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Country United States
Signed Up April 23, 2014
Last Posted May 31, 2023 at 10:33 PM
Posts 95 (0 per day)
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#1 Mainland China Ping Issue Fix Guide in TF2 General Discussion

As a big fan of TF2 it was absolutely crucial that when I moved to Mainland China (not Taiwan or Hong Kong) that I could play. I moved to a small city about 3 hours north of Hong Kong. When I attempted to connect I found that my ping to regions outside of the mainland were always terrible. I learned later it was a routing issue. Since Chinese telecoms have made it so expensive to route to the mainland, there are very few of these routes. Because of these routing issues, I was getting pings over 100 to a server in HK that was relatively very close. In America, where I am from, a server the same distance away would have produced pings of 30 or 40 at most. Luckily today I was introduced to a Chinese program for gamers that alleviates these routing issues. Using this program I have not only lowered my ping, but I have also increased the amount of available servers by over 1000.

I felt like this was a big deal so I am going to guide other English speaking expats on the mainland through the installation process. I don't speak any Mandarin, so I gotta give smeS a shoutout for the help.

Here's the website:

Step 1: There is a big button that says "Free download".

Step 2:

The first tick box is for the agreements and licensing. Keep that checked. The second box is for creating a desktop icon. The third box is for starting on boot up. After checking the right box, hit the blue oval.

Step 3:

Make sure you are on the "rocket ship" section of the sidebar. Click the square with the + sign in the middle of it.

Step 4:

Using the search bar, find TF2. Typing Team Fortress 2 won't work. Click that and wait for it to load up.

Step 5:

Click the light blue bar underneath the box with Chinese characters inside of it.

Step 6:

Click the center square in this picture.

Step 7:

Click the link next to that tiny arrow.

This is what it should look like. After this, go to TF2 and check your pings.
inb4 Chinese spyware and my computer is now part of a botnet.


1. Make sure the program is closed.
2. A dialogue will pop up giving you multiple boxes to check for why you chose to uninstall.
3. Click the top left one and hit the big light blue oval button. It should then uninstall.

edit: m4ngol apparently knew about this first and wanted to know.

posted about 8 years ago
#19 Moving to asia, need some info/advice about tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
Steviebfaalizeewhy don't you play OZF?Good question. Could I ping good from say Shanghai to Australia?

Ping from Mainland China to anywhere that isn't mainland, including HK is not good. It's a routing issue. I live in Zhuzhou, which is closer to HK than my city in America .is to Chicago. In America, I can play on Chicago servers with about 60 ping. From Zhuzhou to HK, my ping is typically 100 to 250.

With that in mind, there are a few decently populated mainland Chinese pub servers with okay players, but it tends to rotate between Harvest and Dustbowl exclusively. These servers also don't usually get populated until around 7 to 8pm.

...or maybe you're not even going to China.

posted about 8 years ago
#125 TF2Center DDosed in TF2 General Discussion

Maybe I'm out of the loop, but does downfragging affect anything on the website? Will I get banned if I hit a certain number of negative frags?

posted about 8 years ago
#16 Team SoloUber picks up duwatna in News


posted about 9 years ago
#21 Happy Thanksgiving! in Off Topic

I'm thankful that my ancestors murdered the fuck out of the natives.

edit: also pumpkin pie and fam. lmfao

posted about 9 years ago
#12 G2 signs TF2 Epsilon team in Off Topic

Haha, fuck yea. If Valve isnt willing to pick up the damn slack that Overwatch is grabbing, then fuck valve. They dig their own grave. Let's see some hustle, valve. I'm not waiting for your shit anymore. Do this or die.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 I'm sorry in Off Topic
ObiI've played lobbies with you (i think), you were never really that toxic.

Oh, yea, I know I've played a center or two with you. Word for the cognisance.

Air_4:52 AM - and seven times never kill man: fucking tftv sheeple need to be told what to upvote

Thank you.

posted about 9 years ago
#6 I'm sorry in Off Topic
Air_shut the fuck up candlestick

Thank you.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 I'm sorry in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
#40 what a time to be alive in Music, Movies, TV
thmpsnon god people always ask this question when you say something they like is bad

No they don't.

posted about 9 years ago
#28 what a time to be alive in Music, Movies, TV
indecencyi would give it a 4.5 out of 10

Who is your favorite rapper?

posted about 9 years ago
#10 We love krunk in TF2 General Discussion

Jort swag.

posted about 9 years ago
#25 what a time to be alive in Music, Movies, TV
Selcfuture cuts off his tongue so he wouldnt be able to pronounce anything whoop

The legend is that Future had to give his tongue to satan for the success he would achieve.

posted about 9 years ago
#23 what a time to be alive in Music, Movies, TV
phAZEyea i think it's decently good but nothing mind blowing or album of the year material. agreed with kev in that ds2 and iyrtitl were both better.

DS2 was better from a purely Future perspective. Putting Drake up on the kind of beats Future usually raps on sets the theme for some really energizing tracks. This is some club music, take your girl on a drive music, daily commute to work music, drinking 40s with the homies music.

ChangeWhere you at mang!?

They told me I couldn't rent a car since I was "visibly intoxicated" or some shit. idk

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Tip of the Hats Scammer in TF2 General Discussion
TuryIt's crazy how these low life people can come from the same community of people who donate thousands of dollars to such a great cause.

I don't really consider people who steal cars or break into homes as a "part of the community" in the same way I don't consider these scammers a part of our community.

posted about 9 years ago
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