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Signed Up November 5, 2012
Last Posted April 9, 2013 at 10:46 PM
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#32 HOWTO: Use yz50/clockwork KonrWings in any HUD in Customization

#31 has it
default crosshair =/= the "none" crosshair

also apparently pat_micmip 2 which makes the textures all shitty changes how the crosshairs look, they get a bit more bold in picmip 2 as far as I know

posted about 11 years ago
#10 HOWTO: Use yz50/clockwork KonrWings in any HUD in Customization



that's what I intended the crosshair to look like when I initially setup all the font/hud files. it's supposed to have the "none" crosshair overlap to make the sides a little more bold, and give the soldier crosshair those little prongs. if you use my settings I'm not sure how it'll look if you use it on a different resolution than 1024x768, it'll probably be a little off centered.

posted about 11 years ago
#14 Really Small Mice? in Hardware

razer abyssus is nice if you have the right mousepad for it

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Crosshair help in Q/A Help

the ones I have posted in my youtube vid descriptions are busted I think, an update forced me to remove a file (forgot which one) that glitched some stuff up


just copy/pasted my settings into that rar

the actual crosshair I use is in the garm3nfont.ttf, if you go into that you'll notice some look different than the others. the one I fixed is "z" in that font file, as far as I know the rest aren't symmetrical. I use the "none" crosshair (cl_crosshair_file "") for the dot in the middle and to make the brackets thicker and more noticeable. keep in mind that I have my hud crosshair setup to go on top of the cl_crosshair_file "", not by itself. you're going to have to adjust your tf2 in-game crosshair size (cl_crosshair_scale 32 for me) to go right on top of the hud crosshair. the "none" crosshair looks the way it does for me because of my mat_picmip 2. also make sure you're referencing the right letter in the hudlayout.res or else you'll be using one of the other crosshairs in that font file. good luck

posted about 11 years ago
#13 tracking in TF2 General Discussion

try playing some guitar hero I feel like it helps my finger dexterity

sometimes when I'm playing I also try extending my mouse hand pinky, less drag on your mouse pad for optimal performance~

posted about 12 years ago
#70 Post a link to your youtube channel in Off Topic


tf2 scrim clips, and some old quake stuff

posted about 12 years ago
#132 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 12 years ago
#10 shootmania community tourny in Off Topic


posted about 12 years ago
#6 quake crosshairs in TF2 General Discussion


#4 n yeah I used it in quake, saw garmen had it done in his hud already so i just made it symmetrical by editing the font and added it to broesel clientscheme

posted about 12 years ago