prestonYeeegzprestonnew players should play in tf2mix, just hop innnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Why do you play in tf2mix then?
it'd be better for new players to play with 11 players who are playing correctly, just ask for help! i would be more than happy to help someone new on my team and help em out with positioning and reacting.
one minor inconvenience with newbie mixes is that only 1 mentor is teaching 5 new players. if it was the other way around, say 5 mentors with 1 newbie, think how much the new player could learn from that experience.
i'm not here to tell new players to hop in so i can stomp them, but rather that there are people willing to help you if you simply ask. i've coached in a lot of the newbie mixes and i know most can handle tf2mix with some guidance. especially those who need a stepping point after playing dozens of newbie mixes.
A lot of players don't share your helpful enthusiasm. Some of them even think that the noobs "ruin" pugs because they don't watch flank or bleed all the time but don't bother to explain to them what they're doing wrong.
The skill gap of tf2mix is going to be very wide if more new players start showing up. Most people who play also play in tf2mix. It's good that the community is growing and all, but not everyone wants to coddle new players, they should go to newbie mixes for that.