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Signed Up January 2, 2015
Last Posted January 2, 2015 at 8:16 PM
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#39 Scout/Medic LFT low open in Recruitment (looking for team)
UncleDaneAtomisk plays Soldier for my Steel team. He's usually rude, loud, obnoxious (when he both wins and loses), half the time he's drunk off his ass, spams his binds and is easily the biggest trash talker on our team.

But I really don't mind. Most teams we play against have their own "version" of an Atomisk anyway. Not uncommon to come across people like this. It's honestly really hilarious. I dunno, I get a kick out of overconfident dudes on the internet. I mean, it's video games. This is pretty much the only place you can be a dick and not get literally punched in the face.

I totally understand the hate towards ol' Eddie here; if you have only ever played against him, of course he's going to be a dick - It's kind of his thing. If you're not at least entertained by the fact he's getting hyped from beating b4nny once or get a little bit of a chuckle out of his reactions when he gets headshot because he rocket jumped vertically into the air... you shouldn't be considering him for a team.

But if you want to experience what I get to listen to in Mumble every scrim/match: a real life version of Kanye West mixed with a Will Ferrell character playing TF2... totally add him to your roster. But hey, I'm weird. I'm a fan of cringe-humor. Obviously Atomisk ain't for everybody.

I like this guy.

Everyone take notes, Someone posted constructive criticism. You all should try it.

posted about 10 years ago