mentally disabled? Why on Earth would that game, a game where you comeback from a deficit be evidence of you tilting. What sort of stupidity does it take to make that connection. Would that be the first evidence of a tiltback? Wouldn't a comeback inherently be the opposite of tilting. Did you think for maybe 3 seconds before you thought you got me and posted it, kiddo?

Exactly Safrix. Your team was beefing. You beefed against Gorillion Dollars. And by that standard, you beefed against SGO in Razer. If you think about it, you guys are tied in Map wins.

You beat them on Gullywash twice: 5-4 and 3-2
You lost on Sunshine: 6-1
You lost on Viaduct: 3-2

SO if you think about. They've got you in round wins 15-11. AND is you are able to lose 3 rounds to a single person, than maybe you aren't that good. Maybe you're actually worse than I thought.

posted about 9 years ago
#236 IM News (and sometimes other things) in TF2 General Discussion

After a (FULLY WARRANTED) hiatus, the power rankings are out

I have a wholly unnecessary article coming

posted about 9 years ago
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