I was wondering whether there are any places on the web where people can join a party (or ask for a party) to play matchmaking with?
I wanted to play 6s for ages but found TF2 center a bit too intimidating (because of what is expected of you), and also a bit of a hassle (I play TF2 to relax in the eves, so pubs were my go to). However, MM has given me a way into playing 6s, and I'm now rarely playing pubs. MM is hit-and-miss for sure, but there are a lot of games I enjoy for all the ones I don't. I know MM was disappointing for a lot of people already into competitive, but it's been the way in I needed.
Having got a basic feel for 6s, I now want to play with the same group of people more regularly (or at least occasionally). I'm not interested in committing to a team (I can't -commit- any time to TF2, although I usually play it a few times a week in the eves). I want to practise using a mic and following calls (or suggesting calls, whatever). I don't even care about it being an entire team of 6 people; just a few people of similar mindset would be good.
If anyone knows of somewhere I might find a few people to play mm with, please let me know. I had a quick look around but didn't find anything, and the parts of the tftv forum concerning finding a team didn't seem like the right place. While I'd be more than happy to play with people who have experience of playing competitive tf2, I'm also interested in people who are still learning the ropes through MM. Basically, people who are queuing up solo anyway.
p.s. I don't know how to rate my ability. I'm not shit but also not excellent - I seem to get stomped by anyone with genuine dm ability. I have quite a few more wins than losses on MM, I think, and I play a good medic (although I enjoy playing soldier)